To whomever pulled this shit, you have my applause.
To whomever pulled this shit, you have my applause
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So where is it?
Kek. Pictures, archived thread, video of it?
They should have put a maga flag instead
They put a maga hat on top of the pole
That is really fucking impressive. Hats off to the guys who did it.
That's impressive.
Oh so they used the contrails and then matched them up to flights. Thats pretty impressive. I wish I wasn't asleep so I could have seen it live instead of asking around in threads the morning after.
How would they even know the flight names?
Sup Forums scares me sometimes.
Is there a recording of the stream when they did it?
Never mind, found and watched videos
We could beat CIA you know. But we're lazy as fuck.
Or George Takei, Patton Oswalt, J. K. Rowling...
user where are these videos
>and you win without even realizing you were under attack
>ransom flag for plate of tendees
gg shia. Same time next week. At least put some armed guards or lasers or something on it next time or stick the flag in your fortified valcano lair. You're making this too easy.
>steals the flag
>doesn't put a new one up
Through the power of Kek. Praise be.
Now that's what I call autism. God I love this place.
we are beating CIA tho ;^)
That's fucking beautiful
>Kek Eater
Suffer not the liberal to speak.
>weaponized autism
We are the CIA.
We are the jews.
We are the president.
We are the janitors.
We are the hot pocket factory workers.
We are the scientists.
We are the marketers.
We are the basement dwelling autists.
We are the weeaboos and gaiafags.
We are all singing, all dancing crap of the world.
And we will not rest until America is great again.
The power of weaponized autism never ceases to amaze me
>thinking you're beating the CIA at their own game
You do realize you're rubes right?
Waking up to this shit was great.
I'm saying this as a non trump supporter: Celebrities need to realize that their opinions aren't validated by their status. So maybe we could send fan mail to folks like George Take I to inform him of this.
the shills fear /ourguys/
The biggest clue that no one seems to be mentioning is that Shia was seen in the town in a coffee shop and the employees of that shop took a picture with him and posted it online, that's what got people looking in that area in the first place.
wow... so this is the power of weaponized autism
Sup Forums: Putting the police, private investigators, intelligence agencies, and Sherlock Holmes to shame since 2003.
No it wasn't, that was just confirmation.
I don't understand how people continue to underestimate the people who are the ones who decided who the most powerful man in the world would be
>the most powerful man in the world
You people really are this naive...
Sup Forumslacks are really weaponized autism.
>weaponized autism at work
Good job boys
A Russian military shill is the one who figured it all out.
When will you learn Sup Forums?
Looks fake to me. Nice imagination though.
Because they think of all us as a joke and that they don't take seriously. I don't want to go overly dramatic but the collective anger and autism of one website can affect a lot of things.
remind me to never fuck with you lot
>shia sets up a camera in a basement somewhere
>claims victory
probly cia looking for a laugh
>George Take
Who is George Take?
>Because they think of all us as a joke and that they don't take seriously. I don't want to go overly dramatic but the collective anger and autism of one website can affect a lot of things.
Nah. Sup Forums is everywhere. Shia can't escape, even in his basement.
One nation
Under Pepe
paper is on his way to Austin,possible next location?
36.157735, -82.728702
call me daddy
What kind of dog is that?
Nope, I was there from the beginning, it was what got everyone looking in that area.
He will literally set up a stream of an office cubicle then claim victory when nobody takes it down
Liberalism is a disease
Would've been better if they raised the American flag imo
He'll win for about 2 days before he starts crying.
>and then some autist, using the exact time it took for one of his sweat droplets to fall to calculate the deviation in local gravity, determines his GPS loaction and sends a small drone army with miniature bunkerbusters
Anyone has pictures of what it looked like? Now it's like they just gave up.
someone will break in and steal the flag after backtracing the stream
consequences will never be the same
weaponized Autism
if only the NSA realized the power of Sup Forums they wouldn't need XKeyScore
That's glorious
where was it? I'm curious, bet it's CA or NV close to a military base?
Shia's twitter has one.
>We could beat CIA you know.
a lot of us are the CIA you know
Found a better image on Google earth. It's in Tennessee
Weaponized autism.
read more Fletcher Prouty,
I don't habeeb it
But this was also weaponized autism
>Celebrities need to realize that their opinions aren't validated by their status.
they're all about to die anyway
That's now a historical artifact
>[merely adopting the dark intensifies]
Thank you Sup Forums you've done us all a great service in stopping this retards fuckery.
You left out the 3 terrorist training camps in Syria that /sg/ found and had some Russian military journalist call in the coords to bomb. One they found from the direction of the sun setting
>Nah. Sup Forums is everywhere.
well didn't just yesterday Assange and wikileaks made everyone who feels like it some type of CIA meme data analyst handing out net tools to everyone as they did?
seems like a recruiting drive honestly
also if you're good at video games go enlist at the Air Force they're putting a recruiting drive together soon
>Johnson City
I live a few hours out from there. Oak Ridge.
We have knowledge of the flight plans, since we called them in. Shia doesn't get to bring friends
So someone used common sense and a little bit of googling?
>when /sg/ runs out of moderate rebels to blow up
Does anyone have that green text about some law enforcement user infiltrating an organization that was just some honey pot that attracted undercover people from like 10 different agengies?
>36.157735, -82.728702
Well. Aren't you special?
mighty kek
fucking hell HWNDU has been BTFO so hard and so much that it just doesn't make sense for shia lecuck to do anything but capitulate unconditionally
Beautiful. The user can legit say he has a trophy from the Meme Wars.
My mommy sais eye am
>when a meme war starts taking on characteristics of actual wars
absolute humiliation, losing your flag is the ultimate shame
It took one day to find a flag in a town in the middle of Tennessee . If it was that easy it would have been found in under one hour
>tracking flight patterns based on the contrails
>common sense
but seriously guys, we can't let Shia get his hands on the nuclear codes.