Sup Forums will deny climate change

Live on the East Coast, go from alternating weeks of early summer (upper 70s) weather and literal winter hell. Yesterday, it was warm and humid out, today it's fucking snowing.

Sup Forums will defend Trump's denial of climate change.

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most retarded form of confirmation bias ever

Here in Canada it was -4 and then -35 out of nowhere. Didn't snow for 2 months and suddenly 2 feet get dumped on us. Shits fucky

3 years ago when the east coast had a nasty cold snap:

>Hahahaha stupid KKKONSERVATIVE SCIENCE DENIERS said we had a cold winter they don't get climate isn't the same as weather!

This year:

Long Island here, this weather you're experiencing is called march weather.
Next month it's going to get warmer, so don't freak out.

Babby can't handle a little bad weather? You can walk to your blacksmithing job in stable climate or drive to your engineering job in erratic climate. Those are your choices.

You're confusing weather with climate.

I believe in climate change but dumbass arguments about the weather changing abound on both sides. Makes you sound like a dolt.

Born and bred East Coast bubba here and inaint ever experienced such a draft

huh? What does blacksmithing have to do with any of this?

You don't live on the east coast. There's no where on it that what you described was a reality.

It hit 60 twice, and was brutally cold sandwiched between those days. Now its snowing a couple inches at the beginning of March.

None of this is evidence of climate change. You probably mean global warming, which its still not evidence of.

Beyond any of this, you have exactly 0 solutions to your imagined problem, so you're just yelling about nothing.

>Not having unpredictable weather

What are you 12?
This isn't new. Spring does shit like this from time to time. Occasionally the ski resorts stay open until may, sometimes they close in February.

This is just as moronic as people who call snow "global warming". For frogs sake stop being an idiot

I am pointing out that modern technology requires fossil fuel. Even if you believe in the connection between climate change and erratic weather patterns, there is nothing Trump can to do change this unless we want to go back to living with pre-modern technology. So I asked him if he wanted to walk to his blacksmithing job.

Huh? Trump's the president, there are many things he can do, like put up a tax for companies that use fossil fuels and such to preserve our earth. And tax people on jets

>put up a tax

Unless that tax can produce an energy source as potent, transferable, stable, storable, safe, immediately usable, affordable, and suitable for existing infrastructure as petroleum and natural gas, and you can also get China to impose similar restrictions, you're wasting your time.

I'll give you a hint though, you can't. Petroleum is practically magic.

It's wrong to desecrate the remains of past life though. Things cannot reincarnate if their remains are burned into fuel, petroleum. You want people to be using your remains 1000 years from now as fuel for their cars?

We have wind and carbon dioxide, which we can weaponize and use as fuel.

quit crying faggot atleast it gets cold where you live

>Even if you believe in the connection between climate change and erratic weather patterns, there is nothing Trump can to do change this unless we want to go back to living with pre-modern technology
When I was in school decades ago, we had 9 planets and we were coming to the end of an ice age...Dinosaurs all died out. It was commonly accepted based on "climate change" and historical records that the earth had changes it was doing. Plate tectonics moved continents around, and changed ocean currents, and our weather.

This is not the first time, nor the last time we will have climate change.....somehow people are here to observe it and keep records this time, and so we think this is new and different.

Climate change and global warming are real. The causation is not man made. It was going to happen either way.

This manmade garbage debate is pushed by the same scientists who pushed the idea of 9 planets and dino doomsday......However, now we accept only 8 planets, and dinosaurs turned into chickens....

> warm spell ends in time for spring break
> temperatures return to normal
> forecast says temps here to stay for the forseeable future

> OP talks about global warming for some fucked up reason.

Most of it is plant matter. Wind is a shit power source and Carbon Dioxide isn't even a power source.

>1000 years
In 1000 years you're likely to still be a skeleton, bones don't deteriorate the same as flesh, take a look ay egyptian mummies. Also, most oil is several millions of years old.

I live in South Carolina. When I was in middle school it was 70 degrees one day and snowed 18 inches the next. South Carolina is weird as fuck.

Why isn't it a power source? We have people able to engineer energy from the sun and the stems of plants, and so with enough ingenuity we could could conceivably get power from lots of carbon in the atmosphere.

The real question is why is the innovation not happening, because big corporations put locks on this stuff to keep humanity behind



I'm actually for reducing consumption because I'm a nature guy and honestly we're wasteful and do harm the environment. Even with the science on climate change being less than perfect, you can't argue with deforestation or the toxic ugliness of strip mining.

Tucker Carlson actually made a very good point against Bill Nye on climate change, though of course poor Tucker couldn't think on his feet fast enough to really hammer home the idea properly when Nye countered. Basically... scientists can't say to what extent we're influencing the climate with true certainty, and yet they claim they can know with true certainty that we're the ones at fault for it. There's a missing link there, and I haven't heard a good argument accounting for that. Nye answered with something like "well, grape farmers in France can't farm in some of the places they did in the 1700s because of climate changes." But that doesn't prove that our actions are the reason for that.

I'd really like to see the science on this to be demonstrated better.

So is it warming or becoming more volatile? Because a warmer climate would become more temperate. Make up your mind climate retards

actually going to pre-modern tech wouldnt do shit and it never would have, this is the result of a natural cycle

it would be like a little speedbump

and really you gotta take a red pill when it comes to climate dynamics and thats that an Ice Age is looming. We're at the top of a hill right now and our car is about to go off the deep end.

water determines climate end of story

warm tropical water (el nino, etc) makes it hotter above the surface for sure

but down in the depths its cold and that absorbs heat and it absorbs a fuckton of it

the warm water conveyor in the atlantic is starting to shut down, and that means cooler water sinks down under the ice up in the arctic and displaces ultracold and ultradense water thats been trapped at the bottom of the arctic ocean for hundreds of years - literally spills out across the sea floor and just goes everywhere

that'll start lowering the water temps, even just a degree or two and that sets the climate back to the way it used to be

and that wont stop the cold water from spilling out of the arctic basin

> as for why the warm water conveyor in the atlantic has shut down who knows, its possibly due to the weather imbalance actually, over decades the butterfly effect can change things like this


The idea is that the increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from burning all those fossil fuels created a greenhouse effect that has accelerated the warming. This part isn't really disputed by anyone. The argument is over how much mankind contributes to the observable change, and how much is just us entering a warming period. It's out of my field so I don't know for certain, but so far as I can read the studies, they see far higher concentrations of the indicators they use to predict climate change than would be expected. In other words, it's changing very quickly.

I think it's irrelevant anyway though. Nothing even comes close to fossil fuels as an energy source, so that's what we're gonna use even if it means that some rich liberal has to take a loss when he sells his California beachfront property.

>They haven't been controlling the weather all along
>"No bad goyim! You advance more quickly than the third world countries and that is not equality! You must use this garbage means of industry that my (((brother in law))) is a majority share holder in and if you don't you will have huge fines to pay! The third world countries won't of course because you need to be held back 1000 years until they catch up! Did I say held back? I meant so we can all* be equal!"
>*Jews exempt

Yeah, you can extract energy from a lot of things. Hell, you can get energy from temperature change itself with a Sterling Engine. The problem is how much energy you get, how portable it is, how storable it is, does it require time to start producing energy, etc. People are conditioned and our infrastructure is set up for a super potent immediately effective energy source. We don't have anything that compares to it right now and I wouldn't want to be taxed out the ass until somebody could show me an alternative that would actually be worth investing in. Unfortunately, there isn't one.

wikileaks defends it too

You fucking dumb nigger. The weather in Virginia has been like this for 300 years.
