Is feminism dying out or growing in strength?
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neither, it's transforming
Emma is looking more and more manly by the year
Wonder when the tits are going to shrivle away?
Dying out. Even on normiebook, all the girls who used to push for that shit are going lolbertarian at this point. Mind you, these are people from the SF Bay Area. A raver girl I know who was full-on shilling for non CIS people and feminist shit posted an image showing Israel and the CIA involved in creating ISIS. Another guy who I knew who used to claim to be a commie road the lolbertarian train. Antifa also made things worse from looking like complete fools, and it red-pilled people a bit.
It's not NatSoc, but it'll do.
You tell me
Its dying out when I whip my cock out
I would say dying, my impression is that the mainstream people who formerly identified as feminists jumped ship when the autistic genderqueer polyracial screeching got to be too much
On another note, as feminism destroys families, relationships, etc. girls who tried following it became depressed and just wanted things "like they were before." They may not fully see the realizations, but subconsciously, nature always wins. Except for Jews. They're fucked in the head from birth.
feminism has already won.
it's time to fight back
That's the higher ups going full damage control. The average feminist is losing power. You'll see major groups shilling hard for feminism, but as a desperate attempt to hold influence.
Dying. The louder they are more on the defense the are.
I'd definetley say the militant SJW version is dying out. Though the central idea of equality is still on the rise, and it's still not addressing mens problems ironically.
Either way, it's still shit.
But why would companies like this, and Google shill for something that is supposedly dying out?
The Feminism society at my Uni may break up because it doesn't have enough people for its committee. Make of that what you will.
No joke.
I think it's dying or at least is ready to change again.
They blew their load with the SJW shit over the past couple years. All the feminist Jewtube videos are getting downvoted like fuck now by normies. Trump is president and that does mean something.
Reminder that we only feel isolated because we're arguing with other GenX/Millennial people our age and don't realize that's only like 20% of the country. GenZ is pretty conservative compared to same-aged Millennials based on all the (((polls))).
Its fracturing into sex negative and sex positive. Basically the ones that screech about how accidently bumping into a woman on the subway is rape against those that believe being a whore is not a right but a duty. Both are straying furthur from traditional roles though.
Damage control.
This guy right here says it well.
The media has been pushing it so hard for so many years, it difficult to tell. I don't think it will ever go away, too many cubicle spinsters and dykes have their entire existence around that bullshit ideology. But the real people are souring to it. Old Media is still shilling it though. I wonder why it's so important to them?
Like a cornered animal they are striking at anything. Even their own tail. The louder they get, the more we snuff them out. Till they are nothing more that a corpse spasming in the corner from self inflicted wounds.
I would say mild decline but Feminism is a pretty big force, it doesn't really die off so much as it wanes.
Large aspects of 3rd wave feminism are under fire. I would not be shocked to see a return to 2nd wave feminism.
Frankly displays like Emma Watsons are passe, who cares, its been done before.
>Both are straying further from traditional roles though.
There are a lot of females who have remorse for following feminism at a subconscious level.
Take all those younger, millennial feminists who slut around and party all the time at raves and punk shows while claiming to support polynamorous relationships and pansexuality. They're still unhappy, yet these degenerate moments are like an addiction and they just use really shitty coping mechanisms. A lot of them in the back of their minds wish to go back to times before this all happened when they were happier.
If you gave every bitter feminist the chance to rewind time to the 1990's, hell, give everyone that chance, they'd choose that option, because they were happy times.
One way or another, it's going to die out.
Either women in the West realize that things aren't nearly as bad here as feminists want them to believe, or feminists continue to cuck the West with self destructive PC culture bullshit while Islam pours in and eventually takes over and forcibly makes women submit to their shit.
>cubicle spinsters and dykes
As someone who hangs out at gay bar to get milfs and hang out with nice people I know, a lot of gay men I've talked to there actually dislike lesbians. They're literal cancer, like how that Milo guy mentioned a few times during his speeches.
that statute isn't permanent right?
It's New York. They're deliberately putting up shrines to Molech all over the area.
what uni you at bro? Essex here
It isn't, it's something we've been seeing for years and the real reason WSJ went after Pewdiepie. Before they were just shilling and as the popular opinion shifted they would have shifted with it and pretended they didn't, like the media always has.
The thing that's really important to the media is that they are being called out as shills. What they were shilling for is mostly irrelevant. New media has become a juggernaut and old media is desperate to delegitimize it to keep it's influence. They just so happened to be on the side of sjws when this happened and happened to cause an influx of rightwing opinions right as this media shifted started picking up steam.
This is why Bernie and Trump were equated during the election and why many outlets are equating Pewdiepie to Trump. They're basically saying "If you disagree with us at all you're an evil Trump supporter".
I'll put it this way.
I know a lot of girls that will stand up for feminism as a concept, but I don't know many self-identified "Feminists", because of the sheer amount of baggage that comes along with being a "feminist" these days.
Feminism just isn't cool anymore. I mean cmon, pussy hats, signs with vaginas on them, having to deal with constant politics with people that believe you're not pure enough to the cause? It's just so... so lame.
Feminism has always been associated with "old maids" just like MRA has always been associated with neckbeards, but still.
I live near Vancouver. This is what Vancouver feminists are like. If you were a woman, even if you generally supported the general notion of feminism, do you REALLY want to associate with these freaks?
You know how woman said they were going to go on strike? They actually did that in iceland, that's a real protest
This modern shit feminists do? It's so... fucking just lame, there's so much virtue signalling, every corporation wants to sponser your "protests" and pretty much every "protest" that becomes corporate sponsored turns into less of a protest and more of a social gathering.
There was also the '68 Miss America protest where women threw away symbols of oppression, including bras, and a rumor they lit the trash can on fire started the bra burning feminist legend
Most white women voted for Trump. Yet white women are marching against Trump claiming they're fighting for other women. There's no diversity in thought, there is enforced conformity. Just really lame protests with very preachy people who can't figure out why half of white women voted Trump other than handwaving it as internalized misogyny.
The following series of events fucked them over:
Massive long term attack on western men with the whole "rape culture", "mansplaining", "man spreading" bullshit. The spent a lot of time telling straight males how dangerous we were, how we were all rapists and how we couldn't be trusted.
Then the push for trannies in the women's bathrooms came alone with the "you are whatever you say you are" crap, and when we said "hey won't that mean that dirty perverts can put on wigs and go in there?" The responded with name calling.
And then the real killer of the movement happened: the Rapugees hit Europe and went nuts. It doesn't even matter if don't they statistically rape more than western men, what mattered was it was shrugged off, downplayed and covered up.
So while "14yos" were getting let off the hook without so much as a lectures after committing rapes, Julian Assange was facing an arrest warrant.
So the men said "fuck it"
And the women will follow.
I fucking RELISH how much the term "fake news" took off.
The left is firing back by calling the right fake news, because I don't care, because the right already knows their news is fake, almost nobody on the right trusts the media.
The left still worships those liars that sold America into war at the NYT though. They still worship the partisan hacks paid off by the democrats at NPR/PBS.
dying out because of liberal feminism taking in contradictory viewpoints: namely the defense of rapists and murderers (in Europe this is heavily associated with refugees), and transgenderism (which can also tie into the former).
basically male liberals have an obsession with romanticizing the criminal, whether it be a dindu, someone suffering from a sexual emergency, or a murderer. they praised the canadian that beheaded and ate another man for being fully discharged from a mental facility in 8 years, they praised the swedish principal that called his 16 year old refugee student that raped a 14 year old a victim. violence against women is on the rise, and we get colorful articles about how the real victims are the violent men.
similarly the ideology of transgenderism is harmful to women but is getting forced like hell. it's a cult of the MtF, everyone subconsciously sees him as a man just as they subconsciously see the FtM as a woman (and therefore don't care about them). two of the speakers at women's marches were MtFs that were convicted rapists yet also somehow considered feminist champions. another MtF stole all the money gathered for one of the marches and fled to canada. last year an MtF murdered a lesbian couple and their child, and there was virtually no media attention. an MtF's feelings get hurt and there's national media coverage, we're told that cis women are the REAL violent people even while studies show MtFs retain the same rate of criminality of regular men. not even going into how the whole movement are fetishists trying to enforce rigid gender roles and harming children.
so basically the mainstream feminist movement has compromised itself to appeal to as many people as people. it no longer cares about women and it calls this being intersectional. that means treating the rapist as being as much of a victim as the raped woman, treating the MtF rapist or murderer as MORE of a victim than the woman he harmed. movement can't sustain itself like this.
It's dying out, which is why you see so many people pushing it so hard. It's their last dying gasps
yep its killed dead. these bitches realised they want 14/88 after all.
Growing in death
>(((Wall Street)))
There's your answer. They're losing control of the narrative
feminism was never strong
just shilled by the governments and mainstream media of the west.
Few people identify as feminists as a whole in a country, we're just led by a bunch of them somehow
If you're a feminist now...
You're either hanging out with Femen, Slutwalk like freaks.
Or you're marching in a corporate sponsored protest, which by its very design, is meant to maintain the left-wing status quo.
There's no feminist movement that has a bit of edge, but isn't completely off the fucking wall.
I don't really know how feminism managed to attach itself to Islam and trans causes which have very little to do with Feminism? The cognitive dissonence behind people calling Islam feminist fucking blows my goddamned mind, it reminds me of seeing those star charts people made to prove the sun revolved around the earth. The same people who say Christianity is the root of the patriarchy, will embrace Islam, which is based off Christianity, and takes its patriarchal elements to a new extreme, simply because they've never read a fucking thing about the religion but believe they're standing up for this nice Muslim lady they know.
There is no proof transmen are less likely than men to rape people, and literally nobody cares. Obama fucking made it ILLEGAL for a school to force a trans student to use a third bathroom if there were problems. Because it would single them out.
implying you larp kids have ever talked to a girl
didnt Milo make it a rule you have to be gay?
This. Little girl + bull? Why a bull? There are other threatening animals, but they chose a bull. Sacrifice to Moloch
It already won so it doesn't matter.
it was a meme which went on a bit longer than the others.
Like planking or dabbing.
More like idiot girl . Who the fuck stands in front of a charging bull?
The bull is there as an icon for Wall Street. It's been there since 1989(according to wikipedia). I think it's supposed to be the fast and aggressive nature of the stock market like that of a charging bull. But I guess they put a girl in there to represent GRRRRRLLLLL PWR or something liberals like.
This, it's finally starting to implode. And all the old feminists are dead or dying, and the new generation of girls will have examples such as Trigglypuff, the whole thing is doomed to fail.
But the damage to western society it has wreaked has been calamitous
people grow up. its natural when you think about all the obvious assaults on the white race.
youre not white. give me a fucking break youre anglo (at best)
In my opinion the fire died, and 3rd wave feminism is the smoke that comes after a fire is put out.
not to mention all the retarded niggers trying to claim white women as their waifu.
your arrogance is your undoing. watch in 10 years all you hood niggers will be problem glasses wearing pseudo-intellectual femminized bleached jokes.
you have a condition. its called fullofhimselfnig, and its a very serious brain degeneracy.
this, it's becoming more of a religious death cult now
Praised digits
The battle of Feminism is like Vietnam at this stage. The front lines (Muslim expats who don't wanna wear the burqa) are in the shit and all the rest of the western world turned its back on it to focus on trivial shit like bathrooms.
The movement was doomed to fail definitely. You look around and see how narcissistic women become when confronted with the burqa problem. "It's not my place to defy your culture." Really bitch? Sounds to me like you just don't wanna deal with something that doesn't directly affect you.
Kind of strange how much we treasure white women, considering just how petty they are.
Who is that guy in the picture with tits?
Anglo is white you dumb cunt. This divide and conquer shit is ridiculous.
Admit you fear white identity because it spells then end of the black/jewish cartel.
I like how you mentioned corporate involvement in feminism.
You can't call anything a revolutionary movement if it's backed by corporate/state interests.
Morphing into something unstoppable. Sad to be so defeatist, but it's all over. Only violence can stop it.
It's been a minority of women that have identified as feminists for awhile now, and they've been outnumbered by women that don't explicitly identify as feminists for awhile.
I think how much the media loves promoting feminism and the virtue signalling around it is really masking how much the core of its support has been hollowed out.
People still agree with statements that feminists regard as "feminist" beliefs, they just reject the "Feminist" label.
Feminists fight for less and less important issues every year, there is more and more cognitive dissonence and wedge issues splitting them up, the protests are either lame corporate PC affairs or over the top affairs where women proclaim they're proud to be sluts and show off their tits.
I believe feminism could come back VERY quickly like a shot in the dark but right now the label "Feminism" is uncool. People don't want to be known as "Feminists", they believe in equality between men and women, it's just people don't believe in taking on the political baggage anymore.