Daily reminder that if we only allowed college educated people making over 100k to vote Herr Drumpf would've been BTFO.
Daily reminder that if we only allowed college educated people making over 100k to vote Herr Drumpf would've been BTFO
College "educated"
>making over 100k
Poor people voted for Hilldawg
Which leads to the conclusion that she did really really well amongst kids that graduated but aren't earning any money.
Take from that what you will.
Daily reminder that op is a fag and gets paid less than bread crumbs to post this
Daily reminder the education system is a scam
Not all educated people earn that wage, many non college educated people earn that wage,
I'm just a leaf, but my assistants fresh out of high school make $10k before tax a month. I have a degree in geomatics engineering.
>If you happen to be a little innovative, or maybe school one day because you were reading that's a tragedy, that's a crime- because think, you're supposed to obey, and the material in whatever way they
>you forgot to come to a book or something, you're not supposed to just proceed through require
What the FUCK is this commie faggot even talking about?
Jesus that is cringe.
Please don't force me to defend Noam Chomsky just because you can't read
Look at Cali and NY - that's where people who make over 100k live.
If you control for education and income you'll see that the smartest and hardest working voted for Hillary.
luckily for democrats the minorities will soon take over....
>college indoctrinated
>Reminder that not many blacks or latinos would be able to vote if it were up to you
Get the fuck out of here racist! This is a board of tolerance and diversity.
how stupid is OP? daily reminder means every day. did college teach u 2 copy what other people say so u sound cool irregardles of if u even understand what u r saying?
You're fucking retarded. Most people making more than 100k voted trump. The college educated people who voted Hillary were no doubt indoctrinated anthropology majors making 30k right now. Fucking retard
Wait what? Your assistants make 120k?
how about if you a recieving any type of govt. cash relief (welfare, food stamps, section 8) you dont get to vote because you cant run your own life and u have no right to decide how we are governed.
Daily reminder that Trump and the working man is the proletariat
>Scottish referendum
>All the inner city Scots, rich uni students and white collar folks vote to leave the UK
>They say they have the interest of the common folk at heart and preach Marxist dogma, while wanting to remain in the EU, a large, centralized government supported by fascists on its far reaches, like AZOV and the Baltics
.Meanwhile rural farmers and actual working people want to remain with the Brits and stay independent from the EU
Same for America (I'm an expat)
>Rich girls in Ugg boots sipping Starbucks lattes in their high rise apartment paid for by daddy so they can take Womens Studies at the University talk about how they're socialist and want to help the poor and hard working
Why do you think it was such a close race, eve though Trump won the vast majority of areas outside of major cities? We're the fucking revolution!
>Look at Cali and NY
So the destiny of 50 states is to be decided by 2 states.
>20 replies and not a single one is the graph
I fucking hate reddit so much, what a fucking disgrace for you people to not post the graph. This is the final straw, i'm going to infinity chan
Daily reminder that this country is so uneducated that the best candidates we could come up with were Trump and Hillary
Land doesn't vote.
I said college educated and making good money, dipshit.
Any dumbass working offshore on a rig can make six figs.
Interests are similar among the people of a territory. Unless you're denying that people of a certain philosophy, background and power move to those places, of course.
>Daily reminder that if we only allowed middle class entitled white people making over 100k to vote Herr Drumpf would've been BTFO
Neck yourself liberal scum
Butthurt much, Schlomo?
What's your point?
Illegals, hispanics, and dipshit college kids decided that state. Use your eyes, retard.
>People exposed to more left wing propaganda are more left wing.
Really makes you think....
You are .
You lost and clutter up the board with these faggot threads.
>Btw I sage my comments . No bumps for you dipshit
Stop replying to slide threads
Pence and the CIA are getting ready to usurp the whitehouse
Trump got BTFO in rich white places in San Fran and LA where educated college grads make 100k right out of school.
Gas yourself, moron.
>college educated
>making over 100k
>Educated people who make money in the real world and contribute to society vote lean left.
Really activates my almonds.
what is posting a fat white man going to do? make me regret voting for trump? i'm not even white. how is antagonizing the white male working base going to win anyone to your cause? do you still not understand why you lost in the first place?
I didn't come here to recruit you. I came here to laugh at you.
You want to go back to only white, male land-owners are allowed to vote?
okay keep laughing, i'll keep enjoying this victory for another 8 years while the democratic party continues to burn to the ground
And women. SAT scores over 2200. Any race.
>8 years
lol at California and New York being "smartest".
Surprise .
We're laughing at you .
>you're with her ....loser
Daily reminder that colleges indoctrinate students with marxist pseudoscience
Look at per capita patents filed by city.
Stay living in denial.
Daily reminder that STEM grads voted for Hillary.
what do you have to say? you don't even understand why you lost. even after these few months you continue down the same road. i'm not even worried.
Trump is already imploding.
But what do I care if you retards vote against your interests?
Republicans look out for me - I'm rich and lose half of every dollar I make in taxes. I vote left because I feel bad for you. I don't feel bad when Trump cuts capital gains and lowers corporate taxes and my brokerage account climbs another 300k in a year.
yeah, what do you care right? apparently enough to make daily reminder threads every day.
It brings me amusement to laugh at you clowns during downtime at work.
so keep laughing, you ain't gotta tell us every time like you're trying to remind yourself to keep smiling
That guy looks a lot happier than any leftist I've seen in the last 5 years.
>Republicans look out for me - I'm rich and lose half of every dollar I make in taxes. I vote left because I feel bad for you
Are you seriously claiming you vote for policies that protect the competitiveness of blue areas in order to help republicans?
Maybe you should stop helping.
>it's another "autist LARPing as Hillary-voting Silicon Valley software engineer" thread
I vote for moral policies rather than policies that purely advance my own economic interests.
Stay butthurt while Google pays me a quarter mil per year to help change the world.
Which ones?
List them, I'm interested in what you think is morally right.
but we don't, because we allow minorities to vote.
>Trust me guise I'm totally one of the top engineers at Google
absolutely pathetic
>moral policies
That just means you can't articulate the benefits of what you want.
>top engineers
Bruh that's like a branch senior, hardly anywhere near the top.
If we only allowed people who are insulated form reality to vote then yes, Hillary would have won
Abortion. Welfare and Medicaid expansion. Progressive taxes. Etc.
Let's start with two that interest me:
Illegal immigration and H1B
What is your stance on these and why?
Daily reminder Op is a SHARIABLUE SHILL fag.
He is not a senior engineer at Google or anywhere, otherwise he wouldn't need to post online for shekels.
The only payment I get is lulz.
Immigration is a net positive and it should be made as easy as possible for people to get in.
Illegal children already here shouldn't be kicked out.
>I-if we just followed my arbitrary set of qualifiers, then Trump would've lost!
A college degree is correlated with IQ.
Wealth is an indicator of societal contribution.
Not an argument.
I'm guessing you are pro choice. Personally I am as well, we will skip this one.
>Welfare and Medicaid expansion.
>Progressive taxes. Etc.
How does any of that help redstate people? They live in low cost areas, and don't have problem with massive wealth inequality.
I'm on the fence about how much they care about medical stuff. For rural people it's not that much of a plus, thier occupations are often such that they can't take a day off (and it often takes all day) to go see a doctor, so "free" isn't all that useful.
Progressive taxes at the state and local level are great, they get the rich and businesses to spread out. At a national level they make Kansas as expensive as CA. That's hardly good for Kansas.
So you care more about people from another country who have some other place to go than the people here, who have nowhere to go.
I notice you dodged H1B. Address that please.
It doesn't need to be.
You're a faggot.
That's not an argument either. It's an accusation.
>Cali and Jew York
You mean where all the spics and niggers are? Literally the two places with such hive minded idiots too
My uncle works on Nintendo
>Daily reminder that if we only allowed college educated people making over 100k to vote Herr Drumpf would've been BTFO.
But those same people would have lost us two world wars
>tfw you find your inauguration pics here after lurking for months
Guy in photo here, got a STEM degree a few years ago but I don't make 100k.
I'm fairly certain that's incorrect anyway.
She had a slight lead with college grads, though she did have a large lead with post grads, there aren't all that many of them.
>Immigration is a net positive and it should be made as easy as possible for people to get in.
Coming back to this. Does it bother you at all that this directly hurts the lower classes already here? Are you also for unlimited H1Bs?
lets say Facebook imports 10,000 Eastern Europeans and houses them in dorms and pays them 100k to write software. Then other companies do the same. Are you ok with that? Why or why not?
Ok, then let's go back to a time when only property owners were allowed to vote. After all, they've directly invested in america by owning small pieces of it.
[ ] REKT
>a poster of the worst nintendo-made mario
I'm mad you share my political philosophy.
Daily reminder that retarded Marxist indoctrinated fools would have voted for Hillary
If your gonna be a Nintendo fan atleast shave your neckbeard so youre not as stereotypical broham.
>he thinks no one went to college before the year 2000
and also shave/trim your beard you fucking stereotype.
this guy looks pretty cool to hang out with desu.
Say hello
>college educated people making over 100k
Lol. anyone got that chart with the education and average wage of voters?
Truth is, you can go to college for your "studies", but you'll earn less than Cleetus who's a chicken catcher.
That's Sup Forums in a nut shell
Love it or leave it
But don't fuck with it cause you're fucking with weaponized autism
>Look at Cali and NY - that's where people who make over 100k live.
>It's another "It's ok to destroy democracy and install a literal dictatorship if I get what I want" post by CTR shill #34674
i like your wall cake
Yeah, I haven't really changed up the posters in my room in like 12 years, lol.
Really love paper mario, though. More so than regular platforming mario.
college is for faggots and kike puppets
gf and I made it out of red velvet brownies. It was pretty good.
Also the Pepe cake was a spice cake. Seemed appropriate.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.