Mods pls don't delete
Mods pls don't delete
Fill Oklahoma
I'm at +29 after I fill the 2 places in washington
Continue to expand in Michigan, spillover into Wisconsin if applicable
Expand to the northwest of Utah
kek give me a good roll, need to finally finish filling this state
Don't know if my last roll got saved.
Fill down towards kekus, defend if possible
That's not even true, and there is no cedeing allowed.
Fill MN
Continue invading purple.
are you same fagging?
Fill South Carolina
It is. I was at +60 but it costs 30 to get into washington, then another 1 to fill in the one beside it bringing me to +29
Risk has been a Sup Forums mainstay for a long fucking time.
It's how we calm down from hanging out in this cesspool
>being this autistic.
So you're the one who got our thread deleted!
RISK is Sup Forums related. It's a Sup Forumsitical game.
You're right, Sup Forums has an incredibly high quality of posting; shill threads, BLACKED shit, Drumpf BTFO, *something* NOOOO threads - those are all fine, but Risk? Now that's a bridge too far
trips wasted on the biggest faggot I have ever seen
Fill California
Your last roll was used to defend against Maine.
You must be the cunt that reported us and got the thread deleted. Fuck off.
I reported him for violation of Global Rule 7.
>break the rules by posting off-topic autism
Fucking retards, I can't wait until this thread gets deleted too
The guy said no cedeing in the last thread, if I can't give up the land I say you go the other way around and I'll cover you by going east so we have all the north
>7. Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban.
Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
It's more the hypocrisy of allowing dozens of garbage threads but having an issue with this one that remains self-contained and not bothersome that I have a problem with
everyone, just ignore him, he's fishing for (You)'s
>"Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed"
Good thing I didn't do that
>reading comprehension
>hates thread
>bumps thread
>baits thread
>being this autistic
8888 dictates mupdate.
I can't wait for you to get banned
>he doesn't know how to sage
And you call me autistic...
For what you shitposting faggot?
Posting off-topic threads? LMOA!!
It only takes one faggot to ruin an entire game edition.
Let me know if I missed anyone's rolls.
Fill Minnesota.
Fill Oklahoma
Defend if attacked.
fill the white area in New York. Spills to New Jersey.
You forgot me. Keep filling SC
for clarification, fill Oklahoma south of the river.
got it.
also rolling
keep filling pa
fuck. 1 off from reaching maine
defend if attacked, keep filling pa
No rerolls.
You rolled a 7 here.
Fill California, if anything is left keep on Montana,north of the lakes don't go trough any
Sorry, missed it amid that prick spamming. Factored in your previous roll, You have 21 spill, where do you want it to go?
yeah, just wanted to specify defend if attacked
North Carolina
Defend, work east if leftover spill
Continue expanding in Michigan, cross into Wisconsin if possible
Begin filling Utah, don't want to piss off the Dacian Empire
Let's split Pennsylvania. New York is mine.
Announcing reports is against the rules, Reddit puke.
NAP till we've destroyed Kekus Vult?
You're not being attacked by anyone and you're surrounded by other factions. Where do you want your 35ts to go?
did you countas straight right?
but kek is a religion of peace
South, right through the heart of Kek
Good, you're not stupid
You're a big guy
Let's make a deal and call our border Minnesota/Iowa for you and Wisconsin/Illinois for me
Missed it at first sorry, fixed.
YEAR 15 btw.
Finish Minnesota and then go for North Dakota.
finish NC, spills to Virginia
Fill Michigan and enter Wisconsin.
Fill New Jersey
You could join me an Alaska, call it the western alliance and I keep north you go south and help Alaska in taking the east
kick purple out of pa
Continue filling Utah and begin to fill western Colorado if possible
3D Pali
Use leftovers to invade Michigan
Fill Oklahoma, spill New Mexico
rolling. attack maine
Give me Penny and I won't step in on Delaware or Maryland.
Also push east, claim the other side of the river
Keep on going west with Montana the same way
That wouldn't be terrible
Treacherous cur!
I would be better as a powerful ally than an implacable enemy...
Fill me in OP
start in North Dakota
I'm still up for that NAP if we kill purple
I'm here to help
This plan can't fail
How about working with me instead? The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and we can smash him between us
Wait I need that shit go south dacota
It will be glorious. Do not fret, for I will bring comfyness to the land
I do not seek hostilities towards you if you move west. I had my eyes on Pennsylvania before you entered the game.
start me in kentucky
What is with your fake bonus?
What do you mean?
cheg em :-------D
add me OP?
comfiness buff
What does the +29 mean to indicate?
I'm not OP
his bonus is supposed to be +5
Can I get the blank map pls?
and I added in +5
>get du bs
>post on wrong map
PLS OP coun it :((((
so where is your other bonus coming from?