I got fied because of Ukrainian immigrants

I got fied because of Ukrainian immigrants.

This is shit guys

This is too much

Other urls found in this thread:


Both would look better with BBC in their mouths.

>Murder them secretly
>Get old job back

Diversity is strength.

leafesque buffoonery at its best

I'll take in the ukrainians.

I got fired cause I made this really retarded indian cry. He complained about my being dismissive towards him and telling him to do his own work, so I told him all the shit he does wrong and he literally cried his dumb little bitch eyes out in front of everyone and I got busted for that as well. I feel you bro.

You constantly make same thread you fucking Janusz, no one cares plus it didn't happen, you never had job, NEETs don't get fired.

Make them scrub your toilets Jacek. Show them whos the man.


Fucking leafs.

>Be in UK
>I got fied because of Polish immigrants.

Everyday you spam this shit.
Guess what: no one cares about poles

you get paid more than 2usd per day?

a little emphaty would be lovely

He never worked a day in his life, he is just role playing a victim.


Why Poland so butthurt all time?

Not for neet spammers like you

I had to work with a German once. Most useless cunt ever. Always over-engineering everything. He ended up costing my company about 3 Mil by over-engineering something so bad that when he left because everyone hated him, everyone found out it would take like a year to fix because of all the unnecessary shit that he included.

So it is true, kim really does shitpost on Sup Forums

How did you get that flag, Kim?

Let split the burden, send the chicks to us

Ukrainians are Russians with identity crises

Embassy worker obviously

I remember when one Ukrainian got hired in my workplace, he came back to Ukraine the same day.

I'm really surprised that Ukrainians are even capable working here. Work culture here is feudal, with shit pay and sociopath bosses.

did they take your plumbing job.


Worked with a Russian once. Was a good bloke. Started fights with everyone though, especially the German. Which was good.

What has your porn fetish got to do with this guy losing his job?????

Why are there so many anti-Ukrainian posts by Poles? It's getting really old now. You should both be partitioned by larger powers.

Polish people hate ukraine because of something that happened between ww1 to the 90s I think

noone actually cares about cucked-germany
we don't even got an army!
Die lachen uns nur aus.

Can some Pole elaborate? And don't just say "muh immigration" because that's exactly what you fucks are doing over here.

during wwii ukrainians teamed up with nazis and slaughtered poles in eastern poland including babies and women

Based and sad at the same time. What is the general consensus in Poland about Ukrainians? Is it anything like it is on Sup Forums?



Polish butthurt, nothing new.

When Poles were being fucked by Nazis and Commies Ukrainians decided it is a great time to start killing Polish civilians.


UPA started killing mothers and children and used most fucked up ways you can imagine like sawing pregos, ripping fetus out, filling belly with glass and stitching it back while Polish women were still alive.

> Pole
> Complaining about losing job to Slavic immigrants

Odd how Germans did much worse than Ukrainians did yet most Polish hate is directed towards the latter (on this website at least).

>cuckposting ironically for replies
>not being american and do it unironically
can leafs even get on jewmericas level?


I wonder how many polish 10yo have been gangraped by ukrainian refugfees at the pool so far?


nah mostly people want them here

May be pole-rus alliance to remove UKRO?

I worked with a Ukranian guy once. Absolute fucking genius. Practically saved the company with his enthusiasm and inventiveness.

079. nailed a knife to the table tab of a small child, which later hung on it.
080. Countryman child with a knife into pieces and scattering them around.
081. Ripping tummy children.
082. nailed the bayonet of a small child to the table.
083rd Hanging baby male genitals on the door handle.
084. Violations of the child's leg joints.
085. Violations of the child's arthritic hands.
086. suffocate the child by imposing on him a variety of rags.
087th Throw for deep wells of small children alive.
088. Throw the child in the flames of the burning building.
089 Breaking the baby's head by taking him by the legs and hitting the wall or stove.
090. The hanging legs monk at the pulpit in the church.
091. Sticking child's pal.

It's just bants or trolling mostly. Some people are butthurt about Wolyn massacre. Also Ukrainians larping as a nation is just retarded, at least at its current form, (((they))) took some elements of Polish and Russian culture, including "we wuz oppressed" and pretend they're an actual nation with history n shit.

Fucking ukro beasts.

Ukrainian women are better than nasty tiny eyed pollacks
just because you could argue that poland is a better place to live right now doesn't mean anyone has to give a shit about you
Americans get fired to make way for indians and mexicans and somalians yet you don't see the rest of the world jumping to take them instead of us
oh boo hoo your govt is taking in some other slavs
at least their culture is somewhat like yours and they won't make a bunch of retarded brown babies with your women
shut the fuck up already

What about cossacks? That seems to be one of the driving forces behind Ukrainian identity, at least from my observation.

Cossacks is multiculti mobsters, slave-traders and riders.

>Some people are butthurt about Wolyn massacre

Makes me wonder why

>Sup Forums
>Gas the kikes!!!1 RACE WAR NOWW!!

Then later that day

>omg, those poor helpless jewish polacks, how could they, those monsters!

Cossacs werent a nation, they were just a grouof people banished from both Poland and Russia


Well gassing someone is still not as barbaric as chopping kids wouldn't you agree?




Please, nuke some Kiev, Master Kim.

It's like Somali pirates founding a nation.

they were the military caste in russia when were they kicked out?. my mom was a cossack from russia and her family fought the nazis. some of the cossacks in ukraine joined the nazis and that is what is driving the conflict there today.

It doesn't really feel coherent. It feels slapped together.

Cossacs is different groups.

Yeah, if humans kill - they humane kill.