Malik obama is such a fucking loser

His brother made history,he will be in history books

Malik? He's pandering to his immature pasty white loser altright fans and posting dumb stuff on teh interw3bs

What a fucking disgrace




Wasted get

So this must be related to Malik sending out pictures of Obama's birth certificate yesterday?

More Shareblue tricks?

Literally everybody on here likes based Malik.

Must mean those documents were legit.

>insulting Malik

Nice try Shareblue.

Malik is a fucking treasure.

>alt right



project much Mr. MacKenzie?


doesn't exist. into the trash you go


he was a globalist plant and should have never been elected.

Not going to your place,sorry never maybe

Yeah yeah, stay in your lunatic echochamber. This place is miserable as fuck but hilarious to laugh at

you're trying too hard

if you had to deal with that pos for 8 years you wouldn't be laughing

And the other will serve as precedent that niggers shouldn't be allowed in leading positions. Nice!

What does it feel like?
Its bad enough that some of us random dickheads can fuck up a weeks work with a shitpost or a stupid meme.
It's got to be so much worse when Malik come on and opens old wounds erasing years of work at a time.

Must be a bit frustrating.

he is a loser.

Look who's gonna die from a lack of healthcare haha

sorry you have to "work" here CIA drone #703-Bd3.

> perhaps KYS?


malik's still an attention whore on twitter

for a rich person, you'd think he'd have a better watch...

Malik Obama will be in the history books because we're going to write them

His brother is directly responsible for the deaths of countless children, despite getting the nobel peace prize.

He is a fucking loser but that is just African culture.
In Africa if you are successful it is seen as your obligation to make your family members successful to and Obama did not do this for Malik.

It is why Africa is so shit, nepotism decides who gets what position in government and not merit.

He's been more honest in 5 minutes than his brother was in eight years. Embarrassment factor reversed.

You're probably shitposting but you're not wrong. Malik probably hates Obama mostly because he became so successful.


I'm west african ,dont know wtf you're on about

Inb4 "lel no successful people in ur family"

Every single member of my direct family (except parents) is a docor,no a.a involved

You're some white southafrican browsing this lunatic echochamber aren't you?


Why is it Canada who always makes these threads, its not even shitposting. Literally just fishing for (you)s. Enjoy it while it last cancucks, once sharia is introduced you wont be allowed here any more. Enjoy paying 50% tax so ahmeed can spend all day enriching your women.

Lol dimpf btfo as usual!

West African in Canada and all his family are successful!? Why am I not surprised.

Ask your family why they are in Canada and not in Nigeria or whatever other shit hole they came from.

Tribalism and gift giving is african culture, otherwise known as Nepotism and bribery.

My white dick is more african than you.

>Run away to white mans country
>cry about how racist white people are

Move back to your homeland then try and critique what I say coconut.

So Afrikaan cannibalism is real.

Look who is gonna die in the waiting room with 1000 shitskins ahead of you in queue to see the doctor when you got a stab wound from a shitskin and you're bleeding out haha

fuck you faggot. i had healthcare through an employer until obamacare came along and premiums went double from year to year and employer and employees could no longer afford it. and plans on exchanges were expensive and sucked. fuck off leaf