Absolutely, positively do NOT contact CNN telling them their organization is fake news
NOT fake
Other urls found in this thread:
Do it cunts
bump for glorious victory
Do it faggots.
CNN only reports the news, you guys need to stop this nonsense, this is far worse than calling black folk the N-WORD!
im not gonna do it, im gonna watch you people do it
Wtf I'm a #CNNmissle now
Pic related is REAL newz
Now im horny
My brother in law saw the show about Aghori cult and decided to try cannibalism himself. We are a poor family from inner city of Houston, needless to say he can't afford trips to India. So he got a brain tissue elsewhere (can't say where for legal reasons) now has a prion disease.
Its NOT fake. Fax and Bretbart are
And to black people who can read this...Niggers.
Also fuck this nigger news. CNN is faker then bimbo tits.
bumping with some pics
just look at the fucking BREAKING NEWS headline ffs
Kek good mr slavy slav
But it is fake news.
Don't forget it's their job to control what you think.
whats a good place for burner email addresses?
Fake! It went on for gorillions of miles. Tell CNN hoe wonderful they are and to keep up the good work. Fuck Bretbart
Yahoo, will be easy.
Sorry the elites cannot be mixed with us common plebs and have to be extremely protected from terrorist attacks.
Ugugug im cumming
>CNN only reports the news
it's corporate propaganda just like everything else
Niggers are animals and will attack without weapons.
getairmail or 30 minutes mail
but it doesn't matter, if they really wanted they can just track your IP.
Nobody is saying that you racist piece of shit.
Look up or start a nigger hate thread and someone will flood it with plenty of videos of niggers being animals
cock . li
What is your problem with black people?
I sent
"What the fuck did you just fucking report about Donald Trump, you fake news bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Media Broadcasting, and I’ve been involved in numerous wikileaks on globalists, and I have over 300 confirmed blog posts. I am trained in real news journalism and I’m the top journalist on the entire Blogspot website. You are nothing to me but just another lame stream media source. I will report you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to Donald Trump over the TV? Think again, fucker."
What did you fags send?
Anons, why do you discriminate so? CNN did nothing wrong, and you go so far as to slur them in such manners, how can you look at your family through such hate-filled eyes?
Please reconsider, and come back to the right side of history, where people love and are loved.
I'm sure the intern reading it will care deeply of your protest.
>implying CNN isn't fake news
Except, i like CNN you cunt. Dont be such a necrophobic bigot.
Not gonna lie, former CNN anchor here. This is fucking hilarious watching fake news crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the nuclear codes.
sweden is better than denmark
>likes CNN
>says bigot to someone who disagrees with him
Fake. You were never a cnn anchor. Show a pay stub.
It IS illegal to take a picture of a ballot, even your own. They take voting secrecy seriously in America.
Can I get a sauce on this nice nazi grill?
>i like CNN
how embarrassing
Why do you like the nazis? What they did was evil
>says the creator of pakistan, saudi arabia and all of the world's troubles.
Of course not, dumbass. It is very fake news
spotted the newest friend
Using racist words doesnt answer the question you cuntwagon
They are animals, they stupid and violent. They are destroying society and taking from it everything they can.
They demand gib me dats while costing more than any other race without the gibs.
When you see niggers nigging you will understand.
Not all black people are niggers FYI. Just most.
the difference between us and denmark is that we at least used to matter
Nigger faggot
>i like CNN you cunt
I'm going to ask you to study this table.
It's okay user, I realise you have a complex about being the rape baby of my forefathers
Hotmail, yahoo and goymail is too tough...
Lying is a sin.
Riot encourage ment is hate and violent.
Ignorant racism is wrong.
CNN is all that and more.
I have more love then you could understand. But I ensure you the Media with its population manipulation will not go unpunished.
The law depends on the state and is hardly enforced. It's propaganda just meant to smear more of the Trump family as breaking the law or being ignorant of it.
>Im doing my part
that's pretty damn unlikely. besides, is your only point of pride really something which took place 1,000 years ago?
They only comit crimes because they dont have the same chances as whites. I cant believe anything from the FBI anyway. They said there were no killings in Newtown CT in 2012
Why stop there? Go ham jimmy
obvious troll is obvious
who is jimmy?
Uh what. Have you seen tye 2012 report? ZERO reported murders when 26 were actually killed. The FBI is fake news
You got me, truth is all along my only pride was the fact that once in a while my ancestors would go rape the lesser peoples of the world and bring back those deemed worthy.
That's the name you put m80
is there actually a point to the continued existence of denmark?
couldn't you just hand it all over to the swedes? they seem to do a better job running things than you guys.
Both countries are good. I think sweden is even more tolerant though
>Not all black people are niggers
can't get much more cucked than this...does your wife at least let you watch you pathetic libtard?
Just release a few minutes ago.
Have you ever even talked to a black person? Tried to understand their struggles with systematic oppression?
Only if you want the total desctruction of the european peoples. Denmark is what keeps both Germany and Sweden at bay.
>never forget the six million, goy
I'm with you that most black people are alright, and some are cool, but as soon as you said "systematic oppression" you lost me.
Mixed race people are black. I thought we could agree on this. You racists have your one drop rule and everything
I did a good one.
Yreally denying that whites dont have certain inherent privileges in Western society?
god help us all
you cucks like raising nigger babies or what?
>systematic oppression
please provide proof of said 'systematic' oppression. i fail to find a single law discriminating in favour of whites, white men.especially.
i do however see lots of "positive" discrimination working the other way around.
Substantial claims require substantial evidence, how are they privileged?
>whites dont have certain inherent privileges in Western society
you mean like requiring higher SAT scores to enter the same education?
and what's the deal with (east) asians? why are they required to perform even better? how have they benefited from THE ALLEGED systemic oppression??
you sound racist to me
who fucking cares, we made western society, if they want it they gotta embrace our whiteness