Can someone give me a quick rundown on why globalism is bad?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on why globalism is bad?
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because aliens aren't real
It anihilates local cultures and creates a world wide under-class by shifting all production to wherever there is cheap brown labor.
Just a hilariously retarded """Revolt""" of lowly uneducated blue-collar White trash
the people in charge are evil psychopaths who have their own best interests in mind and see you and me like cattle
by splitting up in smaller communities/countries/whatever we can evade their reach and work towards improving our lives for the better
You sound like a nativist
Can someone give me a quick rundown why colonialism is bad?
It ends with your country being flooded with subhumans.
>gain footholds across planet
>1 group subverts independent democracies for its own gain
>to the detriment of locals
>every country ends up a banana Republic, including the strong ones
This Globalization allows places like the US and other "core" countries to purchase cheap goods, because companies are able to shift their production centers to places where the labor is cheapest.
So you move your t-shirt factory to some economically depressed area of the world where people will work for next to nothing...then you produce t-shirts cheaper than the competition, sell them for cheaper, and still make money because people want to buy the cheapest product.
This benefits a lot of people in core countries, who are well-educated and have non-factory jobs. But the uneducated factory workers are fucked because their jobs are going to "brown people" across the border. Then these shit-stain unwashed masses get pissed off because "dey tuk er jerbs!" and vote for Trump in order to stick it to those rich billionaires who are making money off the working man.
The other result is that the US and the whole fucking world is flooded by cheap, low quality shit. Just set foot in any dollar store or Wal-Mart and you are bombarded with flimsy plastic shit that holds no value to human society other than providing a cheaper version of some higher-quality item. Thousands of years from now, long after our species has destroyed itself, all of that plastic will live on in our oceans and landfills as a testament to our fucking stupidity.
In closing, globalization has short term benefits for certain segments of "core" countries. But those benefits don't outweigh the longterm drawbacks.
But why and how are businesses obliged in any way, whatsoever, to manufacture their wares at home and provide costly employment?
Think about what Walmart does to small towns.
It buys from the cheapest supplier and set up shop locally, drives eveone else out of business because they can't get the prices Walmart does, and sucks the wealth off to their owners.
That's what globalism is.
Because equality meme is a lie.
They're not. The golden rule of capitalism is to make profits, period. The best way to accomplish that (in the short term) is to ruthlessly pursue the bottom line, regardless of the consequences.
The problem is, capitalism is an anti-social ideology. It constantly kicks the can down the road in terms of providing solutions to the long-term problems of human society. People are social creatures. We have to help each other in order to survive as a species. Capitalism in its globalized form only benefits a certain number of people, while exploiting a vast number of others...and even the "benefits" of cheaper bananas and mountains of poor-quality plastic shit are questionable. Personally, I would rather pay the extra money for Verizon and receive superior phone service, than save money on Straight Talk and talk to someone who barely speaks English because WalMart outsources its customer service to India. No offense.
Barring a few IT jobs, the service industry isn't really the major issue here, is it?
Now honestly will you pay $2000+ for an all-American iPhone? Assuming you're a rational consumer...
globalism sounds pretty shitty now.
The only reason paying $2000 for an iPhone is considered outrageous is because cheaper versions are available under the present system.
If all we knew were $2000 iPhone, created entirely in the US from non-exploitative practices, then people would pay the $2000 and not think twice about it.
The most primitive home computer technology of the 1980s cost ridiculous amounts of money by today's standards. At the time, people were willing to pay it.
The problem here is that you and I are coming from two different sets of values. I don't think that buying cheap things is the key to happiness and I don't think the emphasis on consumption and profit are ultimately good for our species.
Obviously we have a capitalist system at the moment. That's the reality. And I don't believe in some utopia where everything would be solved if we just did away with private property. I'm just saying that globalism is a short-sighted solution to problems created by a profit-driven mentality.
Would your argument apply equally to medicines as well? Viz. A necessity vs the 'luxury' i.e an iPhone (ignoring the patent debate for now)
Aaand...what'd you opine on pic related?
Drug companies are operating on a different model than the Post-Fordist "global assembly line" model of the iPhone, so I'm not sure what you're trying to get at here.
That said, I come back to the idea that drug companies are able to make billions of dollars because of our current relationship to medicine. The capitalist model turns medicine into a business, so it is operating according to the same general rules (profit above all else). This causes drug companies to look for ways to sell their product to consumers for all manner of ailments, whether real or exaggerated. Unfortunately, if there ever was an intention of helping humankind, it's been subsumed under the idea of making a profit.
As for Trump outsourcing his clothing brand, so what? Trump is a globalist, despite the promises he makes to his fucking idiotic supporters. Maybe you think I support Trump, or something...clearly I don't. He's a terrible person and I'm embarrassed that he's the president of the United States. The fact that he outsources his cloths only reinforces my negative opinion of him.