Woman stronger than man - check
Woman able to take a man's punch - check
lesbian spy agent fetish - check
Who produces these SJW bullshit flicks ?
Woman stronger than man - check
Woman able to take a man's punch - check
lesbian spy agent fetish - check
Who produces these SJW bullshit flicks ?
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Will do, french user.
Viva La France!
Bump, downvoted
>Offended by some dumb action movie featuring violence, guns, chicks in leather and lesbians
fuck off reddit
go to your containment board
women arent strong, they cant fight like men
thats just normal anything else is degenerate
fuck off kike
It's a fantasy, I get it. They are like children and need the make believe to make it through the day. Sad
I mean , i'm willing to accept supernatural strength depending on the context of what i'm watching or playing..(let's say Mileena or Kitana in Mortal Kombat)..Or Wonder Woman...Or a cyborg (Ghost in the Shell)
But there should be a limit to this absurdity.
Even a professional female fighter would litteraly get killed by these men. (Ronda Rousey , or someone else..)
>women arent strong, they cant fight like men
Wizards are not real, they can't cast spells.
Thus reading Tolkien makes you a kike!
Leaf logic everyone.
is good
lmao i think the lack of sunlight is getting to you retard
idk maybe wizards are real in iceland LOL
>yfw you realize you're the triggered sjw
It's just a dumb fucking movie.
user, wizards are literally not a real thing, thus you are not allowed to enjoy any fantasy or fiction featuring them without becoming a jew.
Your words, not mine.
the pendulum has swung back to our side faggot
they would hate on anything in culture that showed strong white men and now its our turn to rid people of these degenerate ideas
maybe you need a couple more grenade attacks to understand? swedish people are fucking hopeless, its like they need to be told whats right...they cant get to that conclusion on their
I was reading up on what going on in S.Korea and the crazy feminist hijinks over there. Look like a blueprint for over here. Although it seems to just look crazy through the computer screen
that wasnt point at all, you're clearly lacking in reading comprehension and critical analysis
just jump in one of those volcanoes you've got, itll make the world a better place
You're not the boss of me!
I hope you like my cat.
Fuck off you pathetic MGTOW shit. If they want to make a dumb fantasy movie, let them.
Yes, and being a triggered little bitch simply over a womyn in some shitty action movie is the fastest way to lose it. Did you cry this bad over Milla Jovovich in resident evil, or did you just have a wank and go about your day?
>it's a "Hollyjew sucks so let's pay even more attention to it" episode
No one noticed my cat or my trips. This is upsetting. ;_;
Friendly reminder that mass downvoting raises the visibility of the video. They call it "trending". Enjoy getting played like fools.
Nice cat and nice trips
That's a shitty fight scene, the fakest punches i've seen in a movie
Why do women want to be literally in literal sense strong in USA? That's not how feminine works.
I made a difference I voted thumb down.
What is a "movie"?
You really think male characters like John Wick James Bond or Jason Bourne would legit survive their conflicts without dying in a hail of gunfire?
as if this is the first movie they made with a chic beating up guys . In the end it's entertainment...and it's entertainment with men as the target audience . Because most women hate action movies . They stick to their romantic comedies . If anything women like watching action movies because of the lead male actor being hot . If you guys remember the first avengers movie... girls would drool over Tom Hiddleston and wouldn't stop talking about him .
That's why I think it's ridiculous to put in feminist propaganda in action movies all it does is turn the guys watching it into cucks and white Knights.
If anything movie really are an escape from otherwise miserable or boring life . They also promote mediocrity conformist ideals ...that's why I can't even look at a Kevin James or/and Adam Sandler movie.
Sleep tight kitter
Hm let's see:
>blonde english white woman killing mudslims in first scene
>women using guns and looking sexy
>directed by john wick guy
How is this SJW tier?
This is great propaganda for white women to know guns are good. We should be promoting this shit.
i just watched the trailer.
there's nothing wrong with this.
the only reason you're getting triggered like a fucking leftie spaztic is because you can't get out of your ideological bubble and view everything through the lense of your ideology.
you're literally like those feminists who can no longer enjoy watching movies because they need to take a break from being a feminist to do that.
you're mentally fucked, buddy.
You forgot this part...
>How is this SJW tier?
Not to mention a fucking 140lbs female beating up 220lbs men....
It's nonsense..a bulldyke fantasy film
So dont like tony jaa or bruce lee then because of gravity and stuff?
Here's a link to a movie where Arnold murders 100 dudes at once while firing from the hip.
It's nonsense..a fucking white male fantasy film
I don't know man it seems like in the trailer she gets her ass pretty beat. She still wins the way the good guy always wins, but compared to most female characters in movies she gets pretty wrecked.
>Be hollykike producer
>Go on Sup Forums to rile up the nazis to downvote trailer of his newest kike propaganda flick
>next day there is a million articles about how shitty white men hate strong females/blacks
>free advertising + victim status attained
Fuck off you cunt
wheres the link nigger, i wanna see
>Here's a link to a movie where Arnold murders 100 dudes at once while firing from the hip.
>It's nonsense..a fucking white male fantasy film
It's more believable than a fucking 140lbs chick beating up man or even taking a man's punch...
Let me guess , you're a Ronda Rousey fan ?
Again like i said above:
Go watch Commando, it's kickass.
Behold! An asian manlet murders twenty goons at once, in real life he would be swarmed!
What an unrealistic asian power fantasy! Anybody watching it is an SJW!
And I can't say I know who Ronda is? Some MMA person?
>So dont like tony jaa or bruce lee then because of gravity and stuff?
Bruce Lee was what ? 150lbs ? Less ?
The guy would've gotten destroyed either in mma or boxing; (considering the guys he was supposed to fight on screen). Weight divisions exist for a good fucking reason
Better yet, don't click on it at all. If you ignore them eventually they will stop.
Reminder that Ronda would undeniably kill the majority of Sup Forums posters.
Reminder that most adult males can't throw a punch correctly.
Reminder that you're only a badass in your head.
Not only would Ronda annihilate all of you, Joanna Jedrzejczyk at 115lbs would kill you.
I think youre too cucked being french and all to understand the female pro gun thing going on here as a good thing.
Youre too focused on the savate meme because you actually take that shit seriously where as here in burgerland people punching each other is just entertainment, if youre really going to fight someone you center body mass hammer pair then add one to the Tbox like a proper stop drill grunt.
>Behold! An asian manlet murders twenty goons at once, in real life he would be swarmed!
>What an unrealistic asian power fantasy! Anybody watching it is an SJW!
Thanks for proving my point...
That's why i avoid these films...then least the guy in the clip you posted has weapons..(a knife etc..)
Also , a small man (smaller than Charlize would still destroy her) i wouldn't be my life on an untrained , manlet faggot...But a normal man (or trained)...lgither , and smaller would still destroy a woman.
>being so cucked you need a personal army to downvote a shitty movie
>expressing a dissenting opinion is censorship of the opposing view
Why are leftists so fucking stupid?
It's a stupid action flick, stop taking it so seriously.
There's not enough hours in a day to downvote everything remotely unrealistic from Hollywood.
Just don't go see it if it bothers you that much.
I'm more triggered by the lazy cinematography, slow paced editing, and the bland washed out colours.
The quips are painful on their own too, not to mention her fake british accent.
There's way more offensive stuff in that trailer than "HUR DURR BITCHES CAN'T TAKE PUNCHES LOL".
>I think youre too cucked being french and all to understand the female pro gun thing going on here as a good thing.
I'm all for it. I'm pro-gun. (even though guns are banned in my country).
But a 140lbs female beating up (let alone taking punches without getting KOed) by +220 lbs a no-no...I'm willing to suspend disbelief...but there's fucking limits..
So anybody watching action movies are by default SJW's? Or is it just action movies that feature non.white male protagonists?
I mean, Equilibrium (a supremely unrealistic movie) got a white male protagonist. Am I allowed to watch it?
>Bruce Lee was what ? 150lbs ?
Why would that matter when you got weight divisions?
>mocking somebody on Sup Forums is cencorship
Are you actually retarded?
>It's a stupid action flick, stop taking it so seriously.
True , and i would've reacted this way a few years back. But i've noticed a trend. An undeniable push for the same shit...over and over again...When it's not girl power , it's slavery..when it's not slavery it's the holocaust...when it's not the holocaust it's gay marriage , when...etc..etc..
Not just in films...universities , politics , media in general...
thumbed up
>Not only would Ronda annihilate all of you, Joanna Jedrzejczyk at 115lbs would kill you.
This is the shit i'm talking about...
And then people call me crazy...
weight divisions are gay
UFC was much better before all the retarded boxing rules were force on it
>i've noticed a trend
Good for you. Now focus on stuff that actually matters, not shitty action films that will be forgotten before they are released.
>So anybody watching action movies are by default SJW's?
>frenchie faggot goes after a shitty movie about lesbian spies
>doesn't instead go after
>it would take a french guy to be upset about this
Again, am I allowed to watch equilibrium?
It is super unrealistic and the only justification given is "speshul martial art", but the protagonist is neither female nor non-white.
You seem upset by a piece of fiction that on no way effects your life.
Do you have autism or are you just pathetic?
He's French, so both.
>You seem upset by a piece of fiction that on no way effects your life.
It affects your life. Our lives in general...
Granted , it's not this film (in particular) which will make an enormous difference.
But it's the accumulation of the same shit..over and over again..
You may not realise it but this is the type of shit that shapes , influences , subverts the average population. It's part of an ideology.
It's the same shit everything..Universities , politics , cinema...Little things , accumulating...slowly but surely brainwashing people.
>It affects your life. Our lives in general...
Until you posted this shit, I didn't know it existed.
Actually I'm starting to think you're just a promoter trying to shill your garbage film by acting all outraged at nothing.
If you aren't, get over yourself and go watch some Rahan or Ulysses 31.
>This triggers OP:
Looks ok.
The lesbo shit is much but as an action flick it looks ok.
At least her flashback love interest wasn't a nigger.
But it does.
You see it in commercials , music videos , films..Insidious propaganda. Whatever the genre. Comedy , sci-fi , name it..
>Reminder that Ronda would undeniably kill the majority of Sup Forums posters.
people actually believe this
But it was in Ridley Scott's Prometheus
So, instead of hearing about how offended you are, could we get the logical conclusion?
I mean, here we got Donnie Yen killing 10 japs at once:
I don't identify as a chink nor a jap? Am I still required to be offended simply due to it being unrealistic?
All these years and it seems like ladies haven't found out that "stronk wymyn" are just a sexual fetish men beat off to.
This is true. I used to beat the shit out of my ex gf, she's weak as fuck.
MIGUGEGL - MGTOW isch guet un git e gueti luune.
>The guy would've gotten destroyed either in mma
Take this fucking back right now
>But it does.
No it doesn't
>You see it in commercials
I don't watch TV
> , music videos
I don't watch these, I only listen to the music I choose to download
> , films..
I also choose what to watch
Awesome film which did not affect my opinion on Mexicans entering the US illegally.
The only reason I can see you being afraid of films is because you are excruciatingly weak of mind.
Help yourself and rise above it.
I though it was some propaganda or frenchie leaflets but no, it's a trailer for a shitty movie. Don't watch it, don't give it attention.
cute as fug
>Take this fucking back right now
It's the truth..
bump, degenerate bullshit
i gatchu senpai
we have to push back against this filth
I'll take the word of chuck norris over some sperg on the internet on this issue
explore this website since youre interested in how media is used to brainwash people. its one of many successful projects that manipulate women in third world nations to perform more abortions and have less children. the same approach is used in western media.
"Population Media Center (PMC) creates serialized dramas, also called soap operas, on radio and television in which characters evolve into role models for the audience for positive behavior change, and the impact of PMC’s dramas are dramatic. PMC is a nonprofit, international nongovernmental organization, which strives to improve the health and well-being of people around the world addressing a variety of issues. Founded in 1998, PMC has over 15 years of field experience in behavior change communications with projects around the world."
I wouldn't be surprised if some groups try to ban this type of fights in movies because "it promotes violence against women "
He wasn't a professional fighter.
Watch some boxing or mma , learn a thing or two about training or the importance of weight classes and maybe you'll understand.
It doesn't look that bad. It's not like it outright said all chicks can kick as only those that are trained to do so. But i would rather her be a typical femme fatale using seduction and sex to get the job done, and it looks like she did do that with that one French chick. I can't say for sure, but i hope it's just a character that can kick arse but just happens to be a chick, you know like how older comic books or good SciFi/action movies used to be with female leads, or heck even animu with female protagonist.
This to me is much more blatant and shitty
>media is used to brainwash people
If people are retarded enough to let themselves be brainwashed, that's not my problem.
If you're gonna cry on a mongolian throat singing forum about a movie trailer hurting your fee-fees, then you are dense enough to be brainwashed, I guess.
Only solution to this is to stop watching films because you're probably the kind of mongoloid to call the cops after witnessing a robbery on your TV screen.
>importance of weight classes
You mean he would compete with other feather weight people? Gasp! That changes everything?
...hope you are having a laugh here. If not KYS.
agreed user. the ironic thing is all of the stunt doubles for women "action" characters are men.
I won't generalize like this non , but ronda could fuck me up badly, I'm manlet at 150lbs, but give me a weapon and I would think I could survive especially if it's a gun.
Other feather weights (professional fighters) would've likely defeated him too. He was an actor. There's a difference between the legend and the real thing.
What the fuck is there to downboat mother fucker? She perfectly falls into the ataru master female ass kicker. Plus hot lesbian action? Thats never bad.