Are Jews the Original NatSocs?

> Stick together as a group
> Strong in-group preference
> Have a spiritual ethno-religion binding them together like the Nazis wanted to do
> Unified culturally, linguistically, ethnically, and via a homeland (Heimat)
> Pretty racist against other groups
> Value education and status jobs and becoming smart and successful collectively

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Yes. Their a group who keep conservatism for themselves and always vote liberalism for more shekels from stupid goys.

The true people of the bible are the palistinians.
The "Jews" are Kazarians nothing special.
Extreme warmongers who converted to "judaism" religion. They are evil lucifer warshiping pigs.
When Jesus returns they shall worship him at his feet.

im going to switch tribes.

Mazel Tov!

As a Sephardic Jew please explain to me how exactly I'm a Kazar and not really Jewish....

Photoshop is amazing

This refers to Ashkenazi
But you still have no attach to the true people of the bible.
Do you consider yourself a semite?
Protip: you're not

That's the joke, the tribe who resembles nazis 100% shills against them the hardest

Shalom chaim, as you should know israel was created after germany

Yes. All we are trying to do is emulate the Jews. We are more numerous, physically stronger, and have more of a global presence. They've been very successful so far, but that's because they have been the pets of every government since 1945. Once that changes, and the lion rips off its blindfold, we will be on top again.

That's chick is legit. Name is "liztess" on insta, shame that she's got diabetes type 1

I think we resemble the middle east population pre-Arab conquest....the Druze and Assyrians...
if not semitic what are we?

>true people of the bible are the Palestinians
Explain when the jews wrote the old testament how does that not make them make them the people of the bible when the word Palestinian was even around back then?

>The true people of the bible are the palistinians.

How is that possible when Palestinians didn't exist until about 50 years ago?

Jews are the true Aryans.

Post more khazar milkers

> Word Palestine doesn't exist
> Who are the Philistines



Yes, and look how well it works for them.

They are the living proof that National Socialism is the greatest political paradigm yet devised.

> Be shill
> Try to convince Sup Forums of jews
> Post hot '''jewish woman''
> Its actually canadian french/anglo
Kikes btfo!

You obviously never met a sephardi jew in your life. They're as bad as the ashkenazis. In fact, all jews are bad.

Hispanic by name

National Socialists don't believe in diasporing themselves into other cultures to destroy them from within

They were called Hebrew
They are called Palistinians now because the "Jews" have taken their identity.

KYS mudshit.

still diddnt explain.
>jews wrote the bible (old testament)
>philistines are the real people of the bible
how is there logic there?

Read the early writings of the Nazis. They explicitly took inspiration from the rhetoric and ideology of zionists.

Never said Sephardi aren't bad.
All "Jews" are Lucifer warshiping pigs.

Being from France you've probably met many from North Africa. In my experience anyone from North Africa is pretty horrible Muslims and Jews alike....I don't find North African Jews to be representative of other Sephardic Jews...there's a big problem with them in Israel too.

That's not her, it's Liz Tess

They don't like the competition


Philistines /= Palestinians

The Philistines weren't the people of the book either, which would be obvious if you ever read the Bible.

>Omg they're waking up better call him a mudshit so je feels bad about himself
Hiw does it feel that you people have NO place on this planet?
Btw im white


the nazis had a resemblance of mutual respect to other nationalities and cultures.

The jews think it's okay to undermine and exploit others, and still can't fathom why they were persecuted.

There was a different population before the Arab conquest following the creation of Islam. The Druze people are more representative of the former non-Jewish population of the region

>t.abdul ahmed al ameriki
Back to raping 9 year olds, subuman monkey.

We are definitely not unified my dude. I'm a Conservative Messianic Jew, part of the 24%, and I can tell you that there are a lot of people in the Jewish community who would see me dead because of what I have done.

Kinda wierd if you think about it.

>open up *Mein Kampf*
>read chapter XIV detailing eastern policy
>immediately throw in the trash as it does not have mutual respect for other nationalities and cultures.
you're really dropping red pills now.

Mainstream Judaism would say you aren't following the religion if you follow the teachings of Jesus. I don''t think most would want to kill you but I'm sure plenty want nothing to do with you...

I have been told that I am no better than a pig by some retarded, baboon looking Hasidics when I was in Philly last week. Do you know what that means?

Th-thank you user..

I am more human then you will ever be.

wait, so you're one of those jews for jesus types? Aren't those just evangelical LARPers?

Just a generic insult intended to let you know they consider you a traitor and dislike you for it

The real redpill is learning that National Socialism survived through Israeli government. The Jews beat Hitler at his own game

jews are biggest cucks ever

they bring back over 200k ethiophians to israel cuz "white" askhenazi girls were not satisfied with "white" askhenazi jewish circ dicks

prove me wrong

Kikes, you hooked nose weasel.

The short answer is yes.
The long answer is an unironic yes

You are one dense faggot aren't you David?

Uh no, I'm a Jew but I have accepted Christ, like my mother before me and her mother before her. No one before her.

pretty rare for anyone to be banging an Ethiopian

Not from a Hasidic. He sees me as less than a gentile.

They also sterilized many without their consent or knowledge.

Many were sterilized when they entered.

So purely sextoys for the kike women then

it's all that except they lie and deceive instead of tell the truth which results in an impossibility to create a nation state, that's the ultimate crux

Is it always the same retard spamming that pic?


Why do the jewess typically have huge tits? Why does God play cruel tricks on us

no, its just that that list describes every ethnic group on earth other than whites who have been brainwashed into thinking thats abnormal

>Stick together as a group
kek, no. Maybe Israelis, but something like 60% of American Jews marry outside of their religion/ethnicity.


>uphold members of their religion above all others
>constantly working together as a group
>constantly helping each other make strides wherever possible
>teach values that reinforce their unity as a group
>a tiny percentage of global population
>arguably hold some of the most powerful positions in government, medicine, finance, and law

If you don't like Jews you are evidently a part of an inferior religion or race that is divided. As a result, you've been taught values that make you focus the anger generated by your shortcomings on other groups.


xcept those are hired models