PewDiePie does Hitler Simulator

PewDiePie plays Conan Exiles, makes an Adolf Hitler character to play as to fight Jews. He repeatedly says "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" when under attack by enemies.

The video is currently set to Private, but there's a Mirror here:

Here's the original (currently not working):

Other urls found in this thread:




I used to not watch him but now I still don't
Pretty based guy tho

I just watched it
He took it down? Lol

Pure kino

fuck off with this eceleb shit
dumb fucking cuck



"Jew eggs"
my sides

Here's some of the comments still open in my browser:


Did Sup Forums just tank the career of the worlds biggest youtuber?

Pewdiepie knows about the Jew Eggs, they have to stop him before he finds their nest.

his videos are going to be a prime spot to redpill the youth

The biggest youtuber is blatantly normalizing Hitler and National Socialism

Nah, we hijacked it

Used to think that he does it to clickbait relevance

Not anymore, this guy is absolutely based. I hope he randomly flashes translated Hitler speeches in the future

His video got demonetized and he set it to private. The media is going to eat this shit up.

Might be this:

Operation Flash Sack.


The media is grasping at threads. They will try anything to keep the truth from coming to global consciousness.

if you just listen to it without the video, it sounds like a 10 minute shoah

>jew eggs
He knows too much! SHUT IT DOWN!

>hitler did nothing wrong

Holy fuck, video was pretty good. I haven't watched any of his shit, but level 25 jew decimated my sides.

Those balls though. What the fuck is funcom thinking? Can I get beef curtains on a female avatar. I demand beef curtains.

>not Riefenstahl anywhere
Pewds is pretty pleb desu

>caring about SwedeCuckFag
I thought you were better than that, Sup Forums

>It's real

>take video down immediately
>the rumors will spread and even more people will try to watch the video
le 3.5d chess man

I play Conan Exiles. The women have a pubic hair and jiggly tits.

It's taken down because of nudity, not because of Hitler or Anti-Semetism.

Pic related.

PewDiePie is like the friend you had in high school who took role playing too far but was still pleasant to hang out with.

More like annoying loud autistic faggot you wanted to punch, but his parents were rich and you preferred not to get in trouble.

I'll never play another Funcom game after dropping 2k hours into TSW...

That game is currently dead as fuck.

>virgin rage

He's in a very comfortable position to make a stand (he can't be fired from work, and even if he could, he has enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life), but you gotta admire the guy.

>being envious of Swedecucks
I'm sorry, Heinze. I don't like black cocks in my ass.

>More like Chad who stole your girlfriend, but he was right the whole time and you preferred not to get embarrassed when he beat your ass for punching him and because he has a better lawyer your punk ass goes to jail

Rust > Conan Exiles

prove me wrong

rust is fucking terrible, they can't figure out what the fuck they're trying to do with that shit

That's not going to stop the media's spin.

I guarantee they'll eventually use this material against him, while omitting the real reason it was taken down.

Arma 3 is better

>Anyone wanna play?

They always do.

The meme that Hitler was some sort of autist virgin somehow became rampant, despite ample proof that women of all ages loved and adored him.

But Rust got jewed though.


Why is she so perfect, bros?

>tfw to smart for english girls

Did he remove it? Why?

I unironically enjoy videos with Marzia in them.
Even though I normally find couples annoying as fuck.

>Finally make different character models
>no customisation because "you can't choose what you are born with real life"

1) She's just a beard. He's obviously a queer.
2) I'd love to bash her skull against the wall.


oh yeah that bullshit

>he did nothing wrong
>cause hitler did nothing wrong
actually made me laugh

Her voice sounds like she's trying to sound like a Japanese cartoon character.


that's a man face in drag

You have some serious issues my man

Spank me big bro, I was naughty today


not surprised

Garry is a huge faggot.

He put it back up:

It's over. PDP is finished.

did it really take him 5 seconds to read that joke?

It's back up on his channel, uploaded it minutes ago

>they watch PewDiePie
you have to be 18 and older to post on here

and pewds probably does all this on purpose so the media continue their jihad against him

at least i think the 'redpilling' of his audience is just a side effect of him wanting to become more and more relevant

not that there's anything wrong with that

She's so feminine
Her voice is literally like an anime character

Alpha males such as myself find such women irresisitable.

That is just "nuts"

>18 and older
>Sup Forums
pick one

God almighty, her voice triggers my rape instincts

Haven't laughed this hard in a while.
Top vid.

I love this time line.


He's making fun of him you retards

just imagine being balls deep inside her while she makes her squeaky anime "fuck me" noises but with normal western lust inflections rather than the offputting alien crying sounds the Japanese make


Video reposted:

It's back online

PewDiePie in the editing room these days.

clearly sex workers working a shift.

they arent all wearing the same heels because an instagram model told them to

>Not playing as a Shemite archer


She unironically seems like a nice, normalized person. Very unlike most attention whores on the platform.

>fuck off with this eceleb shit
>dumb fucking cuck


Not gonna lie, former pewdiepie voter here.
This is fucking hilarious watching pewds crash and burn.
But in all seriousness we cant let him get the nuclear subs.
