>I will call you out if you argue with me about marijuana goy!
>I can drink all the alcohol I want *hands rubbing*
>I will call you out if you argue with me about marijuana goy!
>I can drink all the alcohol I want *hands rubbing*
>he unironically thinks weed isn't worse than alcohol
Fuck off Chomsky leaf. TRS did nothing wrong
>TRS is more tolerant of racemixing with jews than it is of a drug that's been used as medicine since ancient times
By muds and hippies.
>my addiction is better than your addiction
>The ancient Chinese were muds
>The ancient Indo-Aryans were muds
>The ancient Greeks were muds
>The Ancient Scythians were muds
I have yet to hear an argument against medical marijuana that isn't a strawman or an outright lie
No matter how much you like to pretend otherwise, weed culture is full of losers that will inevitably shape the way everyone else looks at you for using it too. Kind of like vaping.
>tolerant of racemixing
>he said describing a guy who didn't want to have children with his wife for that same reason
wew lad, you degenerate stoners need to get through your head that turning yourself into a stoned dumbass and the culture it brings is worse than what alcohol does to your liver.
Don't do drugs ever, maybe the occasional drink, thats it.
Stop being a degenerate.
See, there's the problem. Most people who use weed don't hop onboard with the "culture" and keep it to themselves. That's like opposing alcohol because spring breakers use it. Anyways, the other medicines used in place of medical cannabis are much worse for you.
>having a few beers which is traditional europeans culture (where you drink socially and not get completely shitfaced)
>the same as a literal nigger culture of smoking weed
Yeah no fuck off.
>The ancient Chinese were muds
>The ancient Indo-Aryans were muds
>The ancient Greeks were muds
>The Ancient Scythians were muds
>he thinks anyone who weren't degenerate plebians and commoners smoked weed for shits n giggles
>"Medical pot is degenerate!"
Buzzwords, buzzwords, and no buzzwords. You don't have any arguments against it, you just get a kick out of LARPing
>for shits and giggles
Medical cannabis, you puritan idiot.
Alcohol has hundreds of years worth of traditions and history, it has literally shaped whole societies for the better or worse. Weed just makes people become massive obnoxious faggots that can't cope with the fact that everyone else knows they are losers.
>having a few beers which is traditional europeans culture (where you drink socially and not get completely shitfaced)
If you ignore the negative aspect and culture surrounding one, why don't you do the same for the other?
medical pot is degenerate. Its not a buzzword, recreational pot use is degenerate and if their are any properties of weed which are medicinal then make it into an actual medicine.
Then again you're just using muh medicine as an excuse.
>no reason
Actually wtching everyone lock themselves into dark holes and getting high, not reading, and distracting themselves from their own problems through chemical escapism does nothing for society at large.
Everyone i know who smokes pot is a failure at life, and it turns people into zombies. Weed culture is a degenerate culture,
>when your nigger half brother and kike wife look up to you but you fight through the dissonance and put out a white nationalist meme podcast every week of your life for 5 years
fuck off leaf
Yes they are right about weed culture being completely nauseating and disgusting. It got me thinking tho...
Which modern subculture ISN'T completely degenerate. We all know the WN movement itself has some, er, blemishes. Shouldn't pot be treated more on its own merits?
i thought they got a divorce?
>everyone I know
Anecdotes aren't valid
>"Calling everything I don't like "degenerate" without saying why isn't using buzzwords!"
Yes, actually it is.
Pot's been around for just as long as has been used as medicine for the same ailments it treats today.
>If you ignore the negative aspect and culture surrounding one
because alcohol =/= weed. Want to know why weed didn't become so central to culture meanwhile beer and alcohol did?
Because beer was used to distill water and because it didn't turn people into complete zombies unless you drank fucktons of it. Wine and beer were just other forms of nourishment, weed existed in many ancient cultures and was always seen as degenerate.
Its not even that I approve of drinking culture, they're both horrible, its just objectively not as bad as weed culture.
Just like medical whiskey back in the 20's? lel
>Alcholism hasnt been a problem in european countries ever
Good goy, remember to let your daughters know that binge drinking is fine as long jamaal is around to take care of her.
nigger george washington started this country so he could grow weed. he used to have weed fields as far as the eye could see n benjamin franklin did too
You can drink yourself to death in one night.
Smoke all the weed you want, you'll just be lazy.
Besides the point. He's the most hardline on the JQ of all the Death Panel, but he personally didn't live up to his own standards.
>Alcohol and Marijuana are the same thing
Sven pls go
t. butthurt subhuman stoner scum
holy shit why are you shitnuggets so triggered about the weed.
Nobody likes potheads
Svenpai and the Bulbs did nothing wrong. The REAL hypocrites were Kike Enoch and Ghoul the kike tranny lover.
>anectdotal evidence
Its not. Its an objective fact that everyone who smokes too much pot is a degenerate because they are turning themselves into zombies. Thats not a buzzword, unless you;ve never gotten high?
>hurr it makes me feel more at peace and makes me feel at peace
>hurr let me spend hundreds of dollars a month so i don't need actual introspection into my life as to why i feel like shit and solve it, i just want to escape it
Its a shit life choice and leads to a shit life.
>was used as a medicine
pot brownies =/= modern medicine.
did he get a divorce though? i stopped listening when i found out he was a race traitor
>drinking culture
Not glamorous but it is a measurably "better" culture. It is social in nature. I can count how many pleasant and enriching experiences I've had just wandering into an unknown bar by myself. Can you say anything to that effect in weed's case?
>Good goy, keep washing away your brain cells and grapple with alcoholism like a true Aryan
meant to say *can't count.
>bulbasaur did nothing wrong
>left the site because they said racemixing was wrong and he wanted to live in a multicultural utopia
the only red pilled way to get intoxicated is by drinking expensive wine with sugar in it
>Believing the "Ghoul fucked a tranny" myth
Matt Forney started that rumor because he rightfully was called out for being a hypocrite who was just hopping on the alt-right's coattails
>it's an objective fact that
No, it isn't, you just wish it was.
>he said as i already said i don't approve of drinking "culture" either, its just not as bad.
Now that everyone has access to pot, the drunks of today smoke pot and drink. If the drunks back in the day had the same access, they would've done so to.
But you're retarded for thinking that beer and wine weren't major forms of nourishment and food which is why people started drinking so heavily in the first place. Even the pilgrims drank a shit ton and let their children drink because beer was just seen as
We know more about it now, and its still horrible for your health and well being. Like weed.
>having a hemp farm meant you smoked weed
he changed his mind and came back though with a newfound hatred for evangelicucks
Yes he got a divorce, lost his job, most of his family disowned him, and now he's living on his own with nothing left but his beliefs and TRS.
He's a liar who abused all of our trust but he didn't deserve everything that happened to him.
This really did fire my neurons up a bit
He did, but he was still the most hardline on the JQ on the death panel, which is what probably pissed everybody off.
>>can't count
You mean you can't remember because you probably blacked out. That's when you drink too much booze and your body takes a nap for a few hours while your chemistry neutralizes all the liquid poison you shoved into your stomach.
>Of course this happens to stoners too
Sow hat do you want? For everyone to think you're not a fag for smoking pot? Why do you care, why must your shitty vice be accepted by everyone else? Its not like there isn't already a huge community of fags like you that will not judge you for smoking but thats cearly not enough for you, you clearly need to be validated by everyone else because you know deep inside that what you are doing is wrong and anyone that is not along the ride with your shit is inherently a better person. You are in this aspect just like every other degenerate acceptance movement in the planet.
When was that, like more than a year ago? By the time KrippleKikechan doxed him he was more and more extreme.
>Believing the "Ghoul fucked a tranny" myth
The evidence is pretty incriminating.
>thinking they grew hemp just for fun or to make some shitty clothes or ropes out of
lmaoo alcoholics are really this delusional
I want something that can make for valid medicine to be used where it works.
That's not Ghoul, but nice try.
god damn does anyone's spinal column twist up every time you see a pic of Forney?
That's not Ghoul.
>That's not Ghoul
>Yes he got a divorce
No he didn't. His wife was in on it the whole time and was on the show aswell. Why would he get a divorce now that her heritage has been found out by the public? Just another one of his lies.
Also, your country is addicted to anti-depressants. You're population is sucking down something way worse than marijuana could ever be
Am I the only one who doesnt hold it against him for meeting her when he was a normie conservative?
It didnt make him soft on the JQ so I didn't care as much. But he should have disclosed it
isnt Anglin ghoul? also who woulda thought a shitskin shilling against TRS?
They are both horrible for life and health. Gas yourself.
Mike met and married his wife before he was redpilled. Ghoul's tranny shit was a rumor tho.
Bulbasuar is probably sperging out again over the mike thing.
Just to let you newfags know, white nationalism is a dead meme because every time it ever tried to get itself going again it destroys itself from the inside out.
You don't even have to D&C shill, it just happens naturally overtime.
dude, trannies lie and insert people being attracted to them all the time. It's a stereotype
Lol thats not even close to Ghoul. Did antifachan send you?
4 weeks ago
>trs is dead guys lol jew wife
It's still criminalized in many US states. Don't conflate this discussion with "lmao weed" culture. Acceptance is legalization not appreciation.
Yeah, pic on the left isn't the same as the guy pictured with the tranny. And all trannies think men want them, it's part of their delusion.
thats not ghoul
Nope. Its an objective fact that using drugs to escape your problems doesn't solve your problems.
I can understand when you are young and dumb as shit and want to pary because dude lmao and the false materialistic culture that the youth are exposed to these days, but if you don't give that shit up in your early twenties you're pretty much fucked.
Drinking alcohol is also degenerate.
I actually defended him when the news came out, but I understand why people are mad.
>both are horrible
Again, no measurement, statistic, or anything that is worth something, just your strawmanning
>isnt Anglin ghoul
No Ghoul is McNabb.
>Anecdotes aren't valid
lol, they are more valid than any paper your can read
No, Anglin is the guy running dailystormer. He fucked pinoy girls before becoming a stormfag but at least he was transparent about it from the start unlike lying KIKE PEINOVICH.
>believing anything a tranny says
>tfw live in one of the gayest cities on earth and can't escape it
No, NEVER believe what these borderline personality fuckers tell you. They're all sick in the head and have the most abdsurd delusions you'll ever hear.
But your original pic doesn't have ghoul in it.
The only 8ch rumor about TRS and the altright that's true is they are slightly more tolerant of gays if they're useful.
The stuff about the Daily Shoah intern being gay? Photoshopped
Ghoul fucking the tranny? Clearly not Ghoul in the picture
These rumors all came from people like Matt Forney who arent very useful but have a lot of resentment.
This shit is actually why White Nationalism often crashes and burns, because the low status members resent the high status ones for perceived breaches of purity because they're morally paranoid (and there will always be something)
Pablo its clear you don't belong. You gotta go back.
Drugs? Like alchohol, antidepressants, caffeine, etc?
Blow it out your ass, it's obvious you didn't research this subject, which is why all you have are buzzwords, strawmen, anecdotes, and ad hominem
>"Well the muslim serving me at McDonalds didn't try to kill me"
That's more believable than statistics? Moron
well so do I, I see the other side's point but a lot of them already did have a grudge against Mike so just piled on
>people actively defending ingestion of a known toxin
your body has cannabinoid receptors throughout.
alcohol is an indirect agonist that has no effect on actual neurotransmitter receptors. it has no place in your body.
why do you think most jews don't drink.
>he doesn't know what strawmanning is
Put the pipe down Tyrone. Escapism is a bad life choise in itself, using drugs to do so whether its alcohol or weed is a bad life choice. I don't need stats to back that up.
You know, while I agree Mike should have been transparent, he does not HAVE to tell people about his personal life.
And I actually think he did mention his wife when they started reading Culture of Critique. Which, if true, would be funny. It would really mean this was about nothing
those faggots don't actually want to win, they prefer their outsider permanent failure identity
thats one ugly mother fucker
>weed as medicine
You and everyone else knows that this is just an excuse for degenerates to bypass the law by making doctors become their dealers.
To decriminalise is to defacto accept it, you know that as soon as it becomes legal there would be a surge of niggers and degenerates smoking in public. Have you ever been to amsterdam? The law is fine as it is right now, getting away with buying and smoking weed is extremely easy but the law is there so that it is kept out of the public spaces.
Oh, I know, the glee 8pol showed when they went after Mike's family after the doxx was disgusting. He's still a hypocrite for going after something as petty as weed when he had a personal shortcoming like that.
>"Dumb stoner!"
Yeah, you're strawmanning by painting me as a caricature instead of making arguments. You just rage and call me names because you have nothing to prove what you're arguing for.
>he does not HAVE to tell people about his personal life.
His OPSEC was so poor he would have been found eventually. He should be grateful it was 8ch the ones whop unmasked him instead of a kike media "journalist" who would have made a bigger deal out of it.
This. It happens every ten years or so, and its hapenning to the alt right now.
yes you 420 chan fucking newfag, all drugs are degenerate and shit for your health. If you want to abuse caffiene say goodbye to you liver, anti-depressant are horrible for your health and lead to increased rates of suicide and psychotic behavior, plus most anti-depressant don't even work.
if a psychiatrist tells you to get one Seratonin boosters find a new one, he's either a drug peddler or hasn't read up on anti-depressants.
The funny part about Mike Enoch isn't even his Jewish wife, but the fact that he is a Serbian with obvious Turkish ancestry.
There is something to be said about purity spiraling but you can't have people with public personas from mixed racial backgrounds be the face of a movement,.
daily reminder 8ch banned and doxxed GEX from their Sup Forums board for being a namefag.They literally got rid of the best video propagandist white people had because he used a trip.
Just bask in the fact at how dumb that is
>That's more believable than statistics? Moron
Not your example, your example is an absurd reach of my argument.
You have your own statistic and you know all the details, if you lie to yourself and say that "1 single muslim not killing me" is enough to prove muslims don't kill, then you are just a fag.
But if you know 100 potheads and all 100 ended up worthless, and you know 100 non-potheads, and none of them eneded up in the same place, then thats some anecdotal information you can trust.
Statistics can be manipulated, and people benefit from publishing studies both pro and con absolutely everything, just because something is stapled together and have some graphs and describe a methodology it doesn't mean its fucking true. Its not like they can't lie or manipulate the data, or like they don't possibly have an ulterior political intention to publishing those results. Specially if said results are being publicized by media or used as a political argument by someone else.
More like he gave in because the position is illogical and people around him are just lying to themselves. That doesn't earn him a pass, he knew he was wrong and he intentionally cut himself off from good influences so that they would stop reminding him. "Nothing wrong?" Is this a fucking joke?
Mike was a kike, but SeventhSon didn't believe in any of that shit either. He's a whore and a narcissist, he changes his mind to suit "the group" and fit in. You could see it in all of his forum posts and he flip-flopped any time enough people agreed with him. They're both hypocrites who painted themselves into a corner peddling a truth they didn't understand.
I don't want to harp on this because I liked the show, but when you try to defend them like this you give me no choice. They absolutely did wrong, and they absolutely do not accept blame. Their real crime is hypocrisy. It doesn't matter how much I like them or what else they did, they have not addressed the actual problem.
>hundreds of years worth of traditions and history
You mean "hundreds of thousands of years." Alcohol also has plenty of other culinary uses that formed the basis for pretty much all of our modern palate, flavorings and sauces, and most forms of food preservation. Remember that you need to make alcohol to get vinegar. On top of that, the same fermentation method can be used directly to pickle all kinds of things and has been used to prepare and preserve food for all of human history.
Fermenting honey is considered to be the very first marker of culture and tradition rather than instincts and utility. In other words, alcoholic beverages are synonymous with human culture.
First of all, you're just ignoring my arguments completely by attacking falsely perceived logical fallacies which btw are not called strawmans those are called ad hominems.
Doing drugs to escape your problems doesn't solve your problems. Refute this.
>The funny part about Mike Enoch isn't even his Jewish wife, but the fact that he is a Serbian with obvious Turkish ancestry.
Also how he implied Cernovich was a jew and echoed his name while himself is named PEINOVICH and has the same beady eyes as le baboon mindframe man.
you EXPLICITLY said that anecdotes are "more valid than any paper you can read" (), which is bullshit.
You're not making arguments! You're namecalling and raging. You didn't give statistics, you aren't showing anything worthwhile, you think "weed is degenerate and bad, fuck you for thinking otherwise" is an argument.
I think Cernovich did say he was Jewish in a tweet, but yes obviously Mike Enoch is less white than even Cernovich so it's just funny.
>beady eyes
>still thinks it was 8ch*n behind the doxx and not antifa like it was leaked out
>believes the ghoul rumors
>is going on about the last names even after enoch and cernovich met each other irl and joked about how their last names come from the balkans
Jose, its time to stop posting
Using drugs to escape your problems doesn't solve your problems.
Refute this.
I've repeated this argument maybe 3 times but you're too stoned to notice.
I wonder if the purity spiraling on TRS really hit them hard or helped them. I on one hand started to listen to them after the doxx.
It's not just 8ch though it's chan culture in general, which is self destructive and nihilist.
This board is filled with paranoid schizophrenics who think trolls are actual legitimate shilling by the powers that be and rail against anything productive for the movement, all while fapping to trap and loli porn.
I agree that drugs as escape are bad. Good thing I'd only use weed medically.
You just proved me right. I argue for medical pot, and you try to paint me a a stoner for it.
yes and the anonimity really helps leftypolers get under the skin of paranoid basement dwellers. TRS at least organizes people and creates cliques.
>No Bulby
>No Ghoul
>No Kulturkampf
>No Fash the Nation
>No Darwin Digest
Yeah no it hit them hard. Purity spiralling literally has killed every attempt of white nationalism since Rockwell.
All it takes is one sperg and its gone for another decade.
>weed brownies aren't medicinal
If THC has medical properties, then good. Medicinal raw weed is still degenerate. Regulate it like any other drug as far as I'm concerned.
You wake up from drunkness , but you never recover from frying your brain, just look at this faggot
>No Fash the Nation
who hosted FTN and why it's gone?, I never had the time to listen to it
>I think Cernovich did say he was Jewish in a tweet
>Mike Enoch is not white
Anonymity is good, since we have personal lives to protect, but not when your userbase is human trash and easily manipulated. I really hate this place sometimes.
McFeels and Halberstram were amazing hosts, they were pros when it came to political analysis, i honestly hope they decide to come back eventually.
On the bright side i hear that The Weekly Narrative is coming back soon.