Why does the alt-right love Israel?

Why does the alt-right love Israel?



American Christians are very weird.
They want Israel to be controlled by Jews because they think they take better care of it than muslims or something.

I don't give AF about Israel but Israelis are cooler than the kikes living in the west.

It's to fit in with the party line of the right, and its basically because Jews run everything. It's the alt-lite too no the far right.

Also sage

I wonder if this is the reason Lauren Southern left Rebel media.

Either way, the Rebel media is owned by (((Ezra Levant))) and he is just trying to push the right towards supporting Israel now that (((Trump))) is in office.

Gavin is a hypocrite. He claims white nationalism is "idealistic", but supports Israel as a state.

>Gavin is a hypocrite. He claims white nationalism is "idealistic", but supports Israel as a state.

Tbh it's not if you aren't a shill, I'd rather have all the Jews in Israel than infest Europe

I don't think it particularly does, but Christians would prefer the jews controlling the holy land over muslims.

Muslims would just blow up all our holy sites like they did 600 years ago.

>Why does the alt-right love Israel?
Because Israel is a white country.
All good white people love Israel.
If you're anti Israel you're practically anti white.

The rebel, more like the Conformist.

soon they'll be talking about the joys of bugchasing for whites.

Gavin mcinnes will pozz himself with and aids needle dipped in that ethiopians blood.

>subscribing to Let's Play cancer

Friendly reminder that Radix Journal, Red Ice and America Rennaisence are actually alt-right, and Gavin is alt-lite. What's worse is he's physically fought more Antifa than any of you. That's right, a guy whose put a butt plug in his ass has more testosterone. And willingness to fight.

This. I don't care if they have a state to fall back on, plus it's an ethno-states. Great ammo for arguing against Jews.

how will we ever recover.


He's Scottish. They'll fight about anything.


fuck off OP divide and conquer faggot


Hello Harry Oppenheimer.

The alt-right only cares about white interests. Israel can go fuck itself. I don't give a shit what they do with Palestine but I don't want any more American blood to die on their behalf. We should make friends with Iran and schwack Saudi Arabia instead.

>not understanding geo-politics

having israel remain israel is great for us in the west

to be serious, Israel is a well governed ethnostate. The government endorses a religion that supports patriarchy, ensuring above replacement fertility rates. At the same time they manage to stay immune to leftist multiculturalist cuckoldry. Essentially they avoid all the pitfalls of being a developed country. Israel is an example to be emulated.

>Goes to Israel and not Hungary to report on the border wall.
Mcinnes is nothing more than a whiny little beta faggot sucking jew dick.

Same way as usual, by ignoring the fact that people that should be beneath you are doing much better. Water off a ducks back.

Most plausible explanation. The point still stands.

primary things to consider:

American Christians have been circumcised without anesthetic at birth and many suffer stockholm syndrome because of this.

American Christians unironically believe that 6,000,000 Jews died in the Holocaust and that Hitler wanted to conquer the world and exterminate all non-blonde haired and blue eyed people.

American Christians believe that modern Ashkenazi Jews are directly equivalent to the "Jews" described in their Bibles based on mistranslations from Latin to English.

there's a wide variety of reasons why our people are so cucked by the Jews and I don't think it can ever be changed because of a healthy diet of hollywood movies.

They get along very well. Jews are good at manipulating the capitalist system.

This is why we need the fascist left to rise

mcinnes is a fucking homosexual.

(((rebel media)))

this. if anyone don't think he hasn't fucked around with another dude, you need to get out more.

alweer met hierdie kak?

>he already fell for the divide and conquer meme

Democracy is the perfect form of government for occupied countries. The occupying force can constantly play all sides against each other to keep them from ever teaming up against the occupation.

It is no coincidence that the head of state in (((democracies))) is commonly called 'president'. The 'presidens' in the old roman days was simply another word for proconsul, the military commander of the roman army that occupied and exploited a roman province.

The occupying force in our nations today, that wants to split us into left/right and a myriad of other warring factions, is the international jew and his goyim globalist pets.
