Will the U.S. be a repeat of the Roman Empire?
Will the U.S. be a repeat of the Roman Empire?
The Romans conscripted Germanic architects to built their famous monuments like pic related since the architecture was too confusing for the average Roman to comprehend.
Nah, Rome had culture
Read your Bastiat and you will have the answer, pleb.
Nah, cholesterol will kill them all in just a few generations
We're already at the decadent Rome stage.
>Get all their culture from a more advanced civilization in the east
>Have a civil war
>Goes from "republic" to dictatorship
>Invades everyone because it profits the elite
>Becomes a failed state and falls, taking all of western civilization with it
Yeah pretty much
Every empire has its time under the sun, then it dies. This is a natural process.
Long term, America will always be a world power, but they will have to share their leadership position with China, India and Russia. Europe will become more and more irrelevant.
Rome never reached these levels of decadence.
Read "The fate of empire", then you will know. It happened numerous times in the past. Read the 20 pages, it is worth it.
Here as text:
And on guy summarized it on youtube:
No, but Europe will.
We always have been. Rome fell because some Jews remade their religion to avoid paying taxes. America will go the same way. Any country that has even 1 Christian, Jew, or Muslim will fall. Religion what caused Rome to fall and the second you accept religion you become completely autistic
The cycle of civilizations never happens exactly the same way twice, so excessive comparisons to Rome are unproductive. Technology alone is going to make the collapse different (and probably way weirder) this time around.
Yes you're hedonistic cucks and overrun with barbarians who fuck your wives everyday. America will soon crumble. I just hope I will be alive to see it and laugh
Natsoc Roman Empire yes
Yep, da Jews are behind the decline of America.
Brilliant logic.
If America falls, who will protect Israel? Russia, China and India could not care less if Israel ceases to exist tommorow.
no wonder
this is what Sup Forums doest to human brain
Of course. The Romans were well known for their atheism before Christianity came along.
They werent christcucks tho they were superior pagans
american education. Ancient Romans have always been pagans before Christianity
There is a huge difference between worshipping an Aryan array of gods and worshipping a fucking kike, retard
god you are dumb. First of all, Europe conquered the whole world with christianity.
Second of all, Rome had hundreds of religions before Christianity.
>Italian reading comprehension
Is it not irreveland now?
Christianity caused the Middle East to go from white to sand nigger. Fucking congrats dumb shit. You are so autistic nobody can even speak with you without feeling contact retarded.
That depends on how Trump deals with the CIA and other deep state collaborators.
If he goes all Julius Caesar on us and goes soft on his enemies, then we will have another Ides of March situation on our hands and his grand vision of america will be squandered.
Trump cannot show any ounce of mercy to the deep state. Period.
They never have and never will take foreign soil
Most likely. Buttfucking is now encouraged here.
What makes you say that? You have literally nothing in common.
The Roman Empire lasted 500 years (1000 with the republic), USA will not last more than 250 years or so.
Fun fact: a German politician of their libertarian party, who was flamboyantly gay, complained about "late-roman decadence" that we are having.
Romans had orgys with little boys, so it's about the same
> Mexico
When the Praetorian Guard kills Caligula we will finally have ascended
Are you fucking retarded?
Do you see the irony in this statement? Your culture only exists because the Romans face-raped the Gauls for centuries. You're a direct product of their conquests. However, unlike the United States, you never surpassed the civilization that spawned you.