>Steven Spielberg, J.J. Abrams to Produce Syrian Refugee Drama
The Goym will love this one
>Steven Spielberg, J.J. Abrams to Produce Syrian Refugee Drama
The Goym will love this one
>Spielberg makes fictional movie about the Holohoax
>normies eat it up and claim it's fact
Oh look, those poor battle aged, rape cultured, women hating men need our help. Women open your hearts and legs to help out these poor unfortunate terrorist.. I mean refugees.
I'm starting to wonder if he even remembers making Munich.
Gonna need more parentheses
Allah, Suriyah, Bashar o bas.
The nose knows how to squeeze the money out of the cattle
>The Goyim will love this one
Not really, nobody watches this type of shit even if it wins loads of awards
For example very few people I know bothered watching 12 years a slave, and I'm surrounded by leftists
>>Tfw it's a (((coincidence))) that you can identify Jews with the same characteristics as 80 years ago
The both look like example jews.
>I'm surrounded by leftists
Do they have "lot's of black friends"?
Same with Moonlight. Every media outlet gushed for it, but have yet to meet anyone who watched it.
Abrams Juden? Hmm, Abrams / Abraham... to Jewgle!
>In b4 Assad is the incarnation of an old Mesopotamic god of war, ISIS is an inmortal horde of sand mummies, the Russians have a fleet of 5000+ air fortresses that blocks the Sun, and the refugees are the last of the Jedi
Ok jonh, this is what you don't get. They need to sell this shit to the whole world. In other words to *as many people as possible; so if you make a movie with whites shitskins wont buy it. If you use brown people, white guilt goyim will just buy it and the rest of the world (brown) will too. $$
The twist is going to be that the refugees were ISIS all along
can't wait
also the main character refugees are girls
Ew. Why don't they take them into Israel or USA if they love them so much? Dirty bastards. This film will fail miserably in any case.
I touched base with my mom the other day and she says she was at the bank and gave $20 to a refugee hanging around outside so he could have formula for his baby. Is this shit really happening or did she get scammed or am I getting trolled by my own mother? I asked her how she knew he was a refugee she didn't really specify.
Literally ((()))
>hanging around outside so he could have formula for his baby.
this is an ancient nigger scam in the usa
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( PARENTHESIS OVERLOAD ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Will the jews make a movie about the 130 dead people in the Bataclan too ?