You're in a room with a Jew, a Turk, a black person and a Canadian.
You have a gun, with three bullets.
What do you do?
You're in a room with a Jew, a Turk, a black person and a Canadian.
You have a gun, with three bullets.
What do you do?
You're in a room with all these girls. They tie you up and make you their slave boy. You have to lick their feet. Whose do you lick first?
I kill everyone except the Jew,
give gun to nigger, he shoots jew for money, roach starts raping the corpse and the cannuck surrenders
enjoy the chaos
All four into the Turk.
leave, whatever room i'm in sounds awful.
hope you weren't expecting me to murder someone, murder is a crime and crime what niggers do
Shoot the turk, nigger and then the lock
Wait, is the Jew religious?
The one that looks like Lindsay Lohan when she was only a few months into her coke addiction.
Spare the nigger
kill them all but spare the jew chick to represent me in court & help get me off for killing the other 3 chicks.
Shoot the Turk Nig-Nog then the cuck and pistol whip Herschel to death.
What kind of gun? I fucking love guns.
Threaten the nigger into strangling the other three then shoot him three times
Shoot the Jew, the Turk, and the nigger, then pistol-whip the Canadian if its French or liberal.
rape the canadian shoot the rest
Shoot the Canadian three times
Walk out of the room, lock it behind me.
ill give the gun back because it's illegal.
You cannot argue with these digits.
What a waste. Sad!
First the nigger, then the kike, then the t*rk, then beat the Canadian to death with the gun.
I'm sorry that your candidate lost.
Let me live and I'll give you my slav gun
Ive thought Quebec was based?
kill the Nigger ,Turkroach and kike with the gun. Then get a rake for the Leaf
Leaf-tier waste of some nice digits
Kill the google and skype and then myself. The Turd will take care of the Cuck
t. KeK
Shoot the Canadian three times
It's a trick question guys.
The only right answer is to kill the turk, nog, and jew.
Remember: in Canada, if you kill your enemies, they win.
So essentially if you kill the Canadian, HE wins.
Kill the nigger, the kike, and the roach.
Is that even supposed to be a difficult choice?
shoot my self 3 times
Empty them all on the canadian
> shoot the jew
he loses
> shoot the black
he loses
> shoot the turk
he loses
>kill myself somehow, let the canadian lives
he loses
that was easy
All 3 shot at the Jew. The rest will sort itself out with the head of the snake gone.
That depends, does the Canadian own a computer?
Line them up and get all four
Shoot myself 4 times
Lucked out this time, leaf.
Shoot no one
Line 'em up sideways and shoot them so it goes through all four.
>why the hell did I only load 3?
>did i get drunk and fire it into the air?
Either way I'm heading home...I'm clearly too drunk to make decisions.
either tell the nigger there's a piece of fried chicken under the jew's yamaka or tell the jew there's a nickel in the nignog's afro. once their heads are close together line the shot up so it goes through the nig's tiny brain then into the jew's head. then use the two remaining shots on the canadian and turk.
The jew, the leaf then the turk. The nigger will be too stupid to tell I only had three bullets.
shoot the jew 3 times
>going back to tumblr/reddit
It wouldn't be too soon
we are but our mere presence triggers the eternal anglo
I shoot myself three times.
Came here to post exactly this.
Shoot myself and let the others fight for my gun and remaining bullets as I laugh from the other side.
at least the turk can stick to ruining his own country, the other three will all inevitably spill over into mine
leave the turk, kill the others
kill my self
I wouldn't. I'd rather not lick people's filthy soles.
Fug the Canadians brains out, shoot the ones with mutilated benis and the nignog.
17 year old Nadine, of course.
This. Old Sup Forums would have said this. Guess old Sup Forums is long gone.
I rape them all at gunpoint.
Forgive me, kek. I am but a humble shitposter. I know not what I have done.
Shoot myself three times
Have the all kneel on the floor in a line and shoot all three with the same bullet.
Then walk out into the world cleansed of all your sins for on that day you have truly done gods work.
Use the gun and the other two bullets to acquire resources and those of the same ilk and remake this world in gods image anew.
What a waste of quint quints:(
Leave the Turk alive, after all he`s a fellow countryman.
shoot the black 3 times
This is the answer I was hoping for.
Shoot canadian, jew, turk in that order. Another black will take care of the black.
Shoot the Jew three times, sell the gun to the nigger, buy a kebab from the Turk, call the Canadian a faggot.
Kill all but canadian.
Kill self. Diversity is our strength.
Easy. Shoot the Canadian three times.
Jew Turk Black
>american education
>No Silver Bullets
>Can't kill the jew
>Shoot nigger.
>Shoot Canadian.
>Walk out, lock door.
>Turn and Jew begins fighting.
>One of them succeeds, killing the other.
>Shoot the survivor.
The province doesn't make sense, they have some of the highest concentrations of liberal faggots, ethno-nationalists and dumb hick frenchies.
So it has the most hate driven towards islam and brown people, but also the harshest hate laws protecting said brown people.
better be sure
It's a shame limey wasnt an option.
>have them line up for the conga'
>no survivors
Do you understand why is said
>american education
Chinky dinky second from the right.
spare the canadian obviously
the extent of evil canadians unleash upon the world is just shitposting
meanwhile niggers, (((them))) and t*rks are subhuman, one worse after the other
Kek called it
i want the one on the left
three bullets on the Canadian
wow british humor truly is superior
top bantz mr bean
Then he wins
Leave the Canadian alive. Once he has no one to fuck his wife then he'll kill himself
>shoot black
>shoot turkey
>cut them open
>gut them
>sew skins together
>cover jew in skin blanket
>use powder from final bullet to start fire
>light skin blanket on fire
>gas/burn jew
>play hockey with Canadian
Give the dindu the gun and exit the room.
3 bullet for kike
Three bullets in the Asian
Then I choke the Kike, Nigger, and Sandnigger out with my bare hands to watch their eyes bulge.
Line them up, shoot all with one bullet, sell remaining bullets.
like pottery, mein freund
Shoot the leaf 3 times. The nigger or the Turk will kill the Jew and then they'll try to kill each other
The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my gun, three bullet casings, but only ONE of you.First one to check'em gets to stay in my room!