Why won't you guys stop it with the conspiracy theories?
Why won't you guys stop it with the conspiracy theories?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was a disillusioned democrat
Every time
>Intelligence agencies are leaking critical things about Trump and trying to hurt him
>Intelligence agencies have the power to frame Russia or China for a hack
Why wouldn't they?
Oh, hey CIA. Do you like this website?
Why doesn't he direct this disdain towards the retard tin-foilers that think Trump is controlled by Russia?
>Ben "i'm gonna leave Breitbart because Trump's security guard pushed a female reporter" Shapiro
to be fair it might not be the CIA doing it
after all, the CIA lost all of its hacking software, so now anyone in control of that software can pin any hacking on anyone else
literally since three months ago it is impossible to get any real information out of this "x hacked y" stuff, it gets lost in a fog of impossible to parse complexity. The only thing you can determine is if someone was hacked, not who did it.
He's too much of a neocon and must play damage control for any secret action the US does. He'd accept any spying if it was "to keep us safe" and having any qualms against the CIA breaking the 4th amendment is un-American.
The point is
>Omg the Russians hacked the election and have infiltrated our government, trump is a Russian puppet put in place by Putin!
>Wow, stop with the conspiracy theories. Why would the CIA frame Russia in order to undermine the trump presidency? That's insane.
They need to be called out on their double standards.
I can believe this. Anything the government can do, the criminal world will eventually find out about and exploit for themselves. How long until criminals start hacking into cars for fun?
>Benji Boy
oy vey
Before election
>Trump thinks the elections can be hacked? He's crazy!
After election
>The elections were hacked by Russia for Trump!
Before Wikileaks aired Hillary's corruption
>Julian Assange is a true hero he's stopping the globalist warmongering neocon military-industrial complex which overthrows whole nations for the profit of Wall Street
After Wikileaks aired Hillary's corruption
>Wikileaks is run by Putin.
After Wikileaks confirms just how dangerous the CIA is
>The CIA are gud bois dindu nuffins wrong Julian Assange works for Putin and Trump and the CIA are protecting muh freedumbz
Oy fucking vey... soundboard.com
If it wasn't for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.
Seth Rich leaked it.
Why cant the cia just nuke this site and put it out of its shill infested misery
to be fair, local populations are never fond of "outsiders" coming in and being more successful on average. Builds resentment.
counterpoint: asians
It doesn't matter if they did. They hack literally everyone all the time. So even if the Russians did hack the DNC, the CIA did too. And the RNC, and you, your mother, your dad, your little sister, your dog's joke Twitter account, your grandparents, and Donald Trump.
DNC leaks were a disgruntled Bernie supporter working at the DNC
Podesta leaks were most likely a Sup Forumslack who got Podesta with a phishing scam
no CIA
no Russia
no spacejewreptiles
Oy vey.
>Just stop it.
Are these people truly so dumb that they STILL don't realize headlines like these just make them look even less trustworthy?
Because with every batch of leaked documents conspiracy theories turn into reality.