>Sup Forums wants to stop this
What are you, gay?
nigger culture
>toothpaste likes this
What are you, a fucking nigger?
So Russia?
Why does the chick on the right have a crater on her ass
Their arses are really unimpressive.
Sure in short term it's nice, a fast and cheap arousal, how can it be bad?
But in long term it's corrupting and degrading our morals and norms. Girls are becoming whores and the boys sole purpose is too chase and obtain the favour of these whores.
Soooooooooo degenerate. REEEEEEEEEEEEE
When did everyone become obsessed with degeneracy? I swear 4-5 years ago NONE of this shit was glorified
Why the fuck do people find this hot? They look they're having some sort of spastic seizures.
I just laugh at them
Can you fucking imagine what they're thinking about while they're doing it? I really wonder.
Are they proud when they nail some difficult ass shake? When they watch the videos afterwards are they contemplating how to get a better jiggle during their second act?