How do you still support these zionists?
How do you still support these zionists?
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How is it violating the 1st amendment. Isn't it about free speech?
All this Anti-Pence posting - Are the shills going after him next?
Fuck Pence
Shareblue shill
>Ay mayne fuck Pence, he a bitch nigga!
Tbh I fully support cracking down on intelligence agencies that think they are above the executive branch, but hell, I don't see wikileaks posting shit about KGB, MI Sections or better yet the chink intelligence agencies, so it's very one sided
Trump sounds like a retard to appeal to the retards.
'We the people of America'
not to be applied abroad
Wikileaks is clueless
No, literally. Fuck Pence.
What card game, son of tree?
wikileaks isn't wrong
the current admin should be investigating the shit out of the DoJ and CIA, and reigning in government overreach.
I like to think Pence is saying what he's saying just because he doesn't want to drive the foxes to ground, so to speak... and that they are doing an undercover investigation
>Assange promises to leave the embassy and be extradited to the USA if Obama grants "clemency" to "Chelsea" Manning
>Obama grants Manning a presidential pardon on his way out
>Assange goes back on his word
Why do these idiots try to play 4D chess against Obama? Is it that they can't see the 5th?
Nice freedom of speech you got there pal
illuminati card game made in 90's
The only people who are blindly pro wikileaks are the 13 year old Trumpfags who don't know their history or the highly editorialized "leaks" put out during the Bush administration.
How do you shit in the streets when you can use a toilet?
CIA wants to impeach or kill Trump for reasons. Wikileaks literally defangs the CIA so they can't do this. Somehow Wikileaks are now the bad guys. Am I getting this right?
I bet they've had this info for a long time. Probably what all that deadman switch threats were. But they wouldn't release it while Obama was president because they knew he'd send a team in their and drag his ass out of the embassy. What the fucks Ecuador gonna do? But Trump won't cause he's either a shill or a pussy.
what about ?
And one thing is leaking it to the whole world, not just Trump administration
Includes Presidential Pardons.... 4d underwater macrame
>wikileaks leaks sensitive government information
>b-but their the good guys!
I get that they helped us during the election, but they're still government spies who need to be hung from trees.
Not a pardon. He shortened his sentence. Two very different things.
Fuck Pence.
What a fag. Pence is a normie weirdo fag.
We NEED organizations like wikileaks. Originally this shit was called news organizations, not anymore. We NEED a place where people could take corrupt as fuck shit - expose it, and have a public outrage to fight against powers of corruption. Now with MSM being CONFIRMED in bed with the powers of corruption, we require new/actual journalism and news outlets, and unfortunately the only ones fulfilling that role right now are fringe organizations like wikileaks.
Call them Russain agents, whatever you want, but I trust their information over ANYTHING posted by MSM, and for good fucking reason.
I will take Assange over any politician anytime if the week. The idiots that would support pence on this is no different from hillary supports wanting Assange dead for leaking during the campaign.
>sensitive government information
about how your deep state can literally spy unimpeded on any single citizen without warrant or reason? Nigga, that's not sensitive government information, that's a reason for congressional hearing on them overstepping their authority and subsequent dissolution of agency with some trials for treason sprinkled on top
Pence is a fucking Neo-(((Cohen))). The only reason Trump has him around is so that the CIA won't crash the Air Force One when they go travelling together.
Pence has ALWAYS been a Neocon Shill, Sup Forums made a meme out of false narrative (the electrocuting gays thing) just to convince themselves otherwise.
Kinda sad desu senpai.
You have been visited by the based argie flagman of luck
Good defenses against feminists will come to you but only if you comment
I don't support anyone. I know it sounds edgy but I really wouldn't give a shit if the world suddenly imploded. The universe would probably be better off anyway.
I drunkenly threw away my black MAGA cap when Pence was announced as VP. Always go with your gut. Of course, my gut was also telling me Trump was God Emperor (and he is).
Pence is a little man. He is Little Finger. If Trump falls, Pence will be standing.
because assange and snowden are faggots and will both have their day
argie, please, we admire his effort, but we're memeing about future of USA and subsequently the world over here, if ain't gonna contribute be quiet.
Because they do some good should not free them from criticism. They have an agenda too, and are not the altruistic organization some Trumpfags prop them up to be.
>..."and you have edited this tape, and you have given it a title called 'Collateral Murder'. That's not leaking. That's a pure editorial." Assange admitted that he was seeking to manipulate and create "maximum political impact".
>he still supports bush
The tools in Vault 7 was created 2013-2016. That's right after Snowden. After Snowden NSA was under the radar and it wasn't easy to get permits anymore so CIA decided to create it's own NSA. And they fucked up it real bad. With endless budget, they created the biggest hacking arsenal in history, shared it recklessly with their partners and contractors, private companies! They used their power to advisedly make the web and devices vulnerable. They was shitting the whole world's electronic infrastructure. Wikileaks is fucking hero.
>Assange promises to leve the embassy and be extradited to the USA if Obama grants clemency
>Obama shortens Mannings sentance
>Not clemency
Assange did not go back on his word.
>Pence says Wikileaks will be prosecuted
>Relations with Russia on the downslope
RNC emails when? And some other shit as well, probably.
Well, there are rumors of WikiLeaks being a Russian puppet.
Seeing their leaks do makes me wonder why there are any Russia-related leak that would "open eyes" of its citizens; even though it would not change anything there.
All hail Putin, balalayka, vodka and bear-riding.
I am done, will go hug my potato,
such is life,
is dark and cold.
Dumbass yank, so you don't mind the CIA spying on you and taking yiur freedoms away? Stop watching CNN, or Fox news.
He likes to show how he plays with his pee-pee on camera, sort of private show for the whole CIA office.
shut the fuck up you worthless sack of piss. i could give 1/2 a fucking shit what you think.
> muh spying
is that what first comes to your mind you nasty piece of shit? another mans penis?
hahahaha look at these irrelevant > mmuhhh russia spergs
>All these people defending the CIA, who in all likelyhood planted the """russian hacked da election""" story.
Fuck the CIAniggers, Pence is wrong on this one.
Sorry, can't hear you over all the fat from those burgers you have.
Also, take Russia for yourself, we do not need it, k, thanks.
It's not complete absolutes ITT, same goes for Pence, it's and It's more like not defending CIA but not being some wikileaks bitch that supports the whole world seeing how your intelligence agency does shit
Filtered =)
Pence needs to be executed along with ryan and the cucksquad.
Nah I'd say he became that meme for lulz, retard tier /t-d posters and Infokike faggots convinced themselves to like him
>REEEEEEEEEE someone posted a fact I don't like
Pence is a fucking idiot yes man neo-con just like most of the cabinet. The only two good politicians anymore are Trump and Rand Paul.
Of course Pence is going to saying shit like that publicly. You think he's going to praise Wikileaks in the media? Fuck no, that's not how politics works.
But you know for damn sure in private they're happy to get this information out there, in ways, as it will aid in them working hard af to root out the deep state, treasonous globalists.
wikileaks get all their shit from the FSB, so don't hold your breath waiting for that
>"Wait there were CIA leaks? I wonder what's in there."
t. normies
He may be referring to freedom of the press, but does the first amendment even apply to Wikileaks, since they're not US based?
>Manning is walking around on the streets now instead of rotting away in Leavenworth
I hope a murderous nigger on parole strangles you in your sleep so you can explain to the devil that the nigger wasn't actually free
Good, Manning did nothing wrong. Literally exposed cancerous Obama NSA nigger shit.
>1 post by this ID
fucking hell Sup Forums how long does it take you to learn
how does it negate the tweet?
its (((their))) tactics to divert attention, whenever there is need to cover something, shills flood Sup Forums with irrelevant, but heavily discussable topics. Those shills never participate, they just go on and create more threads
user you're retarded, everything up until this Medicaid and Pence shit has been phenomenal, faggot.
Hoping this bill doesn't go anywhere, this needs to be written and edited by notable people in healthcare/more important republicans. The guys who wrote Medicaid are from fucking Vermont or some shit.
Also the democrats are shitting the bed and not doing anything in an attempt to "fillabuster" trump.
I totally agree, we need to see the REAL deepstate. A list of the different parts of the CIA that manipulate the media would be a great fucking start. I don't know if that is going happen, I think the media being controlled is on-par with unethical healthcare experiments in terms of secrecy.
I'd bet they have parts that funnel money to news companies, review articles before they come out, give orders to people like zuckerberg and some that directly give people fake news.
>I'd put money down all those fake news sites on trump are 100% CIA