ITT: BTFO Sup Forums with 1 picture
ITT: BTFO Sup Forums with 1 picture
Kys phoneposting samefag
someone post the porn
>not posting the whole thing
I wonder if the artist looks anything like her cartoon or if she's an ugly landwhale
One of the cringiest things I have ever seen in my life and I've been on Sup Forums for 10 years so that's really saying something.
op is also a faggot
>This much melodrama and the only real gripe in the entire comic is "manspreading"
>A woman took enough time out of her day to draw an elaborate comic about a man the spread his legs a little too wide on the subway to prevent crushing his balls
This is autism.
Yes honey, I understand, now go make me a sandwich.
>Guy doesn't crush his balls by sitting with his legs tightly together on a subway train with plenty of open seats
>Go home and make comic declaring your womanly power
Sup Forums BTFO once again
I wanna fug that FEMINIS!!!
holy shit what game is this?
>Muh stronk female
>triggered by guys who don't want to crush their balls while sitting and
>probably a 3000 pound land-whale that does tumblr activism while working at mc donalds
They really need a life
This one is savage.
Too long didn't bother
This is so dramatic
>i walk around in a state of perpetual fear and have delusions of grandeur
That was fast.
That meme is so shit my intestines got jealous
desu she'd fit in perfectly here
It's not a new pic
OP's pic was spammed endlessly on Sup Forums last year
>While I profit from this society built by white males, as I'm posting art I made on software owned by white males, on a social network made by white males, I don't owe you shit
Also holding keys like that doesn't do shit, you're supposed to hold it like you're starting your car because it gives you the best leverage and grip
I bet Trump could easily be talked into doing this for a bunch of Pepes .. line em up, have Kellyann wheel in a cart full of Reddi-Whips, and roll the cams as each gets a mouth full of Trump's love. It would be epic!
>not carrying a gun
you could btfo pol in one picture, but that wasn't it.
Sup Forums does not need to be BTFO.. it already is. Everyone here is just scared little racists and immature brats. They go take down a flag and it's some big deal. Sup Forums is not even satire, it's just a pathetic group of losers that life has crapped on, and the only power they feel is acting all racist and hateful towards anything.
sorry that I'm such a failure
Why can't women just buy guns and stop being nigger/fag enablers.
We got a president elected, which is more than can be said for your little party of moonbats, shill.
cringe thread?
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 desu.
That swords not the only thing with edge in that picture
It doesn't have to be like this
Teaches you to take pride in shit other people haven't done and hate people who are white
Dump your retarded liberal file
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, you can beat people really hard and send them flying, but they dont die
In Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 you can actually kill people. Massively. Hollocauster Tycoon scale.
Ok, not your fault though... I guess haha
I'm pretty sure their beloved Stalin would send those degenerates to gulag.
Theres porn of a fringe feminist comic?
who made this
I need more
sjw's fascinate me because it's like looking at myself in the antimatter universe
check eltonel's tumblr
>trying to integrate conquered people erasing their identity was the worst crime ever committed by the white race
>you take pride in the work of your forefathers? what a sad existence, white people have no culture lol
>tfw those really are Jewish plots, just not the reason for no gf
Becky makes a good point.
He doesn't have GF because he can't contain his power level.
He isn't wrong, though.
I feel bad for the author of this or those that read it seriously.
I don't think about you at all and don't want to see you raped, why do you think this way.
If you're really really afraid instead of fearing a fight where you'll have to use keys, your teeth and scream rape why not get a gun?
Then again you might be the very person you say shouldn't have one.
Yeah I love this logic
>Hey, look at these statistics, Canadas government policies have led us to have a birthrate of 1.61, less people dating and getting into relationships than ever, people having children later than ever, and marriages breaking up more than ever
>Lol sure you're not just an asshole Bradley
I just want my country to be happy but nobody will admit there is a problem, and when you bring up the problem, people blame individuals and not the system.
> take pride in shit you haven't done
Teaches you to care about the legacy of your forefathers and strive to something greater.
> hate people you haven't met
That's just a false statement.
I'm not a woman or (God forbid) a feminist, but I agree that the fags who spread their legs on the subway should be gassed. Take a taxi if your balls are too infected to behave in public.
>Thread asks for Porn
>A Guy from Kuwait delivers
>He is now being stoned as we speak
You will be remembered.
that was the cringiest shit i've read in a while
I have those same thoughts but I have a gf.
Holy shit I played the fuck out of the original RCT when I was like 13. I know what I'm doing when I get off work tonight.
A lot of melodrama for a walk home!
She senses his power and seeks the life essence.
Its okay Bro, make some waffles, give back Eupen & Malmedy and keep practicing.
You will make belgian Bantz great again.
Or man the fuck up to tell him to stop? Have you considered doing that?
If I ask you to close your legs, would you die?
>It would be extremely uncomfortable...
You got a big spread
>For you.
ive seen this painting before but forget what it was about
This is what unironically triggers me the most about the comic desu senpai desu senpai
Is this wgtow?
I actually feel bad for her, checked her stuff, she seems cute, just stuck into the "illustration major with a tumblr blogs that dreams of working for cartoon network" and that of course makes her a tumblr retard, I just feel bad for the people that get trapped in these terrible places that don't tell them you don't make money from comics and virtue
>Germans are now so blacked the could pass as an idian street
I dont understand this thought process that men forced women to feel shitty or whatever. Do these dumb bitches seriously not understand that these are self imposed thoughts? These ideas that all men are silently forcing all women to take up less space ona train and feel sorry for being a woman? Thats your own fucking weird anxiety lol. That isnt "mens fault"
Nigga fedora tippers don't have a single idea who Haseo is.
They are all about hyper dimension neptunia.
I enjoyed this
>I hold the universe inside me and its not yours to take
*gets raped by niggers*
>leaf gets his political ideals from comedians
>wonders why everyone thinks his opinion is a joke
That being said, Doug Stanhope is dope
Fucking EWWW!!!! kek, did the leaf use his phone to help his own faggy troll. Fucking. Eww.
3 seconds later I see this, thank you for that Sir.
Who the fuck is this directed against?
Yet again one of those comics without sense that basically say nothing