19.5 billion dollar NASA budget with expressed intentions of getting us to Mars.
>B-b-but Trump's cutting science funding
19.5 billion dollar NASA budget with expressed intentions of getting us to Mars.
>B-b-but Trump's cutting science funding
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wew another 19 billion down the drain on green screens. fuck.
what you think intergalactic and the other one were training for?
what was the budget before?
it doesnt matter, use this to btfo antitrumps
Oh fuck off, Space holds incredible riches and opportunities. This is all groundwork for the future. NASA does more than just launch rockets.
And.. IT's gone!
why doesnt trump just spend that on an anti-anti-trump fund instead? oh yeah because kikes control him through the NWO
$19.5 Billion and you fags get excited?
This isn't going to get us anywhere anytime soon. This is still roughly 0.5% of the fucking federal budget, maybe 1% if we get some real federal spending cuts. When we're at 4-5% we can start talking about getting somewhere.
Its literally burning money in a tube and watching it fly around for 10 seconds before it blows up.
>muh effects of anti-gravity on ants
So is healthcare on most people, are you complaining about that as well?
Fuck (((NASA))). It's all fake.
Fuck off, idiot.
19.3 under Obama in 2016.
We got a raise baby.
trips decide which race will be moved to mars
sorry, but it's just a waste of money. i love space. but it's completely inhospitable to life. we will never be a space faring civilization - especially if we can't even get along as a species, as that is what it would require.
95% chance we'll be extinct within 10,000 years.
>Its literally burning money in a tube and watching it fly around for 10 seconds before it blows up.
So is the subway in London, but it's still being used daily.
Top kek.
>never be a space faring civilization
We live on a rock surrounded by space, we already are a space faring civilization you cuck.
probably, many brits ive seen are sick and tired of the NHS for the same reason.
these are true facts. im not sure if its a "flat earth" situation but im sure in my gut that if a human went beyond the earths magnetic field their brain would not function correctly.
Where is this guy from the last thread about space.
no healthcare helps people.
rent seeking NASA shills are duping the American public on a grande scale, with great fantastical visions of moon bases and Fututre colonies on mars
"and maybe if you goym give us another 200billion, we might even build FTL!"
> itt: autistic good goy engineers, and non scientific plebs.
How do you guys feel about the budget cuts to earth-orbiting satellites?
>I don't get lenses and optics the post
U r stoopid frend
fucking retard do the maths. space travel is a waste of energy and a parisite on public funds.
Nah man, clearly the moon should orbit roughly the same distance as the International Space Station, didn't you know that night is created by the moon passing directly overhead and what we call the moon down here on the surface is just the heart of our real moon?
Hue hue
Sounds like we got ourselves jelly brit because his shithole country has never even touched the moon.
My sides are about to leave this planet, which is more than what your entire country can say they've done.
We got Tang™ out of the deal.
Who gives a fuck about Mars, you won't get to go within our lifetime or if you have less than some 500k per trip; some private company will do it if there's a single reason and financial incentive to
Spoiler alert: there's nothing but fucking rocks out there
fucking retarded as its the only relevant aspect of non geographical space
>NASA ordered to stop work on global warming or diversity bullshit and focus on space instead.
>Given a raise too.
We might actually see something interesting happen again instead of just another timelapse of the planet's clouds.
nasa is >50% women and >20% nigger. it will never accomplish anything again
>American education
Is this less than in previous years? That's what matters.
its a shame really, because while im trying to snap you out of your delusion, you will rebutt me with the same rubbish tactics they use to exthort you so easily. its called information asymmetry look it up.
>we already are a space faring civilization you cuck
>this degree of nigger logic
ignoring the fact that nasa does way more than just "space travel", there is also a shitton of associated technologies being researched and invented when trying to solve areonautic problems.
and also, if you actually bother with the math, space travel is not only quite feasable, once you have the infrastructure in space, almost all further expansion in space gets so cheap that space can and will eventually become a pretty busy place.
there's huge economic incentive to go to space, but we need someone to pioneer the whole thing, just like how governments funded exploration in ye olde days before trading companies picked up the slack.
We need a Space Elevator. The Orbital Ring can be built with existing technology, and would create trillions of dollars in economic growth for an investment of perhaps $400 billion.
We also have enough problems to deal with on fucking earth, imagine that NASA budget if it went to curing researching how to fucking live well or some shit
When your country manages to stop sucking your queens asshole long enough to do something worthwhile like leave the fucking planet for more than just a fucking tea break, I'll concede you're not just a salty britt with shitty troll tactics.
whities move to mars trips demands it
yep taking an interstellar craft is exactly the smae in terms of constraints an feasibility as old timey colonialism of the planet
German over-education everyone.
This is why you cant have nice Aryans.
>muh problems on earth
fuck off with that logic, we always have problems, but they're not problems worth tackling, it's all meaningless bullshit that's NEVER going aways. we got more important shit to deal with than the same 10,000 year old crap that will never get solved.
We can cut our launch costs to $1/kg with an orbital ring, and be a spacefaring civilization within a decade.
Asteroid mining would bring tens of trillions of dollars of materials back just in the first few years.
this. we are FAR before terraforming becomes a possibility, and asteroid mining is so far off we'd be better of putting money into solar sail research here on earth for now. we dont need to out humans on mars for any reason whatsoever.
We must explore space and leave shitskin be on earth when it goes to shit.
nobody said this
and also, if you got routine interplanetary travel going, scaling it up to interstellar is just a matter of time and effort, you need zero new science for it.
Yeah we shouldn't bother doing space stuff until earth is 100% perfect and everyone is immortal and disease is eradicated, makes sense.
The Nation of great britian is choc full of rationaly minded men. we would remain austere and develop our own lands; before wasting our fleeting wealth on crazed visions of space mailman, and space mall, where all you need to survive is a fish bowl on top of your head.
So going to Mars is meaningful how? To get some images that you can fap to for a few minutes for a gazillion dollars?
>develop our own lands
Topest of keks
You couldn't even keep your own lands you shitstain.
In fact, the only way to get close to this utopia IS to leave earth, by building a suitable launch vehicle.
Once we can send payloads into orbit for 1/1000th of what it costs now, we can generate abundant power with space-based solar arrays.
Global warming: solved.
Economy: massive growth by reduction of input costs.
>we will never be a space faring civilization
Not with that candy-ass attitude you won't
Good. I want to be a space bounty hunter/assassin or a asteroid miner in the future. I want leave this piece of shit wet rock before it gets any worse.
mars is a meme, think venus, jupiter or titan instead.
>The Nation of great britian is choc full of rationaly minded men
Fuckin hell, who are you trying to fool? This country is utter fucking shit, full of pathetic faggots that pretend that having an empire almost a century ago means we don't have to bother doing anything anymore and who have distilled our own national identity down to stereotypes about tea and "being British means being nice :))))".
If this country was nuked I'd demand condolences be sent to the fucking ICBM for having had the misfortune to land in this shitty place.
you dont even know what you are saying. interplanetary trips. Mars colony.
Who wants to take near lethal doses of radiation over a 5 month period just to go to a fucking sterile metal chamber on a desolate dead rock?
sorry buddy its just dumb.
Be a space bounty hunter/assasin. Build the space elevator (or at least a fucking launch loop).
Go wash your mouth out with buckshot since your brain is malfunctioning retard
t. the paki parasite relying on them
Daily reminder that the defense budget is $520 billion: that's 26 times more, and last time I checked we are not even at war... meanwhile space exploration keeps being the only path to ensure the survival of the human race.
How come they never talk about the fact that Nazis were the first people to send something into space?
I am confident that Britain has a higher number of truly intelligent people that most places in the world. obviously they wont make a dent on the general populous, but neither do they on the procedure of running the country.
What about that huge electromagnetic rail that would shoot out metal objects in to space? I forgot how it is called but it should be cheap and highly efficient if utilising nuclear/fusion energy.
better spent on food and board than jews and whores.
Im going to \thread my own post.
wow, you sure seem mad about this
we all know (((why)))
>Last years budget was $19.3 billion
>2015's was $18 billion
The budget increase isn't nearly as much as it was under Obama
Can't spend a few billion on projects that will grow the economy by double digit%. Gotta go blow up more crazies in the Middle East, until they FINALLY understand.
Who wants to take a muliple month trip over the ocean with the highest mortality rate out of any profession in that time period only to end up in some backwater no-man's land in the total unknown?
Oh wait, people did that.
You have such little knowledge of the topic that you really shouldn't be talking about. Mars is just funding bait, no scientist really cares about it except for testbedding tech such as rovers in the field.
Being obsessed with Mars is an almost surefire guarantee that the person has no idea about the actual incentives in space exploration. The only notable exception are paleontologists really.
You're also falling into the trap of assuming people would just want to settle elsewhere just for shits and giggles and not driven by a purpose. We won't colonize anything in space because it's fun, we'll do it because we do everything else, because there's an incentive to do it. Out of everyone living in space in the forseeable future, most people will work/live in LEO, not on some other planet.
In fact, nobody will even want to go to other planets because once work places in space are common place and space lost its prestige, nobody will want to go through the discomfort of living millions of miles away from everyone else unless it makes them a shitton of money or something.
true but at least we have some restraint on our purse strings. Mr 40%
You can't be this retarded. You can't be. Oh, your a muzzie. Ok you can be this retarded. Carry on
G forces are too high for people and sensitive equipment. A similar idea is the launch loop, which does the same thing, but over a longer distance to avoid splattering any living thing.
>what was the budget before?
>$19.3 Billion.
You're the reason why the dark ages lasted so long. Refusing to study science. Dismissing it as witchcraft or Jew tricks
>what is a camera?
wow so useful
it's cool that you guys can finally send more rockets into space, it's exactly what you need, not more jobs or less wild market speculation, just big shiny rockets on mars. So cool
You mean Obama?
>"Today, President Obama is proposing an additional $18.5 billion for NASA, building on the significant investments the administration has made in America's space program over the past six years," Bolden said. "NASA is firmly on a journey to Mars. Make no mistake, this journey will help guide and define our generation."
Mars has a shitload of iron on its surfice
> Huge increase from before
>b-but it's not nearly enough!
Where were you when King Nigger was in power?
Oh no, some niglet in Chiraq doesn't have a job, better stop all the science!
again comparing the logistics.
Traverse a small puddle in an easily source able craft with a huge local population.
Traverse massive distances in massively expensive, low poundage crafts, accepting only the most well trained air service officials who hold degrees in scientific fields.
while abroad, maintain supplies and a liveable habitat for a large number of people, providing food, oxygen and heat to everyone in a completely alien planet.
lad it just isnt the same. its like you watched too much cowboy beebop and now you have a deranged dream of space waifu.
How do you refute all the fucking proof to the contrary? Like have you never traveled anywhere?
Nasa under Obama was a propaganda agency for global warming bullshit
Now it's a space exploration organization as it should be
Thanks, Trump.
Fuck you, Obama.
>yet more colonization memes
please stop posting, you look stupid
>Hungarian education
Ever hear of Google? Retard
nothing Reddit worthy of 's post medpack you're just salty your country is just a fucking jew bank
piss off shithead
It's not exactly curing cancer or offering people more advanced standards of health, no you'd have to reform the economy and state for that, you'd have to have people interest at heart to do that, it's better to build cool rockets and take 8k pictures of some rocks
It will create more jobs. Not alot, but definitely more jobs at NASA!
no your the one being a fuckin eternal kraut, saying its ok to b8 people if it helps you get the big research bux for your shitty dongle for the new weather balloon, sayin we will be having space road truckers on fox in ten years, and that living on another planet is as easy as columbus stumbling into new fake india.
suck our dicks
19.5 billion is nothing. The curiosity rover, just the rover, cost 2.5 billion dollars. That's not even counting the billions that the entire mission and the landing equipment cost.
19.5 billion can be burned through with 1.5 missions a year.
It's almost nothing on top of the actual nothing NASA has to spend currently.
>he thinks traveling the atlantic was easy, he doesn't know the amount of research and groundbreaking science and thought put into it
holy shit you are a retarded sandnigger, there is zero chance you are a fucking brit with this level of incompetence
>19.5 billions dollars plan to hire like 2000 factory workers and a few hundred scientists for a limited time
>It will create more jobs.
>Wat is the dolly zoom effect
You're a flattard, aren't you?
ok then praytell: what is "the plan" you have to colonise mars. bear in mind I have read the popular fiction on Trips to mars and so I know the rough parameters of the manned mission.