>why are europeans so shit at converting people now?
I mean you guys unironically converted a whole continent to catholicism
Why are europeans so shit at converting people now?
Because zero effort is put into it.
Only Evangelicals bother to proselytize.
This actually made think.
Post more Kuruminha
Stop Kuruminha posting, it seduces white men into racemixing, which is wrong
>tfw when want to fuck that brazilian boipussy
>race mixing
>implying race mixing is worse than homosex
How can you convert people to something you don't even believe in
Anyway it was mostly a product of social opportunity and consequence. If you wanted to marry into the European society, you had to convert. So they did.
South America is more Catholic than Europe now'a'days tbqh...
Stop it
no :)
They have faces like clubbed pigs, but dem tits n pussy tho
Brazilian porsters are best posters, prove me wrong
What the fuck are you on about, not even close christcuck.
>Visit Brasil
>Get raped.
>Implying I don't want to be raped by this
Not cutey.
dis cute
obvious globalist shill. Enjoy your soul burning with the daughters of megalia, they are about to get Mane'd
checked and kek'd
this is not a word. If it were a word it would translate to 'normally"
please stop
God yes please
its in the digits, niglet
.t christcuck
Go kiss some nigger feet and get slapped on both cheeks cuck faggot.
>jewish zombie
>real father left him
>stepdad cuck didn't even bang step-mom
>teenage mom
>dies with criminals
Stop living on welfare like a dirty muslim, Varg.
Cultural rot and lack of religiousity.
oh that must be why brits and early europeans left for america and so they could worshiping christianity.
lrn2history OP
Yeah but who converted us?
>what is latin america
The Church had it's own progressives and cuckservatives that paralyzed its actions, but I doubt that will carry on for much longer. Believe it or not, bishops like Francis are becomingly increasingly rare as new 'Trumpian' clergymen come to drain the swamp
>literally converted you into a shit posting faggot
Seems they still got it.
how can we convert anyone when we're not believing it ourselves?
Europe leaders are still working hard at converting. They will again unironically proselytize a continent to a new religion. Yes europe will be islamic.
a third world shithole dangerous and infested with gangs?
muslims have -2.0% to missionary strength when trying to convert them
its pretty annoying
lol no one deep dreams of cats try again
or a place so catholic that actually managed to integrate everysingle immigrant to the point of racemixing, a thing that """"first wolrd"""" superior countries fail so miserably that are actually voting to shut borders
> what is human rights
MY KIA IS user
It worked before, the trouble is that the peons are smarter in this era
>what is christianity vs catholicism
They are in the operational lull before the crucial "Phase 2", when people will be converted to Catholicism ironically.
You are wrong, Kuruminha is cool and good.
what is autism?
what is adhom and not an argument?
>why are europeans so shit at converting people now?
What the hell does Liz Warren have to do with this? Did she revert back tribal beliefs?
the thing you did here?
I mean you are obviously enraged by something, just let it go man
not at all, i asumed OP was talking about anerica but i am supose to know that just by the flag and picture with no real context.
i'm still right though
political correctness
ok :)
Seperation of church and state
>political correctness
also since euro's started making real economies after the industrial revolution, they didn't have to rely on tithe money raise armies (just jew dollars)
That's true. Too many places in Hispanic América are turning to evangelical shit because of EEUU triying to stop liberation theology spread in the 70-80's. In fact, many of the people that despise catholic church are influenced by CIA.
>what is meme magic
converted you to shitpost on Sup Forums you non-white fag
isnt that cheese pizza
Tente não te vir
I love watching white women get fucked and impregnated by strong black warriors.
We "convert" nations and people with money, pop culture and ideologies
Western brands such as apple, Mcdonald's, IKEA etc are all over the world, while movies and music are produced in Hollywood is also spread all over the globe, and all the values and ideas in said pieces of entertainment are imprinted in the people that watch it
While America are nowdays the ones with the biggest influence in this regard they are still intertwined with Europe(The western world) and in the western world the religion nowdays is money(broadly speaking) and that definetly converts people in large numbers
In short, we're thus far still pretty damn good at converting people, we just changed religion
the problem is we get young faggits and niglets in culture instead of the young white autistic males like steve jobs and jon romero
how do we meme white females into coming home to daddy
Does America have a qt mascot as well?
>tfw i did that to a girl and she started sucking my finger then i fucked her in the ass
america is too mainly for that
They went the extra mile to intertwine Christianity with native religions so the conversion didn't seem like such a radical change .
.t butthurt christcuk
If there's a way to make a profit of different cultural values then it will eventually change and be pushed since the fat cats on the top want to make more dough
Right now it sells to promote artists that spout out libkek values, but if people start to buy and engage in entertainment that promotes other values and morals then that will eventually become the new norm that'll be spread throughout the world
Thing is, however, since it for a large part is about making money the sound, conservative values that many people of Sup Forums adhere to would be washed out and become another bland message that's going to be spouted to the masses for the sake of profit.
There will never be a final victory, because humans are too flawed to ever make anything "perfect"
We don't need to make something perfect, we need to colonize space.
We still are, we're just converting people to atheism now.
I never said it was a good thing.
>isnt that cheese pizza
That's exactly what it is friend