I painted a portrait of based lord milo, posted it on instagram and lefties got triggered. They tried to school me on the dangers of listening to people like him as its a "slippery slope".....
Out of all the negative comments about milo's character, only one person commented on the art....
Hopefully it's appreciated here.
Looks pretty good m8
>tfw I can't draw for shit
You are a faggot
you know the rules, post your tits
>typing in the name box
>calls other faggot
Looks like a faggot.
r8 my art of our late dinner-time tv lord and saviour.
Very nice. If you put it up for auction I bet it'd fetch over $1000
The forehead is a bit too big but your technique is nice
Anatomically very weird
Face bones are distored, forehead is huge etc
It shows that you arent a pro but keep practicing and shut my mouth eventually
>Who's that on your wall, user?
>Just this guy who doesn't see fucking kids as entirely wrong.
Jen? Tits?
>being so new you don't even know what namefagging is called
it is a slippery slope. he says a few things you agree with and you completely accept his deviant lifestyle
Your gay for milo, dude. Gross. Its cool to like milo, but this is weird. Dont show that to people anymore.
It's not bad but the skin looks a bit unnaturally patchy, you got to work on getting better lighting
Who the fuck would buy that? Especially for $1,000?
Cool. I'm probably gonna do a majestic trump one next. Triggering lefties is fun
This is the most engineered post i've ever seen shill.
If you aren't a shill you need to go back
Nailed it m8.
>drawing a picture of a kike pedo faggot..kill yourself
He ded?
I'm a girl. Also as if we aren't all gay for milo.
Yeah desu this was done in a matter of a few hours. Average at best. It's just acrylic paint on black paper.
I usually paint oil on canvas....usually spend a few months working on a canvas this size.
Yeah I painted this in 2 hours. Some shit poster like me would probably still buy it for 50 though.
I'm 12 btw
milo just about all but explicitly said he has molested kids (EBEPHILIA NOT PEDOPHILIA BRO I ONLY EXPLOIT CHILDREN WHO HAVE HIT PUBERTY)
not appreciated
fuck off
draw a picture of him having his head crushed with a sledgehammer instead
fuck off
Why do people care about this attention whore again?
faggots aren't your friends
The art is good. Don\t fish for compliments in Sup Forums or in Sup Forums because you will be disappointed with the result.
Also tits or gtfo.
i made a drawing of me and my m8.
me on the left, steven to the right. r8 us.
milo is cancer
I'm old. Fuck off with your youth, cunt
Yes, fuck off Elvis.
Of course it's an Australian too.
retarded, easily manipulated, shock humor and totally against the grain because he's a gay 'right winger'
it's like the same crowd of people that like martin shrkeli: whacky kids who wish they could somewhat intelligently act whacky or edgy. plus he BTFOs FEMINIST SLUTS AND IS A GAMER GATER
it's seriously like 15-20 year old idiots who like him. his act is so fake that it should annoy anyone immediately after the 50th time he makes the 'i should giev this man a blowjob' joke. but on second thought maybe it's not an act because its likely he spent a lot of time as a prostitute for rich people. but regardless he's human slime that appeals to kids
it's irritating because he's an obvious snake in the grass jew opinion prostituting himself with a whacky gimmick and for some reason people like it. he's a drug addict faggot slime with no integrity at all
I dont do well with compliments. I'm an introvert. I've actually got a graffiti artist friend that has a pretty big following, he does a lot of political/controversial murals on the sides of buildings.....some of his paintings have spawned debates...... was actually curious to see what the feedback would be like in /pol for something like a portrait of milo. Mixed reviews, expected tits shot requests.
It's pretty nice. Are you real grill or just a trap?
>the eyes that look into your soul
At this point it is funny just seeing Sup Forums go into an autistic rage over a faggot.
>obama wiretapping
>cia confirmed rogue/unhandled
>anything milo
based Tucker
Of course I DVR him.
>being this autistic
Is there some kind of shortage of girls here?
Did you figured out that on your own?
Don't post and lurk some more or Gtfo.
Wrong place, sorry. Milo rejects White Nationalism and the Alt-Right, he may seem okay when he bashes SJW and liberals (it's funny when he does that desu) but he's definitely not /ourguy/
I had never even heard about milo until 3 months ago.
I was a lefty.... but after trump won and seeing how retarded the left has become.... i started watching rekt femist videos for a laugh. I don't agree with everything he says, but those rekt video are pretty damn funny....cant say that im a fan of this new version of feminism