They never stop. My mom teaches grade school social studies, and this is the latest educational material they are supposed to teach.
Fucking kikes
That was one of the social causes tho
Thanks for stopping by shareblue
There was no taboo on claiming the self evident racial superiority of whites and that was used as a justification in expanding to the pacific
Public school huh? Sad!
Yeah, but not the only one. The people saw a lot of opportunity in mostly uninhabited land that their elected government owned, too.
Yea but they aren't presenting it like that. It's intentionally made to look like another one of the evil white man oppressions of peace loving prairie niggers
And what are the social causes of egalitarianism? What are the social causes of "diversity"?
Do leftists not coddle niggers and spics and Muslims as if they are lesser beings needing coddling?
Is that now also social Darwinism?
No it absolutely was presented like that. It was our manifest destiny to expand because we were the civilized society on the contienet. Read a book senpai
So resources, balance of power, in some cases freedom from other governments, glory, and religion went by the wayside because of Muh racism? Have you studied history? No? Then shut the fuck up.
Wait, what's the problem here?
Nothings out of the ordinary plus it has a description of what the word "racism" means.
Everything's ok if you ask me.
>teaching burgers something about burger history
My whole point is that they are changing that
Has nothing to do with race, shill. It had to do with greed. People didn't expand West to destroy Indians. They expanded for free land. Dumb Indians were too stupid and primative to stop it.
As a communist yourself you should know all about human greed, kike.
Nice one.
However, the sad truth is that a teacher proposing critical thinking on this scale will get their equivalent of b& and v&
We learn that shit in the UK too. In school, we did:
> manifest destiny
> slavery (only slavery by whites, never the Eastern slave trade, which was larger and worse)
> the American civil war (evil South, noble North)
> British oppression of the Irish and the Indians (potato famine and Amritsar
Basically a decade of indoctrination.
isn't manifest destiny a computer game?
the end boss is hard
nope it was that we saw ourselves as destined for greatness due to our self evident superiority. That's how the case was made straight up kike
What's funny is the brits supported the south at the time
We also did the suffragette movement (muh oppressed womynz). We DID do some work on why communism fucked China up, though. So that balances out a little bit.
The (((brits))) at the top don't anymore.
This. It was to get the land.
That is even what I was taught in school.
Revising history at this point is fucking retarded.
>we learned all the important things that are directly related to our history, but not the unimportant things that are unrelated
wow how dare they
We learned ONLY about the "atrocities" we did and very rarely the contributions. Kikes at it again.
I wont teach that shit, and then when they fire me I'll fight it in court.
Lets take teaching racial bullshit all the way to the supreme court and force them to make us teach that whites are bad.
>That is even what I was taught in school.
Unfortunately it won't be the same for future generations unless a big change is made
Godspeed teacherbro
You're forgetting they mass murdered a bunch of indians, peaceful or not
Like the time some kid stole a spoon so they burnt down his village
Classic. Project much? You're the one who believes their propagenda lol. Lay off the industrial solvents.
>Worshiping a Scarekike on a stick is "civilization"
Hmm interdasting!
We in school learned about the small pox blankets even though it's blatant bollocks.
This is true though. It was one of the causes.
Americans believes they were superior to those inhabiting the land and thus deserved it more
Read the thread, why that's horse shit has been addressed
>tfw I think the all the anti semitism is just banter
>go in Facebook
>see a (Jewish) friend of mine had liked a post
>notice the profile picture of the original post has "goodnight alt right" on it
>click on the profile
>tons of anti white bullshit articles and shit
>notice that a lot of the most blatant anti white stuff has been shared from a page called "Jewish movement for peace" or something like that
>pure coincidence.PNG
>continue scrolling down
>she is a kike,and an ugly one at that
>tfw the top 2 anti white liberals on my Facebook are both Jews
>tfw pol was right again
Pol is literally always right.
i have a feeling your "anti white" articles are actually "anti nazi" articles
God dammit Trump, burn these fucking heretics
They're usually anti-white pride articles. And they constantly relate white pride to Nazism.
The white race is better than the others though
Lol it wasn't addresssd. Racial superiority was a component in the case made for manifest destiny at the time
You're so cucked that you shy away from this aspect of your history. Racism isn't wrong pussy stop cowering from it
I read the thread . You retards only argue
"We wanted the land", which is true, but that isn't a moral justification.
There was a segment of American society that opposed Westward expansion on the moral basis of anti-imperialism, so a counter argument had to be made.
Think of it like this, Europeans wanted Africa's resources when they colonized it and used the "white man's burden" crap as a moral justification. Doesn't mean they actually believed but it was their reasoning for doing it.
>articles literally celebrating Europe becoming Islamic
Pretty sure that's not just "anti Nazi"
Man has been taking things from the week as long as we've been around. Is it all about race? If a group of people didn't develop and they were easy pickings for another group who's entire history is made up of expansionists, is that racism? Do you use your brain or just repeat what you are told in your indoctrination sessions? Look at ancient and European history. People fought people who were very similar over something people who are smarter than you like to call resources. Racism is a recent gotcha and shuts down the brains of people like you.
The left considers any white person who doesn't spend all their time virtue signaling and complaining about how ashamed they are of white people to be a nazi.
From the weak*
>That isn't a moral justification.
It is to some people.
The 14 words aren't bound by Nazism, and these cucks and traitors couldn't tell the difference between the policies of Churchill, de Gaulle, and Hitler if presented with them.
Sorry, phone posting at work
Exactly. They're so cucked that they knee jerk defended themselves from any aspect of racism forgetting it's the logical self evident conclusions. Don't let the left define your morality for you. You don't need to stake an opposite claim to your accuser if the accusation is fitting and justified. Sad
I still believe in Manifest Destiny, America craves greatness.
The Brits reluctantly chose a side in the Civil War due to their importing of cotton from the U.S.
I don't recall them choosing the South because they [the English] had abolished slavery by then.
Though, it was ironic that the English helped back the Louisiana Purchase from the French.
I'd imagine there was a lot of stigma attached to supporting the south in Britain due to the anti-slavery feelings.
>Racism isn't wrong pussy stop cowering from it
That's not the point. The point is that they are pushing the idea that it's the only/main cause
>white people took over because they are pure evil and hate all brown people
They are depicting manifest destiny as a moral evil, the next step will be nations altogether
>names one cause
MFW manifest destiny was about capturing more land in the name of God
And? The civil war was about economics. Tariffs vs free trade. Importers vs exporters. Slavery was an afterthought
It's almost like the pic only had the first page.
It may not be wrong but they're going to spin it as wrong. Come the fuck on user.
Этo лyчшe, чeм быть pyccким shill desu. Bы нe зacлyживaeтe нaзывaть ceбя aмepикaнцeм.
It was the main reason. Don't let them frame the debate dumb cuck lol what you're just gonna accept any false premise the left presents? Retard confirmed.
Instead of arguing that whites weren't racists (we were), argue racism is moral and correct
> The belief that one race is better than others.
> belief
As if we're not simply acknowledging reality.
With that attitude you've already lost cuck
Don't accept the false premise presented you by the left. Challenge their framing. Don't argue we weren't racist (we were); argue racism is moral and correct cuck
Ok you know that. I know that. We're older and more experienced. How the fuck do we get this in the classroom though?
"Leftists are the real racists." Makes me cringe so much when rightwing people say thing.
You're a fucking moron
Gasp... they'll spin it a certain way guess I'll just give up and bow down while living in their spin lol cuck
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE cuck cuck cuck cuck
Fuck off already you dumb nigger.
I'm 21
Do you even argument bro
SeeInstead of laughing it off like a nigger how about helping to solve the problem ? Fucking kike.
Do u even argument bro
Does being 21 prevent you from brainstorming a solution?
This fucking half wit is arguing with himself
Are you trying to psyop people by saying it was indeed racism but it is OK because racism is good? How crazy are you? People saw what they considered unclaimed land and resources. Various tales were told by explorers that drew more people into get rich quick schemes etc. We fought the French and the Spanish in several areas. Was that racism? We fought the British to become independent before all of this, was that racism? Were the Swedish racist for fighting the Habsurgs and Poles? We're the Norse racists for taking over northern France? Persians fighting Greeks? Greeks fighting other Greeks?
I really have no clue what your deal is because it's like you ignore literally every single piece of history, look at this one part of American history and say "no this one is completely different, this was definitely racism". Do you know how retarded you sound? I could go on for hours proving you wrong.
Solve it by not playing by the lefty ruleset. Omg the left might do x I better self erase lol cuck
This isn't particularly wrong, it had a lot to do with the calvinist heresy of the predestined elect
More like they saw the natives as using the land improperly/not to its full potential/ didn't actually possess land since they were nomadic. Race was not as big as people itt are playing it out to be.
Yes those were all racism. Nords saw themselves as > franks gasp
Greeks saw themselves as > Persians omfg
Nigger I didn't say a single thing about giving up. You're not even answering the question. How do we counter grade school leftist propaganda? What methods do we think would be effective? Are you fucking retarded?
He's retarded, don't waste your breath
>mfw manifest destiny is the only thing taking us to space and integrating us with computers to ascend
fucking plebs get with it, Manifest Destiny is the ONLY destiny
Private school, raising strong minded kids with pre instilled value systems, not bowing down to muh racist
Don't let your enemy (the left) frame the debate ie pick the field of battle. Art of war 101
In other words resist your strong urge to cuck
With arguments like that I'm shocked your kid is susceptible to leftist indoctrination /s
Great arguments. Everything was fueled by racism. Interesting world you live in. Resources play no part in history, wow that really got my neurons firing. Moving into other lands and mining or harvesting is racist too because you see, plants and minerals aren't white humans! It's racist!
I sometimes wish I could step into the mind of retarded people. I'm truly curious how your mind works.
It wasnt so much racism as it was that white americans believed they had a superior culture to the indians and could utilise the land better than them. Which was sort of true actually, they set up many farms and built large cities, whilst the indians respected the land a lot more and so left it in its natural state, ie an arid desert.
Ok there. That's a response. Thank you. Wonder if there's material that teaches traditionalism in a kid friendly way.
Straw man. Our race deserves those resources more than the current inhabitants cuz we are superior. Are you differently able?
The trivium
It's true though, white leftists see the other races as inferior and in need of their help because they are the "strong ones who Can make difference"
nice digits
Both these anons are right. It may have been a certain form of racism but they're going to spin it to blame it on white people.
Your mother should ditch the curriculum and teach real history. Being told what to teach kind of rips the point of teaching away.
Muh low expectations lefty racism lol stop being a bitch bro we are the real racists cuz racism is true
'Belief' or 'Knowledge'
It's instantly racist because the natives were "weak" in the minds of the left. Those other countries were all stronger then the USA so it wasn't racist to kill them.
Oh no the left will spin better erase our history
>MUH arguments
So far you've argumented against a point that isn't being made and spammed "cuck" as fast as you could type it. Congratulations, you are truly the king of arguments.
Keep sucking that black cock
Argumented against.... is English your third language
>Manifest Destiny
>teach real history
>Oh no the left will spin better erase our history
Do you hear how stupid you are? Or are you blissfully unaware?
Needs a little work but not bad. How would you approach teaching this to a younger audience? I can teach scientific concepts but this is clearly different.