Will the madman actually be able to do it? Is Netherlands the third in line of meme-blessed countries?

Will the madman actually be able to do it? Is Netherlands the third in line of meme-blessed countries?

I doubt it.

Who would vote for someone that looks like a wacky chocolate factory owner?

Rumour goes that he won't accept becoming prime-minister. Don't think his party will get more votes this year also.

If elections were decided by looks, Mr. Trump would not have been so successfull, desu. Sure, he'd still beat Hillary but...

Just keep the Red Light District you handsome m*therf*cker.

opinion polls show him at second place at best and bascially back at where he was a couple of years ago
>inb4 opinion polls
actually last election opinion polls in Dutch-country over-estimated the support of PVV

Instead the Dutch will have some large coalition with VVD, CDA, D66 and some other cucked partys

I would vote for Wonka.
We managed to run a company so succesfully he drived all his competitors out of business.

No, the Netherlands has a proportional parliament which means that parties have to form a coalition and none of the others want to work with him and his unconstitutional agenda. Polls indicate Rutte will stay Prime-Minister.

Hes the only politician who says what needs to be said. Fuck Merkel, Hollande and Rutte.

If VVD becomes the largest party, then its pretty obvious that he will just invite anybody (except PVV) and continue the current status quo

It's going down this weekend, isnt it?

Lets appease kek, Wilders has to win...

>It's going down this weekend, isnt it?
15th of March senpai

Wilders supporters or not, which party is IYO the moat beneficial for the Dutch people, not looking at it economically?

FvD, like PVV but not for retards or almost completely consisting of retards. Geert has done his job shifting everything right but he has no intention of governing and should pass on the torch.


If digits repeat, him winning is confirmed.

They are so... symmetric...

Numbers confirm it. Make it happen, Kek, take all my energy and allow us to M.E.G.A.

>I've got a golden ticket, hair and skin!

He is going to be the biggest party, wich is a win in itself, but there might be trouble forming a coalition.
But he will win.
Anything the partycartel tries to do against him will only polarise our country further, wich is also good.

But if he does'nt win and stop immigration soon, my country will be so devastated that by the next elections, it will be too late.


I regret voting for him every single fucking day.

checked that pali

Thank you Bogs. You saved yet another civilization.

It's been confirmed

Wild willy "Wilders" Wonka to help lead the white revolution

let's hope he wins goys. maybe i can get asylum instead of the rapefugees. though i know that's unconstitutional. bringing in your brothers and sisters dying out here instead of muslims who want to kill you.