PewDiePie just reached new levels
PewDiePie just reached new levels
Was annoyed at the "le hitler had small benis xDDD" meme but the vid got better from there, the credits were a joy
>the dinosaur jew, wouldn't let him be
>he had no choice, but to flee
I'm honestly starting to worry for felix's safety. He has tripled and quadrupled down at this point and the media can't just be sitting on their thumbs. It's coming.
Will they respond?
obviously for the clicks, and maybe wsj will attack him for defamation
He's crazy, seriously.
They shut it down
>the dinosaur jew
>hitler did nothing wrong
Oh boy, here we go again.
He removed it
>jew eggs, delicious
should've asked if they have to be oven-baked
What's his endgame lads?
please tell me one of you autists downloaded it
Good thing I downloaded it.
The kikes alrdy shut it down
Did he remove it?
Yeah, I'm worried for him actually. He is going too far now, there might be really big consequences if he continues like this, like being banned from youtube or something.
sadly I was too late
good man
Upload that shit nigga
Post it and make us all watch
Phew, watched it just a few seconds ago before it disappearing, almost missed his masterpiece
Upload it somewhere I didn't even get to see it
I wonder if he took it down or Youtube.
>Jews came from outer space centuries ago
Holy shit, Pewds has taken the final redpill.
oyyyy it's another shoa
>Hitler did nothing wrong
Wait just go to any YouTube downloader thing and type this in
I was able to download it just now even if though its unavailable
post it goddamnit
I think he's got himself a nice chest built up. If he decides to go independent and create his own website or cross over into another site, like minds, he brings with him his loyal, rabid fan base. A generation of kids super untrustworthy of the system is very good, and I respect pewds for exposing the youth to this shit
Pewdiepie is done, I think he loses his mind, he should wait at least a few months to start making nazi "jokes".
What the fuck... They actually did
Upload it so I may be emboldened
it actually worked
it got shut down
Thank you
He is a madman
Is he trying to martyr himself? He's gonna end up having a "heart attack" soon.
You shouldn't upload it desu. If he gets banned it's bad.
>published by WSJ
>written by Himmler
>edited by joseph goebbels
Thanks, user. Was just about to upload it myself.
The second he said "Hitler did nothing wrong" I downloaded that shit.
The jews from youtube probably called him and asked him to remove the video or else get unmonetized.
>(((They))) shut it down
do the right thing user
webm now pls
Reupload NOW
I'm uploading it
>this video is private
>flash of balls
> I'm getting tired of you, dinosaur jew
can confirm, works
it's actually a good video
how long was it up before they shut it down?
>flash of balls matters on youtube after that house of air video was up for weeks
The video is still there, it's not down, it's paused.
he adds in a standard hitler insult to cover himself from the inevitable kvetching anti semitism accusations
I dreamt of PewDiePie being some kind of messiah today.
fucking worked
Watch here:
still think he's not /our guy/ ?
To be honest, its not that funny video. Guess he thought it wasn't worth it to take a chance of getting his face on papers again.
oyy veyyy
>you lived till the day Pewdiepie became the leading flag of Sup Forums
March 15
I never watched that video in spite of all the threads about it on pol because degeneracy disgusts me
did it really get taken down? now I almost regret not watching it just to see how bad it really was
>level 6 jew
He's a good lad
>Special thanks to Eva Braun
some parts are fucked up but audio is fine
it finally got taken down eventually
its worth watching just to test your wits, and to realize how bad a video can be and still say up on youtube for so long because (((they))) want to subvert whatever is left of western civliziation
>you can't even make vague, harmless jokes that references jews
if this shit keeps up, people are really going to start going off. this is fucking ridiculous, you can't make fun of everyone else for everything else but if you even say the word "jew", you're public enemy #1.
You just know Pewds lurks here since he used to browse Sup Forums earlier.
He is one of those newfags who hasn't realised that Sup Forums is satire and fell for the le ebin Nazi meme.
hahaha felix what the fuck
I know you browse Sup Forums, report in
Re upped
He should just start his own youtube
If anyone's big enough to get people to go over to another site it's him
this is the video
Pewdiepie has a serious Hitler fetish now.
It really makes me think. Kudos to the user who uploaded it, I'm watching it now
>You lived long enough to watch 12 year olds get inspired to call the enemies on their videogames jews
What is this timeline
how many views did it have on yewtube
>What's that? Is a level 6 jew
>in the timeline where Trump won
>in the timeline where Pewdiepie became a good guy
I'm calling it now, alien contact within our lifetime.
>level 6 Jew
I thought you niggers said he wasn't funny
Defamation for what exactly? The "sponsered by the WSJ" bit? Obvious satire.... Unless the WSJ were to admit in a court that its rational to think the WSJ would indeed sponser such content. (See larry flint vs jerry fartwell)
>I thought you niggers said he wasn't funny
Jews only reach lvl 5, faggot.