Why does the alt-right love Israel?

Why does the alt-right love Israel?



American Christians are very weird.
They want Israel to be controlled by Jews because they think they take better care of it than muslims or something.

I don't give AF about Israel but Israelis are cooler than the kikes living in the west.

It's to fit in with the party line of the right, and its basically because Jews run everything. It's the alt-lite too no the far right.

Also sage

I wonder if this is the reason Lauren Southern left Rebel media.

Either way, the Rebel media is owned by (((Ezra Levant))) and he is just trying to push the right towards supporting Israel now that (((Trump))) is in office.

Gavin is a hypocrite. He claims white nationalism is "idealistic", but supports Israel as a state.

>Gavin is a hypocrite. He claims white nationalism is "idealistic", but supports Israel as a state.

Tbh it's not if you aren't a shill, I'd rather have all the Jews in Israel than infest Europe

I don't think it particularly does, but Christians would prefer the jews controlling the holy land over muslims.

Muslims would just blow up all our holy sites like they did 600 years ago.

>Why does the alt-right love Israel?
Because Israel is a white country.
All good white people love Israel.
If you're anti Israel you're practically anti white.