Drumpf did not add 235,000 jobs to the economy. Obama did



>The New Republic is a liberal American magazine of commentary on politics and the arts published since 1914, with influence on American political and cultural thinking. Founded in 1914 by major leaders of the Progressive Movement, it attempted to find a balance between a progressivism focused on humanitarianism and moral passion, and on the other hand sought a basis in scientific analysis of social issues.

Fake news, delete this thread

This, OP is a faggot

Drumpf is a thief and a liar
He shall be impeached then shipped to Chechnia


plutonium decay into ____


Companies preparing for his presidency

Kinda cool having a president who deserves respect now. Feels weird man

Stop being a pidorashka.

yeah have people seriously not looked at the dow and consumer confidence after nov 8th