Today I was on the city. It is the first sunny day after a lot of rain, you can tell spring is coming

Today I was on the city. It is the first sunny day after a lot of rain, you can tell spring is coming.

I was driving back to my home when I saw a beautiful, young, cute white girl with black hair and long white legs with a black man.

Usually, it doesn't affect me that much. But today I felt angry. Extremely angry. It was almost unbearable, so I thought about stopping my car and doing something. But there was still that voice inside me saying: "keep calm, don't fuck it up. You have a lot to lose. Keep calm".

I came home thinking about all sort of things. Thinking about how could I kill such people and get away with it. Of course I am not serious about it, otherwise I wouldn't be making this post. But for several minutes, I was.

Do you have these kind of feelings? How do you cope with them? I don't go to the city that often, but if I did I know for a fact I would end up doing something.

I don't want to fuck my life, but I really want to do something. I am currently making some coffe and then I am going to the gym. I really want to hit a bag for hours.

In the meanwhile, discuss this topic please. I will be back in two or three hours and open a similar thread again, because I can't think of anything else. I feel like if I hit a milestone in my life. This feeling will never go away completely.

take some lsd

Stop sliding this board with your shill threads.

Holy shit. Kill yourself before you kill someone who is happy and doesn't know you.

Nice blog.

You are becoming a danger to those around you based on your fucked up ideology. Time to reconsider your life or kill yourself before you hurt someone else.

Probably a shill trying to trigger crazy autists.

This is a white supremacist board. It always was and it will always be. You get the fuck out back to Sup Forums nigger.

>cute girl with white legs

How insecure are you that one white girl with a black guy makes you want to commit murder? Fucking get over yourself.

Most spaniards are european. Have you ever been in Spain, retard? What are these, africans?

Maybe today is not my day. That's why I had to open this thread, I thought I would find plenty of people sharing my anger.

But no, all I get is dumb americans and a couple of extreme left-wing germans. Nice.

>I almost killed someone
>but everyone else is wrong

This is how insane you are.

>everyone else
>this board is everyone else

This how autistic you are.

Call me all the names you want, faggot. At least I've never thought about killing someone just because they don't think the same way I do.

Why get mad? The toll will be paid eventually, and the nigger will get life in prison.

>then I woke up, pants sticky from semen

The population game is longer than your rush of anger. You need to play the long game. There's only one, long-term solution: you need to get married and become a father to many strong, strong-minded Spaniards like yourself. You need to encourage other men to become good fathers like yourself. You need to breed a generation of Spaniards so great that Spain begins colonizing the world again rather than being colonized by the world.

You are the first one who decided to resort on name calling saying I am insane.

You never had a burst of anger over someone? Then you are not human.

The fact that I did nothing proves that I have a lot of auto-control.

But yes, it feels bad that girl is going out with a black guy instead of having children with a guy of her same genetic stock. It makes me angry, angry at her and angry at the world, and sad. And I want to do something about it.

It's all futile, dude. His daughters would racemix anyway. The white race is done. There's no way to stop the rot. It runs too deep.

Yes. When I manage to get my blood cold, those are my thoughts.

I have a brother and several female cousins too, and they are all going that way. So I should be pretty happy.

But today, I don't know what happened. To be honest, I can't explain it. I just felt really angry.

Spanish people aren't European they speak Mexican for christ sake.

Everyone is disgusted and furious about this. But throwing your life away with murder you'll be punished for isn't the answer.

First thing to do is marry a white girl and start having kids. Then you can start instilling proper racism into your children early. Get involved in politics and fight for your self-interests. Shame the girls who defile themselves with subhuman filth.

If you do all this successfully, then the problem will be solved. Otherwise, you'll have a race war, and then you can kill those disgusting freaks like they deserve.

Someone said this days ago and I like the logical standpoint to it.

If you see a white girl with a nigger remember to realize that she has probably fucked a lot of guys. That black guy is just one of many.

She's probably some trash slut and is ruined anyways so objectively speaking who cares if she fucks some nigger on top of 25 white guys considering she isn't breeding stock worthy anyways.

Attractive girls can be slutty. Got it? It sucks but it's modern society. We need to end the depravity with youth.

Stop supporting the american empire then

i think about murdering murderers all the time. whats your address OP? Id be glad to show you what it is that you wish to do to others.

I am agree. Those are the thoughts that make me contain myself, thinking that I am more useful alive and out of prison than dead or in prison.

Every time I see this kind of thing I look deep in the girl's eyes, showing a mix of disgust and superiority.

Defeatists like you are worse than kikes

>But yes, it feels bad that girl is going out with a black guy instead of having children with a guy of her same genetic stock.

This is what makes you insane. You think your morality is so superior to everyone else's that you get so angry you have to stop yourself from committing murder. You're so blinded by your own superiority that you miss the fact that murdering people is wrong in the first place and that any morality that would support the murder of people is wrong. You are suffering such cognitive dissonance that you are every bit as terrible as the SJWs that Sup Forums loves to hate. You are quite literally a crazy person and you need to seriously reflect on your belief system before it destroys you.

Rua Travesa Nº 42

Fene, Ferrol (A coruña province)

You think you can scare me or something?

don't worry, the nigger is going to be a huge disappointment to her and the little whore wont ever date niggers again

OP é galego?

subhuman nigger confirmed

Gb2cragslist missed connections


CIA please go

Oh shit whatup bro

How are the women back in the home province? Besides the one coal burner you saw today

I looked up the address for shids and gaggles and what the FUCK are your city planners doing?
Why are your houses packed so tight together but with a ton of random empty yards everywhere? There's a lot of nice mansions but it looks like you would hear your neighbors fucking and spanking each other all the time.

>Attractive girls can be slutty. Got it? It sucks but it's modern society. We need to end the depravity with youth.

That sounds like a reasonable (and legal) objective. The problem is I don't see a lot of people in real life doing this...Hence my despair.

I don't. I have realized a long time ago that the american empire is THE PROBLEM. Maybe those who live in the usa can't realize it from the inside, but I have seen how things change here in the last 15 years, and it is definitely a problem of american influence.

I know there are a lot of good americans tho. But the country as a whole, the political entity, is cancer. The worst kind of it.

get a bigger dick and a girl to fuck whiteboii, can't control big city's thots

>The fact that I did nothing proves that I have a lot of auto-control.
>The fact I didn't murder two strangers who did nothing to me proves I have self-control and am a supreme gentleman

>Why are your houses packed so tight together but with a ton of random empty yards everywhere?

Because only ten years ago everyone was plowing the fields, perhaps? This is not america...

Beautiful, as always. But slutty. Can't complain that much though, the overall level of degeneracy is far below what I read about other countries.

Vadias ficam com pretos muito mais por causa do comportamento animalesco do que qualquer outra coisa.

>I saw a beautiful, young, cute white girl
I thought you're all shitskins.

They are Africans you blind dork.

We have some shitskins. You have some mongols. Overall, saying spaniards (or russians) are not european have always sounded pretty stupid for me. You can't classify us on any other racial group.

Seek medical help.

I am off to the gym now. Thanks for the answers guys, I actually feel better, and motivated.

Ok kiddo. Modss an underage!!

You have no right for any cunt, you little faggot, stop looking at the others and do something about your social retardation
>Starting a thread to inmediately leave, drink bleach you useless piece of shit

Calla la boca, comemierda. Si tienes algun problema ven a decirmelo a la cara, aqui tienes mi direccion

a Spaniard specimen

no wonder you hoes prefer niggers

>not posting your enemy's address so he gets lynched instead


>not following the couple untill you get their address so the nigger gets lynched

When is it coming back?

delete this

>And I want to do something about it.

Well there's your solution mate. Do something. Become a political activist. Or a politician. Or a fucking revolutionary general.

YOU are responsible to obtain your own poosey. Evolution works that way. What you belief does not change evolution. Evolution has no end state or goal, it is reactive and all life is transient.

If you fail, the species won't miss you. If you succeed, your DNA will carry on until it, inevitably, is supplanted by something more successful or outside factors destroy it.

The universe will remain.

Your anger at nigging is anger at yourself. You should be so masculine that women fuk you instead of other primates, but evidently you aren't.

Rent the pussy and move on with your life.

Except I am not a virgin like you, I have a brother and three cousins, and I don't feel bad at all at young girls going out with their own genetic stock.

Quite the opossite, white young couples make me very happy.


And good to hear bro. I can't see myself marrying a whore here so I'll likely be headed back in the next 5-10 years


Don't worry OP, my ancestors hail from Andalusia Spain and i have Visigothic German Christian Heritage and also Mediterranean N.A Muslim Berber Heritage from Islamic Spain.
> Inb4 Moors were shitskins
Moors were 99% N.A Berbers, literally Mediterranean Caucasians since North Africa has always been a Caucasian Region until recently.
Anyways my point is that i have Christian and Muslim relatives and they all have one thing in common, they all HATE shitskins and are NatSoc's themselves.
All of my cousins are already married and have kids of their own and they are between 18-25 .
Race-Mixing in Spain is not even that common, only happens in Big Cities like Madrid or Barcelona where it's full with liberal leftwing communist faggots.

Either way NatSoc and Fascism is rising all over Spain and the mudsharks will get what's coming to them for being race traitors.

>Implying that killing is inherently evil.

You. Are. A fucking. Champion.

>cherry picking the whitest spaniards

Spaniards are white, but most have dark black hair.

There are no such thing as being Whiter when you are Caucasian.
Dark hair, dark eyes are all Mediterranean Phenotypes but they have Caucasian Facial features unlike a shitskin poo or paki.
Our Aryan race has so much diversity already, we don't need anymore, especially from nonwhite turd worlders.