Why white girls have no ass?

Why white girls have no ass?

asses are degenerate


Ass > Tits

Tits are for low test faggots.

Why do you lie fellow monkey?
A thread died for this, let's make it cout

Feet > ass > tits

This is the final redpill.

Tits are feminine, but both genders can have lardy mcdonald asses

If you like ass you are a literal nigger

>Hopes, dream and nurturing of the future generations

Why shitskins can't into English?

>america is nigger tier

I love me some titties.

different fat distribution.. In cold climates fat is stored in belly.. In hot climates in ass.

Doesnt count if theyre fat

argentinians are white tho


also in a lot of shitty countries there are no toilets.. so as a woman you have to duck down above a shit hole (literally)

if you do that for a couple of years you get a very trained muscled ass...

Why do niggers not have an IQ over 70?

I'm becoming an ass man as i age, is this because of the kardashian, minaj propaganda, or am i turning into a nig ?

Because our language is far more complex.

This stupid tier language called english us too retarded to our superior intelect.

Blue countries are blue because they have never seen a decent ass in their lifetime.


Because they don't give a shit.

Good god.

fact, I'm in a relationship with a whore, that loves my dick, swallow my cum, and i can pretty much stick my dick in her mouth whenever i want, she's my submissive and it's boring

I was having a lot more fun and libido when i was with a good christian girl, that didn't want to do anal, because it was much more exciting to work for it, watching her struggle and moan "no" when i put a finger in her ass, because she wanted it but thought it was a sin.

sluts kill your libido, seriously, having everything when you want is just not fun

But they have the biggest, monkey bro.
Bigger Pelvis bone.

br asking the real questions here

Not /pol, fuck off slider.

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Cant I have both mister?