Let me slap you retards with a dose of REALITY

Fuck your blue/red pill shit.

This is reality I'm dealing with.

>donald trump is a fad and eventually no one will care, just like pokemon go
>nationalism is a fad and eventually no one will care, just like pokemon go
>you're memes are all fads and eventually no one will care, just like pokemon go
>Sup Forums itself is a fad and eventually no one will care, just like pokemon go
>Kek is a fad and eventually no one will care, just like pokemon go
>the alt-right is a fad and eventually no one will care, just like pokemon go
>pizzagate/conspiracy theories are all modern day fads, and no one will care, just like pokemon go

sorry that you all live in your mothers basement and cant realize that the world doesnt actually work the way you think it does.

one day they will find a cure for autism and maybe you will be saved.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Really makes you think. SAGE!

Bait, ShariaBlue, or retardation? Spin the wheel to find out!

You forgot canada

Sup Forums is a honeypot where nsa/rothschilds/military-industrial increase racial tensions by weaponizing fedoras justifying a increase in defense spending because the jews don't except jesus christ as their Saviour.

I agree, OP. Fuck pokemon go. It was a bad idea and should never have been made.

>nationalism is a fad and eventually no one will care
>nationalism is a fad and eventually no one will care

>Compares everything to Pokemon Go
>Calls me autistic
Really gets my noddle boiling

>the president is a fad that will go away

>"Peace man"
>severely asspained post
What it going on h...

>just like pokemon go
Its still the most successful/#1 app to this day. If you get out of YOUR mothers basement, you'd know this.
Just because you stopped paying attention to it doesn't mean it suddenly became a fad no one cares about.

Day of the RAKE is coming, faggot leaf!

>pokemon go is just one installment of a massively successful anime franchise thats has been going for 2 dacades

You see user this is only the beginning.

no one will care when the invading American troops take you on a helicopter ride, commie

t. butthurt niantic dev

>Canada is a country with a population of less than 40 million, of that many are elderly
>People still believe these aren't proxy posters who want to shitposters with garunteed replies

What's it like being this retarded? I'm genuinely curious

If Pokemon go is the comparison you use then you are already lost, being a leaf is icing on the cake.

This thread is a fad, unlike Pokemon Go which had some substance.

tfw we memed a fad for 8 whole years

>donald trump is a fad
You made a lot of arguably good points, but Trump has literally gone too far to remain a fad: he's now the POTUS, the most powerful man in the world, and the media practically cannot stop talking about him. His tweets will appear in children's history textbooks, for fuck's sake! Perhaps he exploited several memes/fads to get where he is, but he has transcended the realm of what can be written off as a "fad".

Jokes on you, I'm actually a Canadian.

Not everyone is a proxyfag. I live outside of Toronto.

>even thinking pokemon go is relevant enough to be used in analogies
out of touch normie detected

President of US =/= fad
Leafland? That's a fad.

Another Canadian here. Winnipeg.



>nationalism is a fad
Objectively false, different forms of nationalism have existed for thousands of years and since the Romantic Movement nationalism has been a strong part of human life and culture.

its because there is no trading or pvp

Please post the original.


I agree 100%. You have convinced me and everyone else here. Your job is now complete. You can log off now.

Shut up about yo pokemon go, you tard!

>Nothing matters durrrrr time goes on
WOW ur so original my lifeview has been deconstructed I'm gonna go drink and fuck for 25 years

Yip, yip, mapple syrup.

I love the savepepe campaign so much.

N-nice meme you got there, senpai.

Just look at the free OC you can get in seconds from the tumblr tards.

The opposition is the true fad, you sheeple fuck

Sup Forums is satire you fakkiriffu

Leaf why won't you Pokemon go fuck yourself

Pokémon to go the polls


>being so butthurt about wasting your time on pokemon go that you have to shit up a board of peace