It's like annudah shoah
It's like annudah shoah
Other urls found in this thread:
Allha sahaduni
It's like anuthar Nakba
serious question
is the white ?
>is the white ?
is he white
>Brown hair/eyes
>Brown skin
>Semetic nose
based Hungary
Being called a nazi is going to become nothing soon. It's so overused that it's lost its edge.
Kinda like being called a racist. Nobody gives a fuck anymore.
Yeah, Saudis are well known for respecting human rights and another cultures.
how many refugees do you think it would take to destroy that razor wire
it's a common feature amongst you r1b types. don't act like the arabs aren't your cousins
Reminder that the saudi royal family is jewish.
It would take a dozen if it was unguarded. Soros and co. would be happy to provide them the tools.
Fake news. he's not Saudi. He's half Swedish, half Jordanian, raised in the West with Western mentality. He also criticized Saudi Arabia's war on yemen and said there should be investigation on alleged war crimes and that the country shouldn't be immune.
He also said this :
>"There is no justification ever, for the degrading, the debasing or the exploitation of other human beings – on whatever basis: nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or caste."[8]
>sexual orientation
You'll never see a Saudi prince say this.
It's same with the Jews, you don't see Israeli ones promoting leftism or other positions centre to left in the West. This is just another case of Westerners incapable of taking responsibility and blaming everyone else for their problem.
It's not the razorwire that's stopping them. You can throw a couple of blankets over it to cross over.
The armed men behind the razorwire fence is what's stopping them.
Pic related.
>UN Chief
Saudi Arabia doesn't even believe in human rights. Why are we allowing them to fucking head up the UN?
never stop being based, Hungarybros
The jokes just write themselves
Doesn't make any fucking sense, they literally take no one and they hate jews more/
You didn't ate your daily bucket of cum don't you? That's why you are so disturbed.
Oh those canadian cucks
How many refugees has saudi arabia taken in?