France: What are you going to do when Marine Le Pen loses the election?

France: What are you going to do when Marine Le Pen loses the election?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Prince_Napoléon

no one wants a King who looks like a gardener

Watch Gabrielle get B L A C K E D

he's the heir to the throne, not a choice.

french royal family is cucked and degenerate.

we're better without them.

Can't you side with another faction that has an old conservative guy as the heir apparent?

I also thought the French monarchists were very much against modernity and immigration. Maybe the guy should take up their causes if he truly sees himself as an option for leadership.

It seems like France is falling apart at the seams and maybe this 5th republic won't last

>cucked and degenerate

rend toi service et immerge toi dans l’écoute de cette entrevue avec la famille royale, cocu

why the fuck haven't you frogs killed all of those degenerate fuckers' descendants? beheading works wonders, both you and us know that.

>shitting on monarch lineage

stay in your democratic shithole mexitrash

>our country should be ruled by inbred degenerates, it's God's will!

our politicians are not any better but come on, monarchy is a joke.

¡Long live the Emperor, José!

study history mexitrash, and as i said, stay in your shithole, keep your anti-deist rule statements to yourself.


shut the fuck up cuck, the queen (and I'm not talking about Trudeau) can suck my hairy brown balls.



poo in loo

Maximilian did nothing wong

make me stfu you dirty mexicunt, you and your failed state, ironic subjected cuck.

A funny way of writing House of Bonaparte,_Prince_Napoléon

He's a Spaniard, nobody would vote for one of these paellanigger, valls failure in the elections proved that

Perhaps. The Bourbons are inbred cucks. But I wouldn't object to the Bonaparte dynasty being reinstated. Most based imho.

Juarez can suck my gringo monarchist balls

can she just fucking post pictures of her asshole for fuck sakes god damn danish skag and her instagram novels

isn't that the one descending from the regicide guy?
sorry the salique law states a regicide can't be king


that's not how it works user. Actual royalist opinion is pro legitimist, aka for Louis XX and not the orleanist or even less bonapartist

Whoever Le Pen reinstates the next steps are clear. Annexing Belgium and border on the Rhine.

btw the whole thing of a dynasty is that it's worth something as long as it owns the power
once it has fallen anyone can take the power instead
just to say that if he can take the power in france I'll follow him, if it's someo,ne else, then great. If he's red-pilled ofc

the orleanist are desendant of the regicide and masonic branch.

The Parisian and French public out-do them though.

Funny, our country was much better with the Habsburgs. It was you guys who infected it with this bourbon disgrace.

a king is better than none, but if someone else end up reigning he'll be illegitimate (not chosen by God to reign over the people)

>using divine right as basis for rule
Why? How do you decide who god gave the right to rule? Does the pope decide?

We continue to fight? What the fuck else do you want them to do?
We got Brexit and Trump. We might not get France this time. But we continue to spread the news and continue to be a political force. There's no getting plugged back into the matrix. A mind bended by reality can't assume a previous shape.
>tl;dr if Le Penn loses we continue to unplug people from the matrix

why though?
if he gets crowned with the consecrated oil iit'll make him legitimate
the fact that Louis 16 was killed could mean that family doesn't deserve to reigh anymore

I don't know how they got to know it, I'm sure this could be found out by monarchists, historians. But it wasn't the pope, it had/has nothing to do with him.

If the germans couldn't get their lebensraum, why do you think the french could?

regicide doesn't take away succession rights user, never has never will. The consecration oil doesn't make one legitimate, it's solely the choosing by God of who will reign over us that does.

So here you are insulting and fighting for a system of rule that you think is best, yet you don't even know how the power is attributed or handled. Doesn't that seem stupid?

i do know how its attributed, i just don't know how one knows who God chose. For the rest i've already answered in the previous post, ask historians or other monarchists.

That's why you just reinstate the Bonaparte dynasty and have a constitutional monarchy with the Bonaparte pretender on the throne. You don't get stuck with the shitty bourbon dynasty (which you know, being killed while ruling as king kind of forever ruins your family name) and you end up with a pretty strong and based monarchy reminiscent of the Napoleonic times. Good trade off if you ask me.

but how does God shows use He chooses someone?
btw being regicide makes you unable to become king but I'm not sure if that's what youy meant

does SHE come with the bonaparte dynasty?

but why the bonaparte more than the dupont or tartempion?
the throne belongs to the one who takes it
same as for napoleon

If God wanted him to be king he would be king, not stuck with a political party that's never even won a local seat and some fucking leaf championing him on a Tuvan Horseback Riding Board.

I'm sure she would shag ya if you were royal blood m8

Emigrate to Canada

>refer to
i don't know personally right now

as for regicide, what i mean is that if you are a descendant of a ruling king that is killed you are in no ways taken away from this successive right to rule by the simple fact your father the king was killed.

From what I can tell "god" tends to choose whomever has the power to take the throne and have the nobles follow him. "Divine right" is just some shite used to justify despotic rule.

that's not how it works user, God wants him to be king it's us who's not crowning him. After all He chose him to reign as he's the eldest descendant of the cadet branch of the Capetians.

As for the rest of your stupid post, he's not in a republican political party, why would he be. As for the "fucking leaf" i don't want to be a leaf but you homosexual anglos want to keep us in Canada so, tuff.


God doesn't exist you special fuck

prove it

fucking race traitor