Why are white people doing less of this
...and more of this?
because most can't afford it. My sister has 2 kids and wants more but the only reason she doesn't is because they can't afford having another kid
and as for this, (((feminism))) and all that shit
White people feel the need to take care of their kids instead of shit them out. It means kids cost more per child and they have less because of that.
It really embarrasses me to think that I play the same game as these guys. I truly enjoy it and there are a couple cool people who I play against, but most of them are worthless mouth breathers who brag about their "pimp" $5000 decks while they drive a 1992 Toyota
Women have been programmed to have a career instead. Also birth control being cheaper and more widely available to them.
why feed pizzagate with meat?
says the nerd virgin
some people want a lot of kids, but most dont
my cousin legit had 4 kids from 31-35
so you can wait and have them (contradicting what many people say)
>because most can't afford it without changing the consumer lifestyle they prefer
because that shit is expensive and the whole socialist welfare bullshit has made having a family a luxury of the upper class, while the rest of us is stuck with leeching niglets and dysfunctional crapilies.
thanks a lot for 'the moral choice'
>Why are white people doing less of this...
Because doing kids is illegal here.
at least here in america we have a ton of "poor" people... but they really just spend every dollar they make, and therefor "have no money"
i have coworkers complain about not having money while i know we all make about 80k
The children on the left look extremely autistic
those are some ugly kids
Liberal propaganda tells them to not worry about their legacy and indulge in themselves
>so you can wait and have them
> Autism rates rose still higher when both parents were older, in line with what one would expect if each parent’s age contributed to risk.
* Autism rates also rose with widening gaps between two parents’ ages. These rates were highest when dads were between 35 and 44 years old and their partners were 10 or more years younger. Conversely, rates rose when moms were in their 30s and their partners were 10 or more years younger.
Enjoy your autistic kid.
they just have bad teeth or are smiling weird. They definitely aren't autistic you moron.
Jews brah, Jews. They invented feminism then pushed MGTOW on our men. Don't fall for their shit, find a cute 3dpd to make some white babies.
I have 6. It is REALLY expensive. You either need alot of money or none. If you have money prepared to be very pissed off over what the broke asses get for free.
Kids cost too much, all they do is bitch and whine and demand, while also draining the bank account dry saving for college or buying them game shit online.
Big families were a good thing back when 3/5 kids died from getting sick and you needed as many as you could get to work the farm. But now all the kids do is take up space and eat food.
I mean its like getting some girl knocked up and being forced to pay child support. Even if you've got the kid in your life you're still having to pay the child support.
Hold out for another 20 years and they'll probably invent Immortality and you wont need to worry about getting old. Why bother passing on your genes when you can just carry them on yourself.
>inb4 whities all be like Beyond 2000 and shooting for the stars and shit
>families and kids is quaint
actually this is a cool game but it used to be better before they broke the game balance, and if you're not lame by looking up deck combos online its a real mind blower on logic and problem solving
and point of fact if they've got an old as toyota they probably dont have a Gun and that would be on the top of my list even if I was collecting
>inb4 you can have that actual thing which you use in the video games and it could come in handy some day.
I can't help but imagine the girls all just growing up to be scene girl party sluts and otherwise degenerate whores.
It's depressing that every young girl I've known in like the last 10 years, from family to friends to friends family, have ALL gone from nice sweet little girls to nasty bitchy party girl sluts. Every single one.
Dnd is superior to all other table-top games.
>user unironically prefers d20 systems
I can see at least 2 in that photo they shouldn't have bothered having.
The daughters will be so neglected they'll proably act out by fucking niggers.
I make 25k a year and ane barely covering my bills. To afford a child I would have to move into the ghetto and raise said child in an unsafe environment. Not to mention the 50/50 change the woman who shits out my kid will divorce me and take everything then ruin the child and my family name.
Women choose stressful careers and student dept over families.
Kids appreciate value so much, all they do is work and provide, when you delegate endless jobs for them.
Fixed that for you*
> t. leather belt and buckle
Not enough money.
Tabletop and video gaming have become a popular hobby.
Women are more focussed on career than being a stay at home parent and good wife. Daycare is expensive. Women also have been taught young that sex is best for pleasure only and that having kids wrecks their body. So they become promiscuous and focus only on fun stuff with no responsibility to anything
Because kids are gross
My parents have 5 children, me included, and they were raising us during commie times, when life was twice as hard. My father was a smartass and could get easy labor jobs, where he wouldn't do much because he would be promoted to administrative work really fast due to his education (engineer, technician), while my mother was a housewife full time.
My father blew his back out on his journey to win bread for us, but hey, it's a price worth paying when ensuring the survival of the white race is at stake.
Two of my brothers are dentists, one is an engineer, and my sister is a teacher and I'm a linguist working as a translator in court and for documents.
White people are pussies, that's all.
>hurr, I won't take risks, my own personal comfort is more important than raising many children for the white race
Sure, suuuure.