Give me one proof,just ONE PROOF that a white person as an individual is inherently superior to a black individual

Give me one proof,just ONE PROOF that a white person as an individual is inherently superior to a black individual.


Higher average IQ

You're not so smart are you?

Because whiteys WUZ KANGZ

High impulse control
Time preference
Personal hygiene
Aesthetic features
Higher average iq
Higher average lifetime earnings
General higher well being

Which individual?

>Prove too me something you don't claim

White society>Mixed society>Black "society" =/= all White people>all black people

hey moron
I am talking about individuals.
Since you are very low IQ,I'll explain it to you.
There are whites with low impulse control,and blacks with high impulse control.
There are whites with low IQ,and there are blacks with high IQ.
There are whites with bad hygiene,and blacks who take care of it.

Sure bud.

>black people
Sorry but without the hivemind niggers are worthless

Actually, I crunched the numbers and he's completely right.

As you can see by this chart, there's no evidence that whites are superior to blacks.


Are you mentally impaired?
group A>group B =/= individual A>individual B

You didn't say who to compare you fucking retard.


Why respond to an idiotic question. Its a nigger asking it, did you think he had rhe mental capacity to register differences in race?

Blacks are inferior, their actions as a whole prove that. If anyone doubts it ill have them look at America as an example.

Kek, nice.

Because it's funny when they chimp out

>explain perfectly clear in Original Post what I'm talking about
>didn't say who to compare

I choose a black drug dealer that is in jail for violent crime. I am supperior to him.

That's fair.
Are you superior to Obama?

Probably. He lost his job. I still have mine.

Be honest with yourself.

on average, if you pick a random whit and a random black, the white will be smarter. is that too hard to understand?

Crackhead Tyree is inferior in every human way to Chuck Norris.

I will be as non specific as you.

Okay serious answer. He presided over 8 years of race baiting that led to Trump being elected. A clearly horrible president and person but Trump is still the medicine that is required.

I on the other hand perform my job impartially. I am a better person than that nigger. Oh and I have an MSc in clinical chemistry so I am not that impressed with politicians. Scum the lot of them.

He phrased his question in such a way that he could make a come back saying "nu uh Obama!". Like a total retard that he is.

Because white people come from a superior culture. Prove me wrong :^)

What is so unclear about my original post?
I asked for proof that a white person,just for being white is INHERENTLY superior to black person,just for being black.

The fact that we have diversity quotas and affirmitive action in the us.

I don't believe any race has inherent superiority over another as each race is made up of individuals and as such each race has their worst and their best.

There will be some here who support racial superiority, stating that "whites have a higher iq" and listing crime statistics. What does this say about the kikes?

It becomes clear to any man who listens and reads the work of old National Socialists that race exist, is a factor to be considered, but in the end we do not separate the races on a basis of superiority and inferiority, but to preserve them as best we can, and to preserve the racial identity of nations and the cultures and peoples that have came from them.

Genetically, whites are descended from farmers and blacks are mostly hunter gatherers. Its not so much inferiority but more like mal adaption. They are poorly adapted to urban living which is the future of mankind. They have less impulse control and forward planning. That makes living in high densitieis more of a challenge for them.

If society ever collapses they may end up being better adapted to that enironment. Thats why I wont say whites are superior in all things. They are however superior now and for the forseable future.

Stop trying to impress your negro friends you cuck.

a sports car isn't inherently faster than a bicycle if it crashes, so lets all drive bicycles you fucking moron

I think all humans are equal, white, black, yellow, red and anything in between.

We are the only sentient beings on this planet, we should put all our resources into exploring our closest planets and not fight among ourselves as 3 year olds.

Secondly i think all humans and all animals can have good lives, our problems is all the -isms.

Never even seen a niger,to be honest.

That's a really bad analogy.You should be ashed of youeself for making such a bad analogy.

I agree. Multiculturalism is a result of corporatism.

explains a lot.

my point is that you cant prove anything is inherently superior to to anything. In real life some things are superior to others.

But Ill just ash myself because you couldn't understand that.

> picks a half black to be the token example

Not quite what i meant i was referring to capitalism, communism, nazism and so on.

But i also think that the people that does not want to mix with other should also have their own zone where no mixing occurs.

Let them take it slow, come visit other peoples in their own pace.

Give me one proof,just ONE PROOF that you aren't a window licking mongoloid.


It's just an example.
Could have picked Michael Jordan or any other successful black person.

I think NATO should bomb the middle east and force them to take minimum wage jobs in Germany and Sweden. It makes the rich, richer which is a good thing.


>lost his job
More like
>Did a job for 8 years and retired
Don't be upset, you're just not better than that black man :^)

Ok, if you want to be a cuck about this.
Generate more heat from the sun than whites do.
Is that good enough for you?

everyone know that the white race doesn't exist.

bait thread


*Blacks generate

>hurrrr do something stupid that doesn't prove anything
>haha racists btfo!

>athletic ability
>superior person
If all we had were athletes society would return to the jungle, athletes are objectively useless

>only white people are like that

obama isn't black, he is mulatto. his brother is full black, now look at him.

There is none. Thanks to history, whites just have the upper hand.

Ok what will satisfy you? If we went on through every successful individual black and white person? When we run out of successful blacks, and still have a long list of whites? Or will you just move the goalpost again? Idk why I'm even replying. Sage you fucking nigger loving faggot

He's mixed you dolt

I think the french should use their nuclear weapons to turn the middle east into a glass sea, effectively stopping the migrant crisis and the "civil" wars" while also making the french look less white flag faggy frog people. x3 the win.. maybe MEGA

If we were are {INSERT LITERALLY ANYTHING}, society would return to the jungle, athletes are objectively useless.That's the point of society,everyone does what they're good at.

Also,define "superior".

Compare Elon Musk to a retarded, quadriplegic black person

Has use and makes a difference, athletes have no use and make no difference

I'm starting to think you're low IQ.I really do.

I never argued if whites as a group are stronger than blacks as a group.

If we were all engineers, we wouldn't be in the jungles, my friend.

>Also,define "superior".
You're the one that jumped in and started throwing that fucking word around.

obama doesn't know shit about chaos theory. Hence I'm superior

Do you think whites on average are superior intellectually than blacks?

You never argued anything, you're either fucking retarded and getting high off your own ass fumes or you're baiting.

Obama also doesn't have an engineering degree

user: 1 OBAMA:0

I work internationally with people.
My best working experience comes only from the work with white co-workers.
So idk

>athletes have no use and make no difference
but that's wrong.
athletes are entertainers.
And entertainment is important.Music is entertainment,movies are entertainment,video games are entertainment.

Blacks are 13% of the US population and commit over half of the violent crimes. Your move antifa fag. Nb4 crickets

You're autistic.

>pretending to not understand statistics
The probability of picking a white individual with an IQ above 100 out of a group is significantly higher than the probability of picking a black individual with an IQ above 100 out of a group.

Cry about it.

Yes,probably.Although there is enough evidence that as countries develop,IQ also rises.

>Music is entertainment,movies are entertainment,video games are entertainment.
Music isn't just entertainment. However, video games are and they're useless too.
Entertainment is useless to society tbqh.

They're extremely replaceable though, if one died the economy wouldn't budge and society wouldn't change. The next in the roster would just take his place. Same can't be said for talented scientists.

Are white countries developing better than black countries?

Of course I understand what you're saying.It's jsut that I'm not talking about that.
I made everything clear in original post.

Bill Gates. There you go, an individual that is inherently superior to all the niggers that have ever or will ever live. Now fuck off.

You just keep going, don't you?

Since you probably missed my last post, I'll state it again.
As an individual, blacks get hotter in the sun than white people due to their skin.
That sounds like a superiority to me for whites in the summer time.
Do you agree?

I never said that entertainment is VITAL to the society.
I just pointed to it isn't useless,as you said.

By your logic,painting house is useless.
By your logic,seasoning food is useless.

It's a bleak world you would create.

And you just keep going

>Give me one proof,just ONE PROOF that a white person as an individual is inherently superior to a black individual.

You've confused terms, race is about groups not individuals so such proof is impossible.


for every best you can find of black a better will exist in the white camp

that's the part you don't get about "average"

you stupid fuck

Not inherently on an individual basis but statistically as a whole population.

He's doing this intentionally

As an individual,whites get colder in the winter than black people due to their shin.
That sounds like a superiority to me for blacks in the winter time.
Do you agree?

But the original user was stating how athletes do not change anything in society today.
Painting houses does when it comes to structure of the building and seasoning food does when you want to change the taste.
Athletes do not benefit the society at all, they benefit nothing actually.

There is no light in the winter. The reason blacks absorb more heat is because of the light of the sun.
Blacks and whites equally get the same amount of heat in the winter. I think that's how it works in science.

>is less efficient and absorbing energy from the sun and thus can't produce as much vitamin D without spending hours in direct sunlight every day
Yeah... really superior

>There is no light in the winter.
Weird how I don't need to carry a lamp for 3 months during the winter.

IQ /thread


That's basic statistics, jackass. Of course Reggie Middleton > Methbillies. What fucking point are you trying to make here? That there are some smart black men who are smarter than some dumb white trash? Because few would claim otherwise.

I think you missed the point.
Of-course you are taking it literally, but whatever.
The sun's light is what causes it to be hot af in the summer.
During the winter, it's not as strong, and doesn't heat up anything.
Therefore, blacks don't absorb heat from the sun in the winter. Which shows that blacks and whites equally get cold in the winter.

You're being just as retarded as the Croat. Stop it

>During the winter, it's not as strong, and doesn't heat up anything.
But you're wrong.

Pluto is at a much higher distance from Sun than Earth,and is therefor much colder.Much colder than Earth during the winter.
It is absurd to say that Sun doesn't heat Earth during the winter.

So if blacks take more heat during the summer,and it's negative,then they take more heat during the winter too,and it's positive.
The opposite is for whites.

Will you accept that you're worng and I'm white?

Why the hell are you faggots bumping such a shit thread? Type sage in the options field