Why can't America?
Why can't America?
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Half of America thinks that travel by train is only for niggers
The other half would rather pay for niggers than trains.
>It's the burgers, stupid!
Come up with one that can function a full 24 hrs without subsidies then we'll talk. Meanwhile we'll use trains to haul freight, cars, busses, subways, and airplanes to haul people.
The cities would rather spend money on welfare monkeys and flying is more efficient for travel everywhere else. We have pretty vast expanses of absolutely nothing to go through.
Extremely spread out, could possibly work on the coasts, but those also have a much, much higher dependent relatively non-productive population than any urban concentration in Europe, Japan, etc.
Train tickets have to be substidized so they are affordable for the poorfags that ride the train.
So they have the tax payers pay for a train then pay for the majority of each ticket. Fuck that i love my car.
Pro tip: Train tickets in Japan aren't subsidized at all. Shinkansen will cost more than plane tickets, but people buy them anyways because they don't have to get raped by Japan's equivalent of TSA at the airport.
The history of trains and their networks/companies (and the comparison to europe with their state-ownership) is such a great story. All the shenannigans. And many great lessons to be learned, that are still valuable to this day.
Trains are only practical in dense urban areas (and you have them there or you have subways or both).
US suburbs are spread out incredibly vast.
Distances between major cities are huge and your air travel capacity is already very well developed. People have cars for everything else, and your society and all your cities are already designed around cars.
The only scenario where this becomes practical is with something like the hyperloop (if it ever materialises), at which point it will become more practical and perhaps cheaper to take the train than the plane.
We could.
Why should we?
Car culture > train culture
Trains are full of smelly nigger.
Check out this vid, bruh
Why did you post a nigger car on a post disparaging niggers as smelly?
Every time we build some new form of public transit, it fills up with nignogs and spics causing problems. That's why a lot of smaller cities and suburban areas with majority white populations are highly resistant to being hooked up to existing mass transit networks (e.g. Castle Rock, CO resisting being made into a terminus for Denver bus and light rail systems).
Minorities ruin all public transport
Because trains are for cargo, not people.
Cities are too far apart, and the trains would be filled with niggers.
see: marta
Because suburbia and multiculturalism. Also resistance to taxes.
trains are often faster then planes because you have to be at the airport 2 hours before take off and then you have to wait for your bag and after that drive to the city for another hour or take a taxi that cost almost as much as the plane ticket. trains go from central of the city to central of the city and you can arrive 5 minutes before it leaves the station. then you have wifi and mobile charger on every train.
In the US and Canada, trains (and every other form of public transit) are seen as inconvenient and intended for poor people.
Trains and buses are basically just barely surviving as it is, they're expensive to keep up, homeless love to travel on them and piss everywhere, and this is on top of the fact that train stations pretty much require a car to get to and at that point you may as well just drive to wherever you're going.
Not to mention everything is far apart, it makes sense in cities but to connect anywhere else would be a feat and a half and would be ages away from each other in comparison and there's no way they would ever recoup the cost.
My car goes from center of the city to center of the city as well
they are finally starting to roll-out chip cards in the US, not sure why it took so long, all new cards have been chip only for the last 7 years hear and new cards are all tap to pay now
I'm pretty sure Trump said he is in favor of America starting a continental Bullet trail system
Population density.
Most American cities are too spread out to have a viable system. Even in Europe a lot of high speed rail can't compete with jets. Just look at what it costs to take HS1 from London to Paris. It is FAR cheaper to buy a plane ticket.
Americans subsidise car manufacturers by maintaining roads
Trains are for poor people desu. Cars rule. And with coming car automation, trains will become ever more obsolete
niggers. probably.
We have planes
Because republicucks would rather give tax breaks to rich people than build vital infrastructure. They literally fight ans underfund every transit project known to man and then whine when it underperforms.
Functions of government rarely profit. Show me a sewerage system that operates at a profit. The fact that this is your knee-jerk means of evaluating successful delivery of government services proves my post above.
There's no excuse for the US lacking a bullet train line from San Diego to San Francisco
Look at they money they spunk in the Middle East
There should also be a line from Boston to Washington DC
How would automated cars make trains or public transportation obsolete? They'll make automotive transport for individuals more efficient, sure, but for bulk public transport they still aren't nearly as efficient as trains or subways.
>giving niggers free and easy rides across the states
Dear God no.
plane ticket prices are ludicrously cheap. theyre subsidized by govt welfare
>Train to Milan: 350CHF
>Jet to Milan: 95 CHF
fucking retarded
Says a country that's taking 40 years to build a high speed rail from London to Birmingham, which won't be complete until 2030 at the earliest.
Most major American cities DO have mass transit
filled with niggers and piss lmao
>ha ha america can't waste money like we can
the main reason we're so fucking rich is because all of you nigger-rich countries with your shiny chrome money fo dem programs wheels on the donk that is your nation-state make yourselves poorer faster than we can inflate our currency to its death. we're king shit of fuck mountain and we will be forever, because you hate austrian economists even more than we do.
America is too big for across the country train and air is cheaper.
I would like to see the highest speed rail in and our of the big cities though so people can live somewhere with a good sized piece of property and access the city easily for work play whatever.
The problem is space is tight as fuck there is not any empty area to put trains in.
>There's no excuse
>There should
Yeah, because we have a long history of listening to what some effeminate British finger-wagger tells us to do. Watch your tone, Aloysius.
Yes. Niggers ruin it
for better of worse the distance between major american cities are exactly at the treshold in which plane transport is more efficient
They're trying to build one in California from SF to LA.
Right now the plans only go from Fresno to Bakers field and the cost has more than doubled from when the voters ok'd it in 2008.
fuck my state.
You have no idea how fragmented and fractured the payment industry is here in the US
I worked for TSYS and Global for 10 years, none of these companies can agree on a decent standard and they don't even look to ISO-7816 for guidance.
Want to have your mind blown even further?
There's no Challenge-response outside of the card and whatever payment interface you put it into. No PKI.
EMV is straight garbage
What would you expect from the conveyance of the masses?
1. All of your fancy european train systems combined wouldn't satisfy Texas or Alaska alone, the US is much bigger than your peabrain can apparently comprehend
2. The instant you create any sort of mass transit system in the US whatsoever, bus, train, subway, streetcar, niggers move into it and spend the whole day loitering on it, and it becomes unsafe for whites, so whites who pay taxes and control spending understand that spending on it is pointless.
id car everywhere too if i had your violent negroids. no blame there
a burger posting this picture...
Niggers. In a homogenous white neighborhood you can leave your convenience store unattended and people will wait around at the counter to pay.
In a mixed or black neighborhood you need security at the door and bulletproof glass.
Because we're a fucking huge country. In places where population density is high enough to warrant European high speed rail, all the right of way is taken up by mixed passenger/freight mainline, and heavy freight beats up the rail to the point that travelling more than about 100 mph would be dangerous. Further west where there's plenty of room, the population density isn't really high enough. And the amount of rail to maintain is staggering. Also, politically, all the rail is owned and maintained by private companies and is still used primarily for freight. Starting on the 1970's the government run Amtrack took over almost all regular passenger service in the U.S., but still runs on the existing private rail right of ways. Short answer, politics and impracticality on the scale necessary for the U.S..
You seem upset.
It's a terrible idea
They have been planning on building it for ages, California is run by democrats who can't get anything done. It should be developed by the private sector though. There's a firm that is planning on building a bullet train between Houston and Dallas soon. A private firm that is.
Flights aren't actually that expensive, the biggest factor is plane occupancy.
Because half our states are larger than the average European country and the half that aren't use subways.
I cannot tell you how absolutely useless travel by train would be for me, or how ungodly expensive it would be to build the trains either. It's not like I live in an area that approaches flat at any point in time that's not already used to grow crops.
What decade are you from? Niggers buy Cadillac Escalades, BMWs or Mercedes. That Lincoln is a Jew Canoe!
jet fuel, repairs, all that overhead shit. it should at least be AS expensive as a fucking electric train..i imagine.
in switzerland we can take every single boat/train/bus/metro/tram in the country with a single card (250chf/mo) its pretty frikin sweet
I had to greyhound from Pennsylvania to Texas and back again. Never again. Piss and niggers and bums and shit. I don't care if it's cheap. Not worth the disgusting busride
that makes sense, maybe it got pushed here because we only had three big banks that operated cross country and were able to agree upon interac years ago
america used to have the most developed people rail system on earth... it was dismantled
Because it was inefficient for traveling over such a massive distance. Train travel was fantastic when the only other way to travel was by horse, but those days are long behind us and travel by train is simply slower than travel by automobile in most any cases. And in the cases where that is not the case, we use an extensive subway network.
The only place it could possibly work is the densely populated coasts and those places are full of SHITSKINS so it wouldn't work at all.
The only cities with transit worth a shit are New York, DC and Chicago. The rest of the nation is a joke, and that doesn't even begin to address transit between states.
Infrastructure budget =/= throwing money on a passenger train that has several viable replacements already.
And of course, the whole jet planes thing, making travel by automobile also inefficient for long distance.
I can pay 200 bucks to take a 6 hour plane trip across the country or I can drive for 22 hours and spend 300 bucks on gas and food and a hotel
>train at 300kmp/h slower than vehicle travel
a good train system is way faster than driving by car. but it does take a lot of effort. roads are way more expensive to maintain and build than rails though mate
Because we invented the airplane.
You can still take take trains city to city in dense areas on the east coast, but anything west of there is to spread out for it to be worth it.
>transit between states
but there are trains, planes and buses
Just because we don't have bullet trains between each state, doesn't mean there aren't means for mass transit.
planes are a god damn scam. i know theyre being subsidized hardcore by the govt... no way they can be that fucking cheap without some cheating
>mah subsidies
Fuck off, roads are subsidized too, gas taxes do not pay for them. So shut the fuck up because your argument is shit
Yes but throwing money at a train company to build something that isn't needed is bullshit. Leave it to the states, and spend tax money on something with potential like NASA.
and the NYC subway is subsidized by the ever increasing bridge tolls
NASA has been a diversity bureaucratic bullshit institute for the last 30 years dude.
In Switzerland, sure. And again, we still use trains in highly densely populated areas. But let me reiterate, trains would be fucking useless for where I live. It's nothing but rolling hills and forests as far as the eye can see, with rivers that flood during heavy rain. And it'd be slower than just driving because everything is so decentralized. If I wanted to travel by train to places I regularly travel cross country they'd need to build a railway longer than the combined railway of Switzerland.
And I'd still have to pay more and it would take longer than just taking a jet to Phoenix.
Everything is subsidized by the government.
What are you talking about? The rail system is still extremely well developed, it's just used for cargo because that's much more efficient and useful and the time factor isn't nearly as big an issue as with people.
>Good trains
The CTA can barely even pay for upkeep and is constantly having to damage control as the train cars break down or people keep getting shot/robbed on them.
>Leave it to the states
California took it upon itself to build "high-speed rail" between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
It's become a money pit, and has been declared it will not be "high speed" any more.
They should've built it between LA and Vegas; people would probably actually use it if it were ever completed.
>burgers owning literally nothing because noooo communisms!!!
>still paying a shitload of money as citizens on private business
>It's the geography stupid
no it isn't. And it never was.
the rail system used for people (the lines running between cities etc) were demolished around the same day that cuck made highways a thing
>implying amerikaners would want niggers to be able to travel more easily
This. Trains works decently in a homogenous country. But cars are still the king!
>it's the geography
It is. I have a railway running through my town, they had to cut through a mountain with dynamite to build it and then build a bridge over the gaping hole because the town needed a way to cross over in case of flooding.
That and the fact if we wanted to directly link up to any of the other nearby towns or cities by rail you'd end up with some beehive shit going on. All the roads go straight to nowhere, cause if you drive straight you'll drive off a cliff or into a corpse of evergreens. Or into the side of a mountain if you wanna travel south. Everything's a giant curve to get anywhere. Building trains to travel through my state would be fucking retarded and require blowing up half of our state's landmarks.
But please, Mr. European, tell me more about where I live. It's highly amusing.
No they weren't, they're still there, they're just used for freight, we didn't destroy the railroads, do you realize what a waste of capital that would be?
How can niggers afford mercedes ? I own 3 and the upkeep is really pricey. Especially with the AMG models.
America is just too big for train travel
I work for them
Because the US government nationalized, thus helping wreck, passenger rail in the US. It's a fascinating history. Now rights of way are full so HSR is only feasible in a few areas. As a motorcyclist I welcome anything that takes more drivers off the roads, and as an experienced rail commuter in the Northeast I enjoyed getting to work without driving and parking. Don't forget rail built the suburbs before autos existed.
HSR isn't really a Sup Forums subject and should be discussed in Sup Forums.
Urban and suburban rail was a fine infrastructure investment the US chose to neglect. Euros had a highly developed rail system for a long time and it works very well there, but Western Europe is highly urbanized.
In the US we have a bucket of crabs situation were rail-illiterate drivers hate traffic, hate train subsidies, and don't understand transport as a system makes passenger rail a fucking CAR subsidy in effect!
>planes are a god damn scam.
No, aircraft passenger travel is highly refined and highly efficient, just like other transport systems. Efficient sea freight is why the Chinks who made your computer can sell it to you for trivial monies.
Aircraft efficiency is based on keeping them moving and making money. It's amazing air travel works so well, but the profit motive works wonders.
Military and civilian aircraft are worth no more or less than their sortie rate and effectiveness. Modern air travel is efficient.
post the one without the gun then. because the gun is illegal in freedom land
president's too fat
and jewish
It's a huge country and they can afford planes and cars to travel freely.
You clearly don't live there and the fact that the trains don't make a profit has nothing to do with anything. Roads don't make a profit either you stupid fucking cuck.
>but.. but.. we would have to build a tunnel, and maybe a bridge too even!!
top fucking kek. Are you even aware who you're talking to?
Your train network is historically shit because of a history of greedy fuckheads (Vanderbilt and co. top kek) that tried to make a quick buck - over and over again, instead of opting for a service public by and for the people.
Same story with virtually any other branch that would have been better put into the hands of the public, instead of some whacck oligo- or monopoly.
Many such cases. Sad!
do you fuckwits have no concept of size? how "america" is spread out?
Why would anyone give loans to niggers for a mercedes ? This is going to be the next banking crisis.
Yes. Now go ahead (or back in time), and compare the European with the American network.
trains are fuckin gay dude
If the nigs got reasonably good credit, wants a car. There are incentives not to "discriminate" in the loan department, and the Jews like usury slaves. If nig fails to pay, then I think that the car sales people can repo it too. I don't think it will get bad enough for a real crisis. It's not like there are major bonds or whatever that rely on nigs with Mercedes.
seems about the same size as the area we have trains all over