Going to keep the discussion going even though I have to pop out for a while as the last thread was excellent

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I missed the last thread, so basically its an existential approach to politics based off Heidegger's conception of Dasein? I notice that in the video, he doesn't offer any particular vision, but that this is a 'question well put'.

>(((anca cernea)))


I see commie people.

A little anecdote. During Soviet times it was the norm to call someone a "philosopher" if they could intepret Marxist-Leninist ideas in a "socially relevant" context, meaning interpreting an idea in a way that would further the cause of world revolution. While this is just my own opinion, I would say Dugin fulfills this criteria, since he's also referred to as a "philosopher" in Russia.

Yeah, basically. Not that I really know enough about either to comment with any authority, to me this is just an exploration of a new political idea.

come on

Dugin on post-modernism:

Stop supporting atlantism

She's Romanian and Roman Catholic.

>I am a religious traditionalist who defends the good old morals and deeply believe in God, this is why I support an orange cocaine addict who pays hookers to piss on him right after grabbing married women by the pussy

“I am a supporter of blacks. White civilization; their cultural values, false, dehumanizing model of the world, built by them – did not pay off. Everything goes to the beginning of the anti-white pogroms on a planetary scale. Russia saved only by the fact that we are not pure white. Predatory multinational corporations, oppression and suppression of all others, MTV, gays and lesbians – this is the fruit of white civilization, from which it is necessary to get rid of. So I am for reds, yellows, greens, blacks – but not for whites. I wholeheartedly on the side of the people of Zimbabwe.”~Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin

Stop meming this shizo already. Plz stop seriously.

If he's such a schizo, why are so many people taking him seriously, and how can he be a threat to anyone?

He literally runs your country.

sometimes memes collide

Dugin is somewhat Russian Bannon, but more based.

Provide some evidence first before attempting to disregard russkies' standpoint here (do you even porusski?). Just because mr. Pu merely shares a few points off his bazillion playbooks doesn't make Dugin some sort of IRL cartoon Rasputin ruling over russkies. A nutjob, what a nutjob - Alex Jones-tier nutjob.

In the meanwhile, you should do something about your country's presidential race since (((they))) will be definitely closer to your kind - in case there are still whites left...

Bannon is a mediocre piece of shit

Beck's look in Dugin, if you throw the mastermind part away is pretty clear.
Dugin is not a mastermind, but he represents the big part of russian society in his schizo views.

She's a crypto-Jew who sucks EU cock for a living. Fuck off.

>Alexander Dugin
>junkie through all of 80s-90s
>practiced literal gay shit with his buddy Eduard Limonov(Limonov sucked a nigger dick in Nea York; source his book "Ya Edichka")
>patient of mental asylum
>is a schizophrenic
>his supporters are very very few
>all of them are omega cucklords, that get beaten up by the Russian Nationalists when they show up there
>Dugan believes that having a beard will get you to heaven
>has tatar ancestry
>is anti-White
Why do you even post this cunt?

Her father was literally imprisoned for being Catholic. Fuck off.

>so basically its an existential approach to politics based off Heidegger's conception of Dasein?

Because most of Sup Forums visitors consist of braindead idiot poor NEETs or subhuman mongrels. Often both

Attack the man and not his ideas like the (((good goyim))) you are

People don't usually have idea how the Russian government works.
The republic, putin, etc... is only a theater to fool the west. Russia is controlled by their intelligence agents, and now they're using the same old KGB structure to spread their new anti-american ideologies throughtout the world.

>well, guys, communism fail, but we're still here, we need to do something

Dugin's ideology is only a way to converge all political ideologies into anti-americanism, anti globalism, etc... It's easy to spot dugins influence in many times Putin talks about russian identity and anti-west arguments.

>muh multipolar world

He doesn't need to believe in what he says, believing it or not doesn't matter, what matters is that the stupid masses actually fall for it.

Romanians are Orthodox Christian and spiritual brothers with Russia. Leaving the Orthodox church there is tantamount to treason. Now go lick some nigger feet like your commie pope.


>why are so many people taking him seriously

Nobody is taking him seriously. After western media played him up to be some kind of behind the scenes idologue of Putin, people in PA actually got around to reading his insane ramblings, after which he got promptly booted from all educational positions he held.

>Attack the man and not his ideas

His ideas being literally anti-white Globalism? Ok bud

Personality and ideas often correlate, and as I said he's anti-White and part tatar. Why should I listen to a mudblood subhuman again? Fuck off shitskin

>Romanians are Orthodox Christian and spiritual brothers with Russia.

lol where do you fucks even get this shit from?

He no longer holds anti-white views and in fact supports Western white nationalists. Views can change.

>got promptly booted from all educational positions he held.
>haha, s-sure we don't care about this crazy ass dude, l-look how we treat him in front of the cameras
Your government is just hiding it, simple, they pretend they don't care but in practice they use his ideology as a guiding line to justify military actions, such as ukraine etc...

Nice proxy, Bohdan.

Guys above already proved my point when it comes to such lunatic fascination with regards to anything Dugin or gay papa Limonov for that matter. If you only knew how to porusski, you would know that Pu's power balances with particular pro-American liberalism (see: Medvedev for instance) as well which clashes with your idols' schizoid rants.

Credibility first, Ronaldinho.

I will love to see your face when Russia invades Finland using Dugins justification, claiming you're russian property by right and they will save your people from the west and "need to be saved from le ebil nato's hand".
I'm happy we're not too far from it.

Reminder this guy is an anti-west, anti-white slavic weirdo.

he's basically anti-western not anti-white
he used to think west was beyond saving until trump.

He's antiglobalist, and saw the West (rightly) as the pimps of globalisation

So why does he support nogs like Mugabe?

And what kind of strategic purpose would our country serve to russkies if invaded? You nigger should know that us being a buffer country inbetween guarantees that no escalation in the northern front between Russia and NATO (WWIII scenario if you will) would be ensured.

I don't like Pu either but his admin is not consisting of idiots FYI. So what's your proofs again? I would love to see some favelaboi trying so hard to debunk the guy living in the eastern parts of Finrando which is considered to be the so-called "risk zone", but hey - less (((fenno-swedes))) the better I guess?

At least russkies funded our business for the time being and we consequently ensured that the world remains at least somewhat stable without immediate WWIII dangers. What did your country do for the sake of civil nations?

Daily reminder that Putins philosophies are Russian state propaganda. Dude is a genius, for sure, but he doesn't believe this shit he spouts, its purely to legitimize Putinism/authoritarianism and de-legitmize liberal democracy.
Dont buy into this horse shit

*Dugins philosophies, not Putins philosophies.

because they are antiglobalist you dumb frog

he is also a strong supporter of north korea

What? I don't get what's wrong with common sens solutions.

He is just shilling his weird ass ideology.

Dugin is indeed right that the authoritarian model *COULD BE* the only means to keep Russia somewhat intact, especially when it comes to more likely chances with cultural conflict/mix implosions, extremely scattered pool of political interests etc.

However, that doesn't make him any totes "genius": even before Dugin's wonderful proto-Infowars propaganda dem commie russians (not the main commiejews in power) knew exactly that with a country of such proportions and history of disagreement you cannot opt any ideology of "muh freedomz of democracy" there unless you fail miserably to forecast any potential catastrophes.

Dugin is a shill whose interests just happen to align with the significant part of Russians influenced by Pu's rhetoric and United party's favoritism towards RenTV-tier conspirablasting.

Saying that he is rasputining putin screams nigger logic and nothing else (tbqh)

cont. and when it comes to Pu himself, it's a dead giveaway that he doesn't exactly act according to his own rhetoric. go figure.

You fit that description quite well, lesser being

If Russia can only be kept together through physical force it should be allowed to die

His weird ass ideology is an attempt to reconcile godless nihilism, equality meme, and the will to survive.

He want to reduce all human lives to 'existence', as existence is a given and not the result of ancestry, talent, or past and present efforts.

It is communism. An attempt to deny the individual the fruits of their own ancestry and personal choices. AKA, PRIVATE FUCKING PROPERTY.

Isn't that how your empire was kept intact in the first place though? So much for calling the kettle black, Oswald. But hey, anglos were always the lowest of the bunch hence their jewed hatred towards anything Russian or their vicinity (incl. us, fuck off and brexit quickly please)

liberalism will be replaced with transhumanism




>Dugin is a shill whose interests just happen to align with the significant part of Russians influenced by Pu's rhetoric and United party's favoritism towards RenTV-tier conspirablasting.
I think it runs deeper than that. Who knows what to beleive coming out of Russia, but reports indicate that Dugin is indeed involved in Putins russia, despite the fac tthat he has no formal role/position in government. Dugin apparently helped broker the Russia-Turkey reconciliation for example.
I would not be surprised if the 4th Political Theory was commissioned by Putin himself. Its exactly the ideological/philosophical bullshit Putin needs to justify his own existence and to unify opposition against the US and its allies.

This, I didn't know who he was untill this clusterfuckery, and im already starting to like him more, goddammit.

Anything should be questioned and not just Russia, you goddamn burger. Also: not again with these "unnamed reports" - as with "Apparently", "indeed", "I would not be surprised"...

Fuck off, Comey. Sage this thread before Comey apologists and anglo-incest freaks come marching in further. SAGE.

>views can change
Credibility doesn't. Ancestry doesn't

Who is this long bearded yurocuck?

I was a Duginfag/Traditionalist for a while (and in some ways I guess I still am) but the real red pill is that we live in a fallen world that will never be made perfect through any one political theory. Dugin's attempt to construct one comes from a very modern notion that there is any meaning to human history. The only freedom to be had in this world is through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Agreed. Let the apocalypse happen.

And this

(((Dugin))) is pure evil.

Dugin said people without beard are castrates and faggots. Putin doesn't have beard, makes ur noggin joggin.

Shhh shhh Ukraine, it will all be over soon

oh great. communism by yet another new name.
>post modern
>liberalism exists today and fascism and communism do not
get fucked, cunt.