To the user who stole the flag, are you willing to sell?
I can pay like 1 to 5 Bitcoins
To the user who stole the flag, are you willing to sell?
I can pay like 1 to 5 Bitcoins
Other urls found in this thread:
>paying $6000 for a flag you could print yourself for ~$15
Ebrietas in the thread!
But I don't want the flag. That specific flag.
It's a collector's item.
you idiot!!
you don't say between 1 to 5... that means your starting point of negotiation will be 5!!
read the art of the deal and save yourself some money!
I think you mean cute!
there trying to get to the guy that took it
the old dollar on a stick trick
see (((there))) tricky tricks anons
don't fall for it!
>Shia trying to catch the thief and get his flag back.
>I can pay 1-5 bitcoins
>your choice how many you actually want..
>surely you wouldnt want all 5
Dumb commie trying to get the flag thiefs details.
There's nothing wrong with losing to the best Shia, just try again.
Honestily he should fly it somewhere else and we have to find it again.
Better make it ten
That flag must be preserved as a Holy relic of KEK.
Finders keepers.
Fuck off, it's mine
op ur a fag should of put a nazi flag up or a kekistan flag
/r/ to quick_rundown.jpg on this AND IF ANYONE HAS for the Syrian terrorist camp BTFO-infograph.
Stealing someone elses property is nigger tier.
OP here. I'm happy to sell. I just need to post it. What is your address?
Is she really your daughter?
Post a picture of your wife
it's okay in this case though because niggers and shitskin kike white genocide and my low SAT scores are a FUCKING KIKE YID HEEB SPIC DARKIE NIGGER FAGGOT
Thank you.
Nothing niggerish about capturing the enemy flag.
Just happened to be there on vacation
>RT recognizes our efforts on twitter!
lol that's because RT is russian state propaganda. they're probably the liason who was reading the thread.
I wonder what it's like to be a famous multi millionaire actor getting BTFO by bored autists on a regular basis. You niggers have gotten him arrested. You got him SHUT DOWN. You stole his flag and his pride. I wouldn't be surprised if he an heroes soon.
Guys, we could just sew the letters back in a different order. Here's a list of combinations:
>Hided Lowlives Unit
>Deviled within Soul
>Duelled with Vision
>Eluded Nihilist Vow
and many more !
The flag needs to be burned and a video of it posted all over the internet.
wrong board
Also say you're from Reddit in the video
Pretty good recap written by our very own Uncle Chang.
You can have the flag for 3 bitcoins.
I'm auctioning off this rare pepe commemorating this glorious day as well. Price starts at 20 GBP's, any takers?
Hahaha man reddit took ebaums world's place eh
>Role playing as guy who stole flag because you are a nobody in real life
Good job on the operation, but dude.
We all agreed the Kekistani flag and Shaddilay music. That was weaksauce.
I can offer 1 to 5 bitcoins
no, that flag is a treasure. that flag should be disrespected. under the flag of pol, fly it upside-down.
Im auctoning this Rare Kali KEK Pepe that I made.
>white flag with text
>collector's item
My sides are at half-mast
It should be flown from atop the Kremlin
>mfw Sup Forums are conducting nighttime operations against Shia
Outstanding job, user.
fuck yo auction white boi
I stole yo pepe
Pic related is our wedding photo, me on the right, my Princess, Makoto on the left we adopted Ebrietas, she was all alone and crying!
It's kind of like that blood flag Hitler had. A holy relic, if you will.
Thanks for your comment, Hillary
Ill trade one of these
Special occasion, only tonight, this rare pepe for 6 gazylion of bitcoins.
>Not Hitler did nothing wrong
I'm about to make several bootleg flags and take this board's BTC
We actually need to keep this flag safe. Its a historical item now
Ok sounds like a deal but I want cash. $6k no bills lager than a $5. Bring it to this address
>725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022
Wear this so I know its you.
Sup Forums proved to be operator as fuck in this whole thing
We're all nobody in real life, including the guy who stole the flag.
JUST: the user
Post Shia's face when...
Sup Forums Basically just pulled a military op intelligence located the flag then tasked local Sup Forumsacks to carry out it's removal.
Not even a mast since there is no flag
To the user who is in possession, where are you going to hoist it next?
Fuck off Shia. You aren't getting it back
>I will pay minimum to maximum
>implying you'll pay anything than the maximum
You'd be terrible at auctions OP.
>1 to 5 Bitcoins
Nice, tacit negotiation skills, poorfag
came here to post this
>you won't pay 5 bitcoins now
No it has to be immaculately preserved for when we open the First Church of Kek. The flag is a holy relic, a symbol of our Lord's power
But Shia got a new hat and shirt in return. Both items probably costed more than the flag itself. More than adaquete compensation...
The Snow Jew is correct.
I'll never not be amazed by the power of kek and weaponized autism.
Also what a shitty pole it is. Wobbles like a impotent dick.
This fiasco will get him another movie deal, no sweat.
>Sup Forums did it
I'm fucking impressed
someone should fly a drone up there and drop some redpills.
We need to turn it into our own Blutfahne. (the flag that had some nazi blood on it that Adolf himself used to sanctifi other nazi flags) so the flag thief needs to bleed on it. Then profit?
Someone needs to fly a #pizzagate is real flag
Someone needs to make a replica and make Shia spend all of his shekels.
Check 'em
quads posts best post
Is there a John Sobieski tomb or monument in Poland?
Perhaps the user who hs the HWNDU flag should fly it there
how the fuck did they match the trails in the sky to specific flights???
gonna take it somewhere later for a photoshoot.
ill keep you posted.
the flights formed a distinct pattern and they knew what time they were flying overhead.
I'm not sure I understand.
indeed. agent Smith is not a smart man
he speaks
that flag will have a special place in kekistani lore
like the sacred swastika flag that hitler used to consecrate all other flags
Can you start a FB page or group?