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>tfw still no YKTD

wonder what rimmer looks like

>races you've fucked
White, Hispanic, Black, Filipino, Chinese.

Not even so much as a THEME [embed]

Son, i am disappoint.

Which do you apply to your scones first, the jam or the clotted cream?


>Parliament Commissions Diverse Portraits to Replace ‘Victorian’ Depiction of ‘White, Male’ British History

>We want more Syrian refugees: offers exceed official UK pledge of 20,000

>Budget 2017 summary: Key points at-a-glance

>Budget calculator: How will the Budget affect you?

>EU Leftists Chant Support for Thatcher-Era Minister, House of Lords

>Rabbit hole leads to 'Knights Templar' cave

>Sharia May EXPLODES with laughter at Corbyn jibe during PMQs

>Kellyanne Conway Praised in London Assembly for International Women’s Day

Why is Poland run by creepy identical twins?

>being against the Alt Right

What are you, an immigrant?

Clotted cream o the top side, jam on the botton.

Means theres more jam to tongue interactivity and more smooth clotted to the roof of the mouth and not sticky "jesus fuck i need a drink im clagged all to fuck with jam" face.

Clotted cream obviously sourced from the best free range cows from Dale Farm.

He's dead and you need to get on with your life.

>mfw the fucking letie propaganda just advertised to me on facebook

Can drop a link if anyone is interested. It's one of those multi choice video things

The difference from socialism of the Left in terms of sociality of the Right is that the moral premise is different. The Left believe the enforcement of an equality though social engineering is good, whereas the Right believe it is rather incidental; occasionally necessary, but that it leads to undue equality. Inequality is always the goal, therefore the Right-wing form of social intervention, and the ethic that lies behind it, is different. So when the Tories say, ‘you’re just a group of socialists waving a flag,’ they’re wrong, and that is because the Right do not believe in equality in the way that the Left does.

Therefore all of its proposed sociœconomic propositions (that you have a managed capitalism within a nationality, where the straight forwardly successful and entrepreneurial come up to the top, but at the same time they can’t suddenly close down a factory and move it to Hungary and then move it to Indonesia, and cut all of the workers’ wages if it is in their interest to do so because they have a responsibility to the society, to the people that they come from, to the area which they’re born), imply that there is a national development to economic life which superintends ‘my profit,’ ‘my firm,’ ‘my life,’ that sort of purely Libertarian attitude.

Deep down, although many bourgeois conservatives would explode at the hearing of that, many of them secretly agree with those sorts of ideas actually, but they’ve never thought you can say that, because if you do say so you are a ‘fascist’ aren’t you? You’re one of them. The people we fought in the war; the people that shouldn’t be listened to.”

stop this meme

Do you have uncomfy tile pics?


Going to Bongistan in August for vacation wih some fellow Texans, what do when I'm there?

What is problem, user? A lot of his stuff is pretty dope.


you mean like this?

Where you going?

you going to London or elsewhere?

or like this?

Lads, what's the most prosperous white-majority city in Britain? England preferably.

Guildford probably

Fuck you that's some brilliant finish work. They shouldn't have to expand the entire column because you suffer from OCD-compounded autism.

Oh fuck that guy.

brazilian, nigerian, white, some kind of chink


They did that on purpose though to make it look like a folded carpet

Postan this shit anyway

open your eyes to hate, brothers


SAVED! I wonder how many people try and kick it back over flat.

These Brit/pol/ threads are shill threads to steal your attention and waste your time when you could be discovering worthwhile information elsewhere on Sup Forums.


>there is now a tripfag naming himself Based Bowden

Don't fuck this up, user, I'm watching you.

they're all over england btw

>awful coffee-coloured skin and black eyes
>mild monkeyface
>literally no culture besides commercialised nogness, clothes and bad music

This is where we're collectively going as a species. A reconstituted brown-ish meat slurry with no meaning, past or future.

>races you've fucked
Scots, "Anglos", Paddies, Germans, Czechs, Danes, Norwegians
Shitskins out

Best biscuit, lads?

I you can't tell - links to pedo-BBC and lefty-Guardian are not politically incorrect - they are precisely the agenda.


Are you the tile rapist?

Were they children?

Wew lad, I've been on the block for over a month now spreading the good word.

stop it

Fuck up cunt, 98% of the threads on this board are worthless "is x gay" and "are x white", or bait threads or pathetic pretty liberal girl threads, we aren't doing any important research at the moment.

>what are tabs


jesus christ

Jam first because i dont want to get mouldy bits of cream in my jam that i have on my toast when i use the same knife after spreading my cream!

>w-well the age of consent in Romania is 14 therefore I'm not a nonce"
Wait for it

What are tabs?

Not sure, going to spend a a day or two in Dublin, after that we're free to go gallivating through Europe for twelve days.

I hope you all saw the news and will stop singing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot now you know it's an appropriated slave song.


Stop what?

Go to drum and bass rave. Much better than edm shit you'd get back home

You're on the list.

Asking about biscuits

What's your favourite biscuit though, lad?

Nazi Germany
Age of consent - 14
Fascist Spain
Age of consent - 13

>t. kike nonce

stop it

Careful lad...


Pre-historic Britain
Age of consent - 0


>One lost a war
>One stopped existing
really activates my

t. feminist mangina

W-what's y-your favourite politician lads?

Drum and bass?
Your like a baby!
Watch this!

pretty sure they are shills, here to subvert the discussion away fro anything too edgy

all these degenerate, random topic posts are. This whole thread is.

my nutsuck is activated :^)

>t. hook nosed child molester


Post-Franco Spain
Age of consent - 13
>basic human
Hello cuck
>pubescent woman

Does anyone else enjoy reading the arrogant remoaners in the Guardian comments?

Most young people vote labour. They will win 2020.

>unironically being this insanely paranoid

Would you let a grown man fuck and impregnate your 13 year old daughter?

>Most young people vote Labour
>Implying young people vote

Found an issue with this already.

Why would you give them hits?





Most young people have switched to libdem because of brexit


Could actually molest a Greggs pasty right now lads, I want to stick my dick through a steak bake.

Lest ask a more productive question... Favorite masonic royal?

Accept the doubles of truth.

>I have family in Liverpool so I know the voting intentions of the entire UK

actual historical age of consent... FIRST BLOOD!

Duke Of Kent, of course

>tfw no happenings for months


my cat posting got a double neg, so No, No to you.

Labour are done under corbyn.
Libdem are also fucking useless, they got cucked with their coalition and people saw them for what they are.

Theres nothing unfortunately standing in the way of 300yrs of Tory Reich.

James Brudenell, 7th Earl Cardigan

>36% 18 - 24 turnout at brexit (I turned out for Leave, age 21)
>Down from 2015 general election at 43%
>Down from 2010 general election at 44%

Labour is fucked. Kids are switched off from politics because their university tutors, celebrities, peer groups and idealogues lied to them about how the world works, and they have always been told that they matter in 100% of things, that they are special, that they should get their own way. It is reinforced throughout their life that there is no room for failure, and when they fail they crash. When people challenge their "rightful" opinions, they flip out and don't know what to do or how to react. The left has fucked over their minds as well as their life. I say this as a member of that demographic.

I would appreciate your thoughts and responses to this, Sup Forums.

That's absolute bollocks.....I have family in Manchester and Birmingham too!


Yeah - you saw the vault7 thing recently, right? All the conspracies were proven correct.

I was called insane years ago when I said "smart" devices are spying on you and cars can be remotely controlled. Ive had pic related on my computer for years

t. femicuck
>Britain is better than Scandinavia and Central Europe
Wrong. Britain a shit

Briddish nashurnalizm's ded an berried 'less yous lisstern ta me ladz.

Its only set to get worse.

since 2015 the world has been working in ways unthinkable to even the most rampant of tinfoil hatter.

We're all fucked.

Just wait till the mass censorship begins.

"Screwy" Louis Mountbatten.
