Prove to me that we haven't reached rock bottom
Prove to me that we haven't reached rock bottom
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I'll just add that to my "Things I can never unsee" folder. Thanks a lot, cunt.
Remember when everyone was normal and not doing stupid shit?
Donald Trump won.
Oh we have. Only a fool would deny that.
me on the left
stubid drumpflards btpho
Self-sterilisation of mental illness and cleansing of the gene pool. Problem?
Trump won.
I don't have an iphone
Boohoo for you.
>Oh no, I'm not done with you yet, goyim
Fuck off dyke. Dykes are the biggest retards.
Kill it with fire.
That is a fertile human couple.
It's too early to be drunk enough for this shit
Trump is an FtoM, and Melania is an MtoF Tranny.
We still use toilets to poo
Yes, I feel like it was only 10 years ago that we had weirdos every now and then but now it seems like a good potion of people are fucking degenerate.
Jews literally torture us. They're mentally deranged. Why did God sick these evil creatures upon us? Does God hate us?
Not if estrogen/testosterone pills have something to say about that.
Hi, we're here for the job interview
Says the closeted fag degenerate.
When you hit rock bottom...the only way is to go up...r-right? Heh heh Heh...Heh.
They've had female to male trannies give birth while looking like dudes.
I would say the "she" has a ""passable"" face and thats it
I know what you are trying to say. But I don't think you are trying hard enough.
>Hark! Beware the Canuck! For his words arrive not from the realm of thought but are merely a consequence of the passage of wind through the skull.
Maybe it's a test.
One that has gotten way out of hand, if you ask me.
All these degeneracies will be purged.
You are like little baby. Watch this.
Now socially acceptable:
-Public execution of cis white males
-Holocaust reparation taxes
-Child slaves
Coming to a United States of America soon*!
*about 10-20 years max
spoiler: God doesn't exist and all holy books are fiction
This is just too much. Maybe there is a God.
So Islam?
Trump is President
Maybe. But the fact that this "fiction" used to keep degenerates like this in line means that it has it's place.
No. But the problem is that we promote this shit now.
If there is a God, he's an asshole that I'd like to punch in the mouth.
It's not being edgy, he's a sadistic asshole.
>Prove to me that we haven't reached rock bottom
Well for starters our flags are fucking leaves, if we were seriously rock bottom that's prolly how it would start.
Why would a woman want to turn herself into a man? They always end up looking like 2/10 beta nerd manlets without any sexual value. Being a quality man has way higher standards as opposed to women.
It is happening (but not on a massive scale) liberals are encouraging pedophiles. Once that becomes the norm, then it will be rock bottom.
Gotta be honest I fuck the trap.
But the dyke is hella ugly, those fucking scars man...
reminds me of this for some reason
I don't even care at this point, I just want the world to burn
It's white men's fault for being too weak.
Never say, "this is bad as it can get." It can ALWAYS get worse.
>Prove to me that we haven't reached rock bottom
Those are still adults.
I dont even care if they live next door, just nuke it please
We allowed Jews to control our media. We were too soft. Even we ourselves the resistance are just betas. There's millions of ultra betas controlled by the ZOG who do their bidding and do shit like go to war against Hitler.
It's like Peterson said, it can always be worse, always. So we will keep seeing more depraved shit as the years go by, until we finally snap.
Those mastectomy are ridiculous, I'd sue the hack surgeon who did that.
damn donald trump is thicc
Leftists look at this and lie to themselves, and us, that it looks beautiful. Liberalism is a mental illness.
The proportion is the same. We just live in an age of narcissistic camera whores who are happy to shove themselves in front of a camera and insist that you have to "accept them for who they are." There still really aren't that many of them. They're just really loud about it.and make it seem that way.
something tells me clicking this link will be a great way to end in a watchlist so I'm going to pass
>Prove to me that we haven't reached rock bottom
it gets worse from here, they don't have surgically altered animal legs, graft goat legs onto both of them, thats worse right?
>-Holocaust reparation taxes
That already happened. Reparations for slavery is next.
The boob job on the other hand.....hhhnnnngggggg
>until we finally snap.
And what happens after that? Are you expecting for hwyte people to just throw a temper tantrum after which the evil jooce and muslims and niggers will all just magically disappear and you'll live happily ever after?
>Remember when everyone was normal and not doing stupid shit?
this never happened, people were always disgusting deviants
No but war, civil unrest and massive shifts in culture is not unlikely.
>Reparations for slavery is next.
my ancestors were white and were sold as slaves so I get money also right?
just imagine the hilarity, slavery reparations for all people, most blacks can't collect because they can't figure out how to find the receipt for their family's purchase
Goymany; you had one fucking job!
And we would've gotten away with it too, if not for those pesky burgers, britbongs and Ivan.
>Within the pages of Butterfly Kisses you will find sexual issues and topics of female, and particularly lesbian pedophilia, and some of them will probably make some people uncomfortable. Some people will be pleased and some will be angry. But ALL should make you THINK. Our society needs to learn how to discuss highly controversial subjects without the "knee-jerk" reaction so prevalent today. Many of these topics, if we will just stop over-reacting to them and calmly, rationally think about them, may turn out to be less controversial than we thought. It is only when we understand the various sides to an issue and are ready to discuss it calmly and rationally, that we can begin to effectively deal with it.
> You can also do your own research into woman/girl love by exploring our "Media Guide" archives or "Library" where you can find many examples of women's attraction to little girls, either written in books, painted on canvas or acted out in the movies. I hope you will enjoy this web site!
I remember when I was to young to believe people would do such shit
It looks like they were involved in a car crash and the surgeons put the wrong body parts on the wrong person.
Well, it probably will.
mfw as we watch the western world crash and burn we can do nothing but watch
spoiler: the god of the jews is the devil
Oh another one! Weaponized autism stole the he will not divide flag.
Im the only person I know without tatoos, we are not living in a normal time.
and to think this is considered beautiful in the current year
Sort yourself out, Bucko.
I did not want to see that
And this is the mentality that leads to degeneracy, thanks to Frankfurt jewish slaves like this obedient little goy here
No. Civilization collapses. The massive industrial infrastructure that allows the planet to sustain a population of seven billion people buckles and fails as the society that created it is wiped out. Massive population die of occurs as the world population reruns to numbers sustainable without modern farming techniques allowed by machines and nitrate fertilizers, which is, at most, about 1.6 billion. Technology backsides to early 20th century levels as the incredibly complex infrastructure necessary for maintaining modern information age technology completely collapses. Surviving people go back to highly traditional family structure where women are protected and men shoulder most of the risks.
Its clearly Athieism that results in greater degeneracy. Believers of all faiths have higher standards
If it plays out like that, it will be the most horrific period in human history, the amount of population surplus that will fall off would be biblical.
The jews have been hardened against Christ, against decency for thousands of years.They're gonna have to be annihilated, Eugene
Same here. Nobody talks about the Irish now because one of us became president and essentially became white in America. Before that Irish freemen and Irish slaves were valued less than negros.
>help wanted, no Irish need apply
what is tribulation period for $2000
After Adam ate the fruit, Lucifer was thrown out of heaven, and thereby created the dual nature of man. Its up to man to opt for "good" or "evil". This life is a test. God has no input (unless you believe and pray for protection), but has allowed the world to develop as it has, hence the 2 in OPs pic related.
This mess will all end, and the world will be restored to morality.
Its guaranteed to happen
Still a man fucking a women. So not against the bible.
>he thinks things can't get worse than this
I wish I was still this naïve.
Amen brother
That would be all the fat hiding "her" man features.