Why are transsexuals sexualized so heavily throughout history?
Pic related.
Why are transsexuals sexualized so heavily throughout history?
Pic related.
Because they're the best of men and women combined.
thats not a tranny is it?
Why do they all make this face?
That's not a woman
Because they are mentally ill people who define themselves by their sexual organs.
>looks like a woman
>talks like a woman
>feels like a woman
>has a free protein dispenser in between legs
Honestly I don't see any downsides.
I make that face when I'm hungry for cock too.
not a tranny btw
>tfw this is a slide thread
Is that u
back to >>Sup Forums
I'd fuck him.
except for a buschel of mental issues
>t. Closeted Tran
it is, it's Maddison_Nicole on Reddit
Because channers have existed throughout history too who fapped furiously to them.
See Pompeii graffiti
Because that's literally all they exist for.
false loaded question. neck yourself, you disgusting mental patient.
>I don't see any downsides.
>Don't look like men anymore
>Estrogen makes them overemotional, depressed and sometimes psychotic(more than usual) since the male body is not structured to acomidate female hormones without problems.
>Have troubles getting it up
>Female body shape
>don't pass sometimes and if they manage to pass they ugly up faster than an asian woman's menopause.
>did i mention they ugly up real quick due to aging?
Damn right.
It's a boy
Because of Jews in Babylon spreading their degeneracy to Christian nations.
Because men, even confused men, would fuck the bathroom sink if it put on a dress
There was a poll of fag and dykes
Dykes had maybe 1 or 2 partners in their life
Fags had them runnning into literal thousands
transbog are the future
Despite the shitty wig, I'm gonna have to ask for sauce.
Sue Lightning and Natalie Mars
Wasn't Anthony Cumia hanging around with trannies
Yeah I think he was hanging out with these traps or something.
Trannies are tip top tier degenerate perverts, worse than fags. It is impossible to not sexualize a perverted sodomite because THAT IS WHAT THEIR ENTIRE SELF-IMAGE IS
TFW no tranny side piece
Teenagers need to get off pol
Fuck off youngfag trannies are an abomination and should be burned alive.