So, while Europeans didn't even know how to bathe, Islam was plotting out the cosmos.
Sorry, islamophobes, history is on Islam's side.
So, while Europeans didn't even know how to bathe, Islam was plotting out the cosmos.
Sorry, islamophobes, history is on Islam's side.
Other urls found in this thread:
>So, while Europeans didn't even know how to bathe,
There's something called Byzantine Empire, look it up
The Islamic golden age happened because they stole from the Greeks and shit
• The first men were 90 feet tall.
• One wing of a fly carries a disease, but the other wing is a cure for the disease.
• Black cumin will cure all diseases except death.
• Indian incense will cure seven diseases.
• Honey will cure diarrhea.
• A fever is caused by the heat from Hell.
• The sun sets at night beneath the throne of Allah.
This was the state of Islamic knowledge when Islam conquered Baghdad in the Christian nation of what is now Iraq. In short, Islam brought nothing to the intellectual table to start the Golden Age. The knowledge of the Golden Age in Baghdad came from the conquered Jews, Christians, Persians, and Hindus.
Islam took the “Arabic” numerals and the zero from the Hindus. The parabolic arch came from Assyria, the dome from Persia, and the barrel vault came from the Romans. Suddenly, the ignorant jihadists “owned” the world’s finest minds. This explains how so much of the Islamic knowledge was actually translated into Arabic by Christians. O’Leary’s book How Greek Science Passed to the Arabs gives a list of the best known scholars of the Baghdad (Abbasid caliphate) Golden Age. Out of theses 22 “Muslim” scholars, 20 were Christian, 1 was Persian and 1 was Muslim. Each and everyone had an Arabic name, so it is assumed that they were Muslim. It was the Christians Assyrians who translated the Greek philosophers into Syriac and then Arabic. It had to be this way. The Christians had a long tradition of education and learning that came from the Greeks, Jews and Romans; the Muslims had none. It had to be Christian Kafirs who brought the Greek and Roman knowledge to the Muslims. Ironically, the Muslims claim all of the credit for the translations saving Greek knowledge from the Dark Ages
Mongols wrecked their shit so hard that they've done nothing but kill themselves for the last 800 years
Romans stole it from the Greeks and the Greeks stole it from the Egyptians.
What's your point, Skeeter?
Byzantines weren't considered western by the other medieval powers in Europe.
Looks like the shoe's on the other food now ehh?
>Sorry, islamophobes, history is on Islam's side.
we just trying to avoid your mistake from the past.... mmuhhh you are an Islamophobe!! No you are the problem.
And the barbarian hordes wrecked Europe so hard that they went into a dark age for like 1000 years, where Europoors couldn't even control a disease that wiped out 25% to 60% of the European population.
How is that any better? Europeans didn't know basic sanitation and threw their shit outside their window.
Pic related: European "Art" during Dark Ages.
Another example of taking credit is found in Iraqi history texts which claim that the Assyrians, Sumerians, and Babylonians were all Arabs. This allows Islam to take credit for earlier work.
Islam makes great claims for its advanced medicine, which was the best in the West. However, the Christians and Jews were the chief practitioners. For 200 years the Bakhtishu family, Assyrian Christians, were the physicians to the Caliphs of Baghdad.
The Baghdad Golden Age disappeared as the persecution of the Christian dhimmis continued, and they converted to Islam. Once the pool of Kafir talent became Muslims the gold went out of the Golden Age.
The argument is about how they're European, not that they're western.
Islamist are the new mongols.
>Islam golden age
Didn't exist. Never existed. The promotion of such bullshit annoys the hell out of me.
Arabs contributed some great shit to the world, but they did it before Islam fucked them up.
>Officially, the Islamic Golden Age ended with the Mongol capture of Baghdad in 1258
Islam peaked after 600 years since it founded. It's been almost 800 years since. Islam borrowed heavily from the Greeks.
Since the collapse of Islamic golden age, its been dominated for 800 years by Europeans. Europeans were dominating before, Rome being founded in 753 BC. So Islamic civilisation is a footnote in human history.
it doesn't matter since the Islamic world never improved itself on the acquired knowledge of the old world. they loved the status quo until the mongols burned everything down.
look for comparison how quick Europe ushered in the renaissance after getting access to the same knowledge that the Islamic world did.
the Islamic golden age is a bigger historical meme than the WE WUZ KANZ
You got it backwards, dumbfuck.
Greater Persia built some very impressive scientific & cultural gains on the backs of Chinese and Egyptian works, as well as cross-pollination with the Greeks.
Then Islam happened in the 8th century and it was all crushed into dust.
It happened under the abbasids for sure it's just cuz they stole all the societal capital from the geeks romans Persians Indians and even some Chinese
The dark ages is a myth
Lol, no. The dark ages were a direct result of the collapse of the Roman Empire. The barbarian invasions of Rome were only a symptom of other Roman issues, not the disease. Islam got butt-fucked at the height of its power.
>Mongol invasion of Europe 1200s
>Renaissance being 1350s
>Europe owns majority of the world by 1500s
Why are Canadians so stupid?
Fucking ended centuries ago! Kek. I love how muslim always bring up medieval discoveries to big up their backwards religion. You haven't excelled in anything for years! I don't think anything sums up Islam's modern technological prowess as a man driving a vehicle filled with explosive into someone he disagrees with and killing himself in the process.
nice try ahmed
we wuz spaceman when you were plotting out the cosmos
The Romans, Greeks, Persians, and Egyptians all existed prior to Islam's rise. The Romans and Greeks, two of the most successful civilizations to ever exist, were distinctly western socities.
>ignoring the Greeks and the Romans
you fucking commie leaflet
>Romans stole it from the Greeks and the Greeks stole it from the Egyptians.
Knowledge can't be 'stolen' Mohammed. Plus you can look at the architectural and technological advances that were made on top of the Egyptian civilisation by the Greeks and then the Romans.
The Islamic world did very little with the information they were given. That's not to say there was nothing, but it wasn't this revolutionary civilisation that advanced leaped and bounds compared to its contemporaries.
>europeans were the original indians
>advanced level shit skin millennia ago
Current year
>live in caves
>dudes wear long, dirty white skirts
>women unironically cosplay as black ninjas
>can't eat a pig
>worship black mystery box
>couldn't even control a disease that
You know nothing about the plagues of that era. They swept back and forth from China to Europe, then back again about a half a dozen times from about 300 A.D. until about 1300 A.D., with "minor" outbreaks that lasted "only" 2 or 3 decades in between the major outbreaks.
The death tolls in China, India and Persia at large were very comparable to Europe. Nobody in the entire world was prepared to cope with those plagues.
The Black Death and it's related cousins are all variants of one bacterial family that is spread almost exclusively by fleas transferring infected blood between various rodents. The presence or absence of sewage treatment wold have made no difference. Anti-bacterial medical science was the only thing that would have helped.
Or, as it happened, natural immunity of the survivors combined with mutation of the original strains into less lethal strains. Turns out that bacteria make themselves extinct if they become too lethal ... if the hosts don't live long enough to propagate the strains, the strains die out, become isolated, and have to mutate into something less lethal for survival of the species.
That doesn't excuse how backwards they are today.
Must have been back before the effects of thousands of years of inbreeding caught up to them.
>Anti-bacterial medical science was the only thing that would have helped.
or rat/insect poison
The original Panama Canal belonged to the Incans before whitey enslaved them.
Excuse me but Historical records state their Islamic Golden age is what we call the Islamic Conquest Period before we Had the Crusades.
How come this plague did not affect the Arab world, then?
You're completely right. We should bring back the Islam of old. Kill the modern plague!
Si, fly.
das a nice Golden Age of Islam you got there
would be a shame if something happened to it.
I've been reading this, and it really is a tragedy that they weren't able to keep any of their humanist values as soon as there was territorial pressure to the east and west.
Also daily reminder that the Islamic Golden Age was barely 'arab'. Most of the advancements were in Persia and Central Asia, they considered a lot of the Middle East to be backwards and dirty.
You mean the Persian golden age
Islam literally held back the and made it backwards.
al Ghazali effectively intellectually outlawed rational inquiry and philosophical thought about theology which kept islam and by extension islamic society in its primitive state and greatly hindered the civic and social advances and legal advances in society that happened in europe. And infact the middle east should have had a greater head start on europe in this area since they had ibn Khaldun who was let's say 700 years ahead of europe in sociological understanding, plus they had greater access to hellenistic philosophical heritage earlier than many parts of northern europe, but al ghazali shut that all down with "muh divine and eternal koran, muh intuition, muh revelation, you should take everything from the self evident divinity of the koran and the revelation it causes , and not trust philosophy and rationality in thinking about theology".
Islamic calligraphers successfully boycotted printing presses from printing in arabic through the ottoman empire from the 1400s until like the late 1700s, by which point there had been 10s of thousands of printing presses in europe for 200 years " . They did it because "muh holy language of the koran it is a sin to have a machine do it , only calligraphy". For hundres of years the only printing presses in the ottoman empire were in synagogues and monasteries printing in hebrew, greek and armenian.
so yeah islam FUCKED the intellectual development of the middle east.
And the one kind of early islam which would not have fucked the middle east and which had a some kind of rationalism to it , the mutazillites, are basically considered heretics and blasphemers by contemporary, mainstream, sunni islam.
How can I move to glorious north korea to enjoy the benefits of communism?
History was on Islam's side. Back then another religion was out conquering and wiping out whole groups. That barbaric religion was full of rapefugees that mass murdered continents.
Now it's 2017 and that shit has flipped. If one wants to see Islam's end goal one only has to look at what Christians end goal 400 years ago.
t. fedora tipping redskin
>Renaissance 1350s
1453 is usually refered, the fall of Constantinoble, which causes exode of scholars to Europe. 1492 in Spain, cause muh discovery and muslim expulsion.
Press the fucking button, Kim
Check when Petrarch lived.
Italian Renaissance was 14th Century.
>persians weren't muslims
Ever heard of bath houses nigger? Jesus fucking christ I'm so sick of this "Muh scientific Islam" meme. It's so blatantly wrong it's not even funny.
Just gonna leave this here
That's actually wrong
i'd spend some time debunking what you said but you'd ignore me like the retarded american you are.
>So, while Europeans didn't even know how to bathe
That never happened on any statically significant scale.
>Islam was plotting out the cosmos.
So did the mayans, incans, Zimbabweans, Chinese, Mesopotamians, greeks, romans, persians, babylonians, egyptians and indians.
Congratulations, muslims did something every other culture did, long before many of them did it.
>Sorry, islamophobes, history is on Islam's side.
Religion doesn't fly you into skyscrapers, CIA and israeli explosives do. if you get what i mean.
>the middle east will never be christian
why live
Is that film any good?
>>So, while Europeans didn't even know how to bathe
>That never happened on any statically significant scale.
memes aside, what do you mean by this
It's OK. I cry at the final scene in coffee everytime, poor Harry Potter is so sad...
islam discourages innovation. They got a lot of knowledge from the persians and byzantines, however they didn't add anything to it.
>>the middle east will never be christian
>why live
To christianize the middle east and overthrow the vile warlords who control the region through fear, ignorance and violence holding back the region by indoctrinating people in that vilest of beliefs, islam.
>Jews fake you to the moon
>Jews fly you into skyscrapers
Ruins at Timbuktu and Great Zimbabwe indicate that they were also rather advanced in astronomy.
There's a NASA handbook in the bible? color me surprised
and i thought swedes were smart, damn.
Islam didn't invent anything.
All they did is to copy the chinks and prevent the Christian nations to trade with Asia.
The plague entered Europe through Islamic Spain. Let that sink in for a while while you spout nonsense
islam will probably win, and it will undoubtedly suck. The real losers, however, won't be the alt-right. The left will be the real losers. I'll have to grit my teeth around all the smug, proud brown people, but the leftists are the ones whose worldview will be permanently shattered. I'll pay lip service to Islam, but get polygamy in turn. The leftists will get nothing but suffering.
Do you find something about facts funny?
The "dark ages where nobody bathed" is an utter myth. If anything, it was the late medival period and rise of linen that contributed to a slight decline in bathing in the 1600s.
Which is well after the """"islamic""""" golden age
Lmao, so it didn't affect the Arabic world, even though they introduced it?
Maybe if they bathed and knew basic Medicine, they would have been better off?
Way to diss your own shit race, retard.
This is a great book, but some of it is overhyped and untrue. For example, Starr claims that Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine was translated into Chinese and became highly influential in Chinese medicine in the Mongol period, but that isn't proven and the Chinese book referred to is just a bunch of recipes for kinds of medicine. On the whole though it's an important book for getting the word out about actual scientists in medieval Iran and Central Asia and I have recommended it to many people.
The islam "golden age of scientific achievments" is a myth propagated by modern day muslim studies courses. All actual scientific developments from arabs (mainly mathematics and astronom) predate the creation of islam.
After islam de development of science and philosophy dries up.
They were Muslim in their religion but that wasn't a major factor in their work as researchers. Read a book, leaf.
The day of the rope can't come soon enough.
Also "Islam" is just a religion. I believe you mean under Wahabi or other similar sects rule then yes it would suck. But under Persian rule whether its Christianity or Islamic will probably better than the shit show we have going on now.
>implying the Mudslimes didn't get most of their information from the ancient greeks and byzantines
the middle east's islam was dying anyways before (((they))) came and fucked it up. we need to abolish the jewish state, only then will the rightful people of the lands prosper. when the jews order their goys to fight against good countries (like iran, syria, libya and egypt) they are destabilizing the middle east and not in any way combating islam. funny how usa claims to be fighting "radical islam" and the next second they are fucking up secular peaceful countries like libya and syria so that terrorist groups can fly their flag above the nation. have you wondered why the "radical islam" groups seem to never attack israel even though they are supposed to be against them, while israel helps and support the rebels in syria?
>it didn't affect the Arabic world, even though they introduced it?
No you dense fuck, it affected the Arab world first, and then like all ancient plagues, it slowly spread to Europe. Go look up the wikipedia page or something if you want stats you lazy ass
Do you realize that we use arab numbers for a reason, they botherred to compile the Indian knowledge and combine it with the western knowledge.
To the point that we learned mathematics from them, you at least we developed mathematics independently.
p-Sup Forums BTFO hehe
Persians were white
The "Islamic golden age" literally happened because of white people
Actually alot of it was rediscovered and previous knowledge was recorded. Mostly by the Persians. You ahve to remeber both in North Africa, and other parts of the world there had been a lot of destruction & loss of intellectual institutions. I mean in Greece & Persia alone they had been continuous fighting for about 7 centuries. That destroyed alot of valuable resources. Arabs did help break the cycle & soon afterwards Persians took over from there until their fall & being back stabbed. Just like what happens to them in the 4th Crusade.
this. our saturday, which is "laurdag", means "washing day" in norse.
One word:
Muslims did help science to progress, and even caused the forward movement in Europe by conquering Constantinople. Scientists there took the eastern knowledge and shared it with the rest of the Europe.
But must say, most of the scientific progress in Islam was done by non-arab people. The Ottoman Empire for example.
>predate the creation of islam.
Wrong, all of the great scientists were born during and after 7th century
Pre islamic arabia was a pagan infighting shithole
stop spewing shit
>most of the scientific progress in Islam was done by non-arab people
A very respectable amount of muslim scientists had were born in the peninsula
No the dark ages were a result of division within each empire (think of the broken up Frankish empire) which lead to centralization of power within an increasingly bureaucratic and secular church. The people were much more uneducated than the aristocracy so thats what lead to shit like the Crusades while a plague skullfucks everyone and their grandma.
>black mystery box
lmao this is literally sum kangs level bs
Persians have always been a mixture of between white & brown. I mean they are after all the actual Aryans. From central Asia to Western Asia.
1.Scientifically there very negligible genetic difference between arabs and persians
2.Persians are semites and thus do not fall under Sup Forums's arbitary "white" list
>It's only Islam when I want to hate them
>when they do things they advance humanity, it's the race not the religion
Maybe they should call it "Golden Age of Persia."
I like mongols now.
This is also bullshit, reply to me if you want me to debunk what you said.
The thing is White Arabs along w/ many Europeans share their distant ancestry with Western & Central Asians. You know the Indo-Aryan-Euro group. I mean there was a time when virtually all Arabs were black. A long ass time ago that no one really cares bout.
Persians have had many several golden ages. They have gone through many cycles just like the Chinese.
> washes once a week
Fucking have a shower daily you degenerate trolls.
That is what they teach you, you fucking ignorant muslim cunt. You stole everything from the Greeks and Romans. Every piece of "your" science is translated from Greek and Roman texts. So go fuck yourself. I will fuck your sister.