any good non cucked news source?
Any good non cucked news source?, it's officially legitimate according to the WH Press Corps
Molymeme's TrueNews segments are great, everything else is bloated and he cherrypicks arguments a lot.
Pic related: Real Journalists
Nah bro. The only thing you can really trust these days is tweets from Donald Trump.
Breitbart or just come to Sup Forums
There is no integrity left in journalism.
They are taught in school that journalism is facts+opinion. The problem with that though is that they are supposed to be equal, but lately it's been one loose fact, and ten million opinions and assumptions based on that fact.
It hasn't been this bad since the spanish american war.
Reuters, FT, WSJ, FoxNews, Alex Jones
Sup Forums
You are Satan.
Infowars is funny but theyre hacks. Please don't get your news from them
thanks guys
Wall street journal? what do you think about the pewdiepie thing? even if you hate him, what they did is pretty fucking retarded
>non cucked
the young turks :^)
salon also hahah
>You are Satan.
Sup Forums
You are straight up the devil.
>You are straight up the devil.
You're losing, and you know it. Have you seen Hillary lately? wew
Any news source that the MSM hates.
Form your own opinions