White people at it again...
White people at it again
Well it's a simple mistake
Black people at it again...
her body, her choice to decide what to put into it.
babies don't have self awareness until around age 5 anyway
>this is just average news in america
Race has nothing to do with it.
Drug Abusing Degernate Death Squads when?!
stop shilling your thread on the discord
Retards believing click bait bullshit articles online again...
>___> xDD ^^ :^))
>3 years old
the baby won't remember it
Can we just nuke Florida already
I knew it was Florida. Fuck I can't wait to finish university and fuck off from here
to be fair babies look a lot like raw turkeys if you squint
Sometimes when the kush hits you need that snack
>hiring a landwhale as a babysitter
>being surprised when this happens
How the fuck do you find yourself hungry on amphetamine?
i kek'd to this r*ddit tier post.
Gonna end it now.
Just a little midnight snack
muh graphs
muh numbers
>not eating babies to raise your base stats
She'll be top cunt in jail with that +10 Str and +13 Agi, you fucking scrubs.
Christ on a cracker, it never ends
Came here to post this.
I can understand masterbating for 12 hours straight but wanting actual food or to eat someone?
Sounds more like PCP, despite the burger roastie's average appetite. I just don't find it believable. I think black racists made up this statistic.
Sounds fake
This nigger eating his own babby's face off isn't
this now delete this thread NOW
This. I remember doing a bit of addy, 120mgs or so and not eating or sleeping for days. I'd have to remind myself to eat.
The difference between white people and black people is that Black people don't need to be on Meth to eat a baby.....
What in the fuck? Is this true?
Fat bitch. Repulsive.
This. Baby sacrafice is ALWAYS the go to if building evil relationships with powerful demons or creating powerful magical boons and witch powers. She will be able to spam Eldritch Blast and Command at will now.
Look at his fucking eyes man.
Does this player hater even walk upright?
>Implying this isn't a common occurrence
Florida and SAGE
I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex
well a lot of female methheads ive met were either crack skinny (because they only spent money on meth) or fat as fuck (because they had families who would buy them food when they spent all their money on meth).
its like heroin. a lot of rich dudes you see addicted to heroin are fat, but the poor ones are skinny as hell.
did she at least cook it first
Why can't you guys address the rampant degeneracy in the white population? Why is it that everytime it's pointed out instead of realizing a need for a change you instead pretend like you're infallible beings?
I've seen worse from Niggers.
This is pretty bad, though.
>muh anecdotal evidence
Lets turn this into a nigger hate thread.
Dump your collection boys.
She's got the munchies for a California Cheeseburger
white meth addicts are the true niggers of the world.
worse than blacks, muslims and jews combined, i have had literally 5 different dealers arrested IN MY STREET.
Looks like she ate a few already.
Do you live in the Australian equivalent of Detroit? Jesus, man, move somewhere else.
Fucking apes wonder why they get shot
florida voted for trump
they get a free pass card
Fake news
xdddddddd crazy burgers amirite fellow toothpaste?!?!?!
Simpsons predicted something again
you dense retards fucking kill yourself, this is obviously a dude who lost his kid
Top rofl
>worse than blacks, muslims and jews combined
Because you live around poor white people you stupid asshole. People who haven't been enriched really have no frame of reference.
Come to America and live in Detroit or north St. Louis. You'll beg for your shitty white neighborhood after such an experience.
Reverse google search, Mgibe
Why would he be twisting its body like that if it was just an accident?
These damn atheists
You're like in every thread wtf
No link.
3-year-old baby.
Either the headline writer is a retard or that's a fake pic.
lol christians
at least that nigger is rotting in prison now.
lol, that dude got fucked up. Every time, this is hilarious.
I don't think so man, I have seen multiple stories about shit like this. Often from Florida.
One such story was a google standing in an alligator infested swamp, holding his kid because he planned to sacrifice him to Jesus. Of course, he thought he was Jesus.
This shit is quite typical. Especially from Florida.
>Crystal meth.
Dutdut is right.
Those are niggers
Even if they had missionaries visit, their religion is likely a bastardization of christshit and voodoo tribal spirit bullshit
If you aren't a crazy retard, you aren't white.
We need to make sure a democrat is elected in 2020 to end these fuckers.
Is this why the elites get a reputation for cannibalism?
What is it about stimulants like this that makes people want to cannibalize? Vile drugs, never had the interest.
they're christians burning witches
google it
Why even do this when you know someone is recording?
Kid he punched was like 12 when he was 16, now he's going to stand trial as an adult looking at multiple years in a cage.
Kid was even so retarded he took to facebook to laugh at the victim and his family. How retarded do you have to be?
Need to start dumping this stuff in ShillBlue threads to give rich liberals a little insight into who their defending.
only two Fat Bastard posts.
disappointed, frankly.
well what the hell else are you gonna do with it?
With rubber tires because they believe that the black smoke from the rubber will make the victim's soul get lost on the way to the after life
Very 'christian'
Jesus Christ
What's his endgame?
>Why even do this when you know someone is recording?
>expecting niggers to be able to think through the consequences
geez white people
It's always Florida.
>same click bait title and article word for word everywhere but just this one picture and no proper context anywhere
learn to internet, kid..
He's not twisting the body, he's holding on to it
>both legs tightly twisted together
>top hand squeezing the baby's stomach hard enough to kill it if it was still alive
well, Sup Forums?
If this happened on my country it'd be the biggest news story of the year.
He doesn't go to trial until May.
muh facts
muh shitty skin
muh getting BTFO by Russians..
GO GO GO blame this shit on CNN and Reza Aslan. CANNIBAL NEWS NETWORK go go