That feel when this could have been Hillary

>That feel when this could have been Hillary.
Why didn't we meme her into power Sup Forums?
Watching her get impeached and destroy not only her own credibility but the credibility of all female leaders would have been amazing.

delet this




wasted get

literally KYS

No, because Park was controlled by the 8 Goddesses.

Hillary is one of the 8 Goddesses

cool gets brah



nice quints




Satanic get for a satanic leader
I cast ye into a the boilings pits of sewage where you belong!



Quints confirm gooks headed for self destruct.

>Those glorious digits

Put me in the screen cap plox


Welp we fucked up lads


>Watching her get impeached and destroy not only her own credibility

obama hasnt even gotten impeached for the shit he did

you think hillary would be? looooooooooooooooool

Is she related to pic?

Not worth the disaster her government would be until impeachment.

Trust me, pic related was agonizing enough.

Also nise quints.

>66666 says we should have put Hillary in power
>77777777 says we should have put trump in power
I know who I'm backing


>66,6k get
>it's about having female head of state
really made me pull out a cross

I thought the 8 goddesses were all in Korea?

Has South Korea ever have a not corrupt president?

The north has a more stable government!