Really causes one to ponder...
this failed to electrify my neurons.
>white men rule the world
We know
This did not fail to electrify my penis though...
Are y'all really so dumb that you can't tell this pic is talking shit on first world antifa commie scum?
I was basically only looking at her jeans and assuming she has a nice thick ass.
yes. Sup Forums is fucking retarded and actually incapable of critical thinking now, they react to things based on whether they match the ingroup memes or not.
Good point. But i was honestly more interested in the fuckability of her ass than the rest of the picture.
>Sup Forums is one person
Can't wait till those cretin are replaced by robots.
Until then, all I can say is You're welcome!
>that flag
>that get
>this post
>talking shit on first world
>taking a shit on
Also, it isn't, it is ``talking shit on'' greedy 3rd worlders than will do anything for fucking money.
And... she isn't working? Oh wait. She is a women.
Haha now I get it.
i thought it was a gyt
>Vietnamese immigrants come to america and make an honest living by opening a manicure business
why is this bad exactly?
the message here is that people all around the world are impowered and sustained on the dollars of white people. God bless us, we make the world turn. Youre welcome to the inferiors for being able to feed your families
the gods have spoken
Who eats shrimp caught in Shitskinistan? Mine are from the east coast.
No everything is like it should be.
That's a woman, numbnuts.
>wears racist, communist mass murderer t-shit
>cries for poor little africans
what did he mean by this
white man just called me and he apologized for not being in the pic, he's busy engineering some new shit for these ungrateful scum
Yep. Successful whites provide jobs for everyone else.
Its a fucking women....Its toe nails. half the people in this thread are so stupid they dont get it.
>People have jobs to supply products central to your life
>Implying the porn actress had no choice
Note the lack of a white construction worker
He doesn't know you can set images to fit to screen.
first, it's a womAn and it's obvious
second, you're literally retarded, seek help
Here the real version.
>people with less skills work lower payed jobs that are available because wealthier people with more skills are willing to purchase the goods and services those lower paying jobs make available
I don't see the problem here
>rules france with a iron fist
>but fairly
>The point
>The moon
>A bird
>A plane
>Your head
Its a woman, the whole point is that liberal white women complain on behalf of oppressed or suffering people while still profiting from their oppression and suffering.
>t-shirt of Che
>mass rapist
>murderer of children to the point that Fidel told him to fuck off
>looks cool
You can't just quickly rundown someone's thread like that?
oh silly, white men dont work! they have privilege, duh!
needs a phone
am i a lost cause if i believe the "artists" that make this kind of art are adding to the problem and should be hanged on live television for the entire world to see how bad propaganda is and how it should not be tolerated ?
Sup Forums failing to realize this is critical to commies in the 1st world.
It is a really interesting picture though, because it shows that if the message is subtle enough, it can be spread around having the opposite effect.
Ahahahahaah Starbucks
NO, get this song out of my head. Shit. Fuck. Why.
Are you people seriously so retarded you don't realise the entire thing of her held up like that, crying crocodile tears, wearing a communist shirt and all is the artist shitting on feminist, liberals, and progressives?
I didn't realise this place had gotten so fucking retarded, it takes one look to realise the point is
>claims to be against capitalism and oppression
>enjoys all the comforts coming from capitalism and oppression
Fucking hell, this place sometimes.
It that was passes for a man in your country? No wonder Ahmed has so many sexual emergencies.
And on top of that massive amounts of Niggers die or are sterilized by mining precious metals.
Oh my god you guys are so fucking stupid. This is clearly meant to satirize upper class Antifa fags who pretend to care about minorities.
>A simple cartoon made for children
This image makes sense in its purpose but there is one thing that makes me question if this image is actually serious, as to why another white female is representing porn, because this raises many questions
>the phone call that saved world trade
first of all
>two cellphones
>the phone call that saved coffee, sweat shops, porn, smartphones, diamonds, makeup, chocolate, shrimp, and weed
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?