Mental gymnastic your way out of this one Sup Forums

Mental gymnastic your way out of this one Sup Forums

It's not just whites that dislike refugees.

"Refugees" is an inaccurate statement. Invaders with barbaric beliefs and cultural practices that wish ill will upon those they seek to live amongst are logical to exclude.

>all lives matter so let me just spread my butthole

Uhh make your own fucking country better.

We need to take care of ourselves. Take care of yourself, you overgrown nigglet.

Reminder that America and Russia are the cause of the entire mess created in the middle east, shit over there wasn't a fraction of how bad it is right now back before the Soviet Union/Cold War. And now that we've basically destroyed their countries and made them war-torn shitholes occupied by terrorists we funded and supported we can't even take some responsibility by taking them in?

Their lives would totally matter, and I'd gladly take them in...

...if they were actual refugees and not a small army of sandnigger cowards who want gibsmedat and rape women.

>let in refugges who will ruin the lives of people that already live here
yeah nah on ya bike mate

>all lives matter
I never said all lives get to live in my country. Your life matters but stay the fuck out. Thanks.

none of us actually think brown lives matter.

Niggers and dunecoons aren't "people".

More like Israel's fault
I wish the US wouldn't fight Israel's battles for them

Radicals are entering Western countries through the refugees. And they will eventually take lives of the citizens who were already there. This isn't mental gymnastics it's a fact of life in the world we currently live.

it's not our fault you fuck your cousins and throw acid on women and children, Achmed.

Then why do white people always claim that whenever they argue with a BLM activist?

They can go be alive in an Arab country. We are even willing to send aid or use the military to defend refugee camps. The left has shot down all proposals that do not include bringing them permanently into the US. The left just wants votes. It hopes to make itself into an oligarchy where the current conservatives and posterity of the founders will be without representation. Their plan will wipe us out as a people and a culture yet they are hellbent on it.

White people shouldn't be asked when there's a god damn sea of Turks between us and they're hell holes.

Some lives matter more than others.

>they are
fml senpai

Really just doesnt fucking matter since the only way to satisfy them is our destruction.

Not crazy about that plan, sorry. Thats why the world need to focus on fixing things in the oresent for the future of their own people and country instead of this gloomy, globalist, world order shit. Cringe.

I'm a spic and hate refugees and illegals. MAGA.

>and rape women.

It's natural to place your own well-being before others'.

Pathetic spic pandering to white people on an anonymous anime image board. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but they still hate you and will throw you under the bus without hesitation given the opporunity

>all of those economic migrants the EU have taken in are refugees

>if all lives matter then why don't you let murderous psychopaths into you're country? Sup Forums btfo

>all lives matter
>then give us free shit
>I'd rather not, but here you go, hope it helps
>I'd rather not, but here you go, hope it helps
>Well were running out, but here you go, hope it helps
>we're all out we can't give anymore, sorry

I'm white, and you're retarded. You're pretty much saying being a civilized being is pandering and that he should act like a cholo instead.


Why do refugees want to live with racist ugly weak white people all the time? What's so special about white people?

Easy we have our own problems and would rather take care of our own


All lives matter, but your life can matter somewhere else....

Even refugees don't like refugees.

dey gots dem gibs niBBa

I will help every refugee, to find his way home.

Everybody on the planet was affected by the Cold War, only one group of people routinely commits jihad. So apparently there is some other non Cold War related factor that causes them to act like savages.

or maybe he isn't pandering and those groups actually are universally hated by honest people

Yes, refugees lives do matter.
Provided they come into the country LEGALLY and abide by its laws.

If you think you can just sneak into the country illegally and expect everyone else to pay your way then you should be sent back.

After a sound beating.

America and Soviets were two sides of the same shekel. Eastern Jews are at war with western Jews and we are just their pawns, their you soldiers. That's the real redpill.

>ayy these new niggas stealling gibs from us slightly older niggas

You can think something matters and not sacrifice yourself for it. I simultaneously hate cancer and have never enrolled in medical school.

>ITT OP conflates minor police brutality social issues with taking in Muslim conquered "refugees" from whogivesafuckistan

hurr durr i'm alive and therefore on some level i "matter" so let me come to your house and you'll gib me money

>implying 'all lives matter' and 'accepting undocumented people from war-torn regions with an ideology that routinely encourages them to slaughter non-believers into your own country' are somehow synonymous

Too easy, try again faggot

>chubby, able-bodied, designers clothes wearing mujahideens

That's why u don't lie and say all live matter.


Im sure Assad can spare some guns (if not him then definitely Putin can) for all these men fleeing their country to stay and fight

Why do lives matter?What does it even mean that a live matters? You are gonna have to explain your position first

>Sup Forums is one person

Fuck off back to R e d d i t.

It's a 'black lives matter' retort. Nice meme though

I don't. I think it's a cringey, wishy-washy statement. The truth is, all of the instances that BLM riots over aren't even the same. Some of those people were asking to be shot by the police, and others could have been dealt with less-harshly.
Futhermore, the response of BLM reflects a deeper issue in American black culture that is the overall refusal to take responsibility for consequences of their actions. They get mad at the police in all cases instead of getting mad at their dumbass son/brother/cousin for brandishing a weapon at a police officer or generally acting like a fuckwit.

Can you create white people by breeding with them? No? Then they can't live here.

Expose the (((money printers))) and all this forced integration becomes harder to implement.

wtf you're telling me the US isn't the greatest thing on earth?

out of?

you imagining there is contradiction?

Not all lives matter. In fact almost no lives matter to me on a global level.

>Refugees : Can we live here,become welfare leeches,rape your women,islamize your country,outbreed you in your own homelands and commit crimes with impunity


fellow amerispic here

the only white Americans that have ever been racist to me are libcucks after I tell them I voted for Trump

So is the implication that
>not inviting poor 3rd worlders to live in your town while you shower them with gibs
Is equivalent to
>denying their humanity and/or wishing death upon them

Cuz if so, that's real fuckin stupid.

ITT: Sup Forums frantically tries to justify their pointless teenage angst

I've never had a problem with immigrants coming into a country legally, on their own backs, through their own work.

Allowing rampant illegal immigration and helping refugees come in by the millions disrupts the natural society of a country.

You forgot your argument

This. Someone once told me that I couldn't possibly support trump because I'm brown.

>easy problem to solve
Invest in where they're from.
It's cheaper to help them stay in the middle east than it is to bring them here.

How does lives matter equal "come into my house and eat all my food and shit on the floor?"

only the lives of those I care about matter

I call ICE on spics all the time. Get the fuck out of my country shitskin

Hahahhaha oh boy you got us!

Seriously, some lives matter more than others and brown people don't matter as much to me. Guess the cat's out of the bag

Thinking makes it so.

But not all lives matter. Only retards say that.

Sucking the population out of a country does what to the country?

What happens to syria when theres no more syrians? A huge vaccuum? Maybe some groups from iraq can roll in. Im sure they wont want to use all the free resources to wage war on others and attempt to create a caliphate.

Good thing all the doctors and scientists and family men left. They woudnt be very helpful or needed in syria.


Why does acknowledging someones right to life mean you must provide every thing that life requires? We provide africans with security, food, health care, and some win the lottery and are able to immigrate legally.

The humane thing to do is walk away from Africa and let them sink or swim. Living on welfare without utilizing any skills is a horrible existence.

Blacks have it all, abundance of minerals, animal life, tillable land, and they do what with it? Nothing........

What about those dirty fucking immigrants?

>call ICE
me too, i hate illegals

Doing gods work user.

>my life is in imminent danger
>I must travel through 15 countries and a couple bodies of water with no war to get to the country where I have to live because reasons

Yeah, no...

>umm, I don't know how to tell you this... I was talking about humans here, pal.

Pointing out the obvious doesn't require an argument sweety.

now fuck off.

Reminder all lives matter is a more than a nice way of saying "shut the fuck up, cop killings are a fucking non-problem"

>Worship literal WARLORD in religion
>War breaks out

If you're some Syrian chemical engineer with a Masters and speaks English on a conversational level whos fleeing with his family since he's a minority group which is persecuted, sure. But those kinds of people are about 0.5% of """refugees"""

> all lives matter apparently means you can live wherever you want and take what doesn't belong to you
nice try

Not an argument.

>The humane thing to do is walk away from Africa
This so much. Stop all the aid etc and let the civil wars run to a conclusion, because if they ever have a chance at a functioning society then we need to let someone win.

and nigger lives especially do not matter

I place my nationality before my race. I love my country and want what is best for it. refugees and illegals are plague in our society. I rather side with a white nationalist that might hate me over a chicano commie liberal, get fucked.

>All lives matter so fuck having borders n sheit

If we take your post as an axiom then logically your own post is a mean to justify your pointless teenage angst. This means it self contradictory and unvalid

This honestly.

Mexicans are afraid of them for sure.

All lives matter but that doesn't mean I have to clean up after those people own demise.

Not all lives matter equally.

>I place my nationality before my race.
Before the kikes spread international communism and neoliberalism, your nationality WAS your race.

stay next to the war torn country in tents till your country is ready to be inhabited again, dont infiltrate other countries screaming
>but i made friends!

Don't put words in my mouth

Brown lives don't matter to me and my life doesn't matter to browns

No lives really metter cunt

I have never said that all lives matter.
But by accepting niggers you threaten lifes of the citizens
also thissage

neither is the op.

We seriously need to just start being what we are.

What's their argument against white nationalism, you're racist?

Yes. We are. What are you going to do about it?