I can't even keep up. The first attacker was from Bosnia right? And the second was from where?
Melee Weekend in Germany
Other urls found in this thread:
1. German
2. German
3. German
Idk where you got your information but both were Germans as said in the police stream.
The knife boi was also German.
The country formerly known as Yugoslavia
i heard one was from kosovo
tan Germans are at it again.
no, ethnic Kevin-Germans with basement-tan
1st was an autistic German
2nd mentally ill from Kosovo
3rd I don't know anything yet
Muzzies are inbred subhumans.
The occupied land known as Kosovo.
>killed our brother's wife's son
The Umayyad Caliphate.
>mentally ill
there was a 3rd guy? all I heard about is the basement dwelling degenerate who killed an innocent child and a degenerate friend of his and that shizophrenic guy with an axe
some guy attacked someone with a machete and there were 2 corpses found in a house and the subject is on the run. So it's actually 4 right now.
when did this happen? link?
They found meds against schizophrenia at his home, but he could of course be both schizo and a snackbar. Wouldn't be the first time.
are poles subhuman trash?
about the skinny freak who killed the child...
so far the police reports that he killed another man but is that man (someone he went to school with), the person that is to be seen as "hairy fat lady" in the pizza shots?
that doesnt add up quite yet
good goy
maybe she was a mtf transgender?
nah, the axe guy was from the kosovo so serb or albanian.
probably not
that graph is a bit shit. The numbers transported out of East Africa are much higher
It's just some dead Köterrasse people, who cares?
did you watch the press conference? the cops confirmed the pics posted on "Sup Forums" are real and taken by the faggot but he denies having shared them with anyone
what cracked me up is that he said he tried to kill himself twice and because he failed both of those times he decided to kill someone to go to jail
the cop also called Sup Forums a chat
tfw our cops are some of the least competent people in this country
I have a theory of why gerber started making weapons. Since white birth rates are down, whites aren't buying as much baby food, and since feeding nonwhite babies is out of the question, they decided to arm the white people of the world to stop white genocide, thus restoring their target market. Gerber is truly /ourguys/
that machete looks it drops off ony
>The first attacker was from Bosnia right?
The media called Sup Forums the dark net. Our police are professional in comparison.
Well, not everybody knows their way around in Neuland.
If you want some prime projections go for example to calliope.cc
50+ year old people rambling about how kids are terrified of technology. Can't make this shit up.
How about we just dont assume his religion, nationality and motives this time? All we know is that he is from Kosovo and named Fatmir, he could be a ortodox serb ultranationalist for all we know
>tfw our cops are some of the least competent people in this country
Don't fall for that.
Remember when you used to think the media was incompetent?
>the cop also called Sup Forums a chat
Sounds like a pretty based cop.
You will never know if he was a Musloid. Germany has a 9 billion annual propaganda budget from forced TV licensing and they don't hesitate to use it.
In fact they try to downplay or not even report what they can, so this terrorist attack is long forgotten when the elections hit.
Keeping the Köter name- and faceless for example, unlike allegidly syrian boys who drowned when fleeing from Turkey.
That knife looks interesting.
What is it's official purpose?
Protip: mentaly ill is newspeak for islamic terrorism.
I'm glad to live in a country with strong right wing opposition, where terrorists actually go to prison.
This is true
First attacker was from Kosovo (read: Muslim), we don't know who attacked the old man yet because the suspect hasn't been caught.
Knives have been part of Germany culture since forever (e.g. famours Solingen steel).
Has nothing to do with Islam, inshallah.
n-tv said he's a refugee
It's a machete to break through thick undergrowth and bushes to make a path in forests, mostly jungles.
Basically hacking away vines and other plants which stand in your way and shit
He's not a recent one at least, he came here in 2009.
Pic related is an ethnic German with a basement-tan and the progressive ideals of modern Germany.
its a parang
>bear gryllls
Doesnt matter, its a refugee.
i wrote a little poem for you:
If Serbs wanted you dead
you would be dead
>bear grylls trash
good luck after 1 wack that junk breaks.
He's quintessentially german, you bigot
well, guess they wouldn't hurt nobody, they are just not used to sharp axes and knifes from germany
Would be funny if they had the same psychologist
No that's the guy from Kosovo with the axe. There's another who injured an old man with a machete on the loose.
Hello, fellow Germans.
All Serbs can do is rape and be subhumans. You did not purge the Muslim menace from Europe back then and you wouldn't now.
>Serbs now go straight to Germany for kebab removal
Ah okay you mean that guy.
I was under the impression nothing was known about that guy atm.
How do you know he was a refugee then?
>muh heritage
He's fleeing from the police right now. Maybe he gets asylum in Denmark or Sweden.
And now they will rape you guys. It's nice watching them kill you, im sitting here with popcorn enjoying the show.
n-tv mentioned once that the police is looking for a refugee in connection with the machete attack. I thought it's weird that this is all we get told about him as well.
Austria is stronk, the ruling parties are scared shitless of Strache and don't cut the rapefugees much slack.
nigger i chopped down 3 huge bushes on my land with that its not incredible but definitely held up. it was the recalled version too.
>Finnish melee weapons
Gonna look into it. I mean machete doesn't really sound like a normal german going nuts and random attacks with knives and shit is much more common with people from the middleeast, that much I can say
theyve started a new weekly melee tournament in germany? nice! :)
Kurz is my spiritual husbando
>normal german going nuts
The knife people are called "Turks", doesn't matter if they have a German passport since three generations.
No items, Final destination, fox only!!!
Zat veally korrekted mein recordz.
>Modern German media ever EVER using foreigners as a scapegoat
If an ethnic German went on a knife stabbing spree, the media would be ablaze with "SEE?! #NOTALLMUSLIMS #JAILWHITEY"
The longer you hold on to your country, the sweeter it will be when it falls.
>when Americans sleep under a rock
They are doing this right now with the sperg that slaughtered that 9 year old kid.
the victim's name was Jaden, right? Fucking knew that he had a white trash background with that name
I dont fucking care, just exterminate the scum!!
I heared that there are some gore images from the knife guy.
Why didn't i see them here on Sup Forums?
I am disappointed
they look staged desu
I'd already diagnosed him 5 minutes after it happened - there is an outbreak of mental illness in Europe doncha know ?
I know the media always jumps to that conclusion, just that this time it turned out true.
Mental illness and terrorism aren't mutually exclusive though.
Not mutually exclusive ? Islam is a mental illness-
Charge them for hate crimes because they called Islam a mental illness.
Did you see the prescription medication yourself or just take what (((they))) tell you as gospel?
thay hand out passports like nothing
where was he born!?
They hand out German passports especially if you are born there. Doesn't matter if you have a criminal record or can't speak a single word of the language.
They are cucked like that, basically USA tier.
Albanian please kill yourself
oh shit just notice, keked
Can you people post some fucking sources?
>triggered Albanian reporting in
There's so little information on this axe attack. I very much doubt it's a Kosovar extremist because they are not known for making terrorist attacks or attacking random civilians - it's more profitable to sell them drugs or stolen organs, because that's how Albanians operate. I mean they are Muslims but they are also European natives, don't forget. Random religion-based murders is usually the work of refugees from sandnig countries like Syria
Really? Enlighten us please.
I heard that some psycho german stabbed a 9 year old and her mother and streamed it.
JUST IMAGINE if a muslim had done that shit in your country how fucking lenient you all are when its a loser that you all can identify with too much. you are all sooo pathetic cringe cucks
Muslims do this every week now, you stupid nigger, and it is barely reported outside of local news.
I'm pretty sure the dude was sarcastic and the joke flew miles high over your head.
Muslims stab 9 year olds for pleasure and stream it online for other psychopaths to masturbate?
No. Muslims are religious fanatics that do their terrorism for religious causes or perceived injustice. For example they do knife attacks in Israel because the Jews move in and build settlements. Bin Laden did 9/11 (which only 8 children died in BTW, and those were children in the planes) because of the US's foreign policy.
Religious extremists kill for different purposes.
What is this?! Fuel is not supposed to speak!? What sorcery is this?!