Tranny comics thread
Tranny comics thread
Every time.
most tortured analogy in the history of mankind
Should have used this when my mum would make me do chores desu
>Expect comic
>Get wall of words
"Her" art is actually getting worse over time kek.
Why is he peeing while sitting down?
check your privilege m8
And if God is real, he knows he made you a man.
Stop trying to warp and destroy what God has made.
>early days of the internet
>youtube and wikipedia
fucking disgusting desu lad
couldn't resist
These are actually getting more retarded than earlier ones
Yeah, children quickly learn that they can avoid responsibilities and hard work by playing the victim card or just bawling their eyes out. No wonder modern day millennials who never grew out of being children and had soft parents are still using the same tricks.
nothing to see here, just normal, healthy behavior
Fake. Trans fuckos didn't exist during the GBA era
It must be so awful to have a fucking white male as your boss ; ^(
This is gold. I need more.
I almost always regret browsing these threads
Bet the creators of these comics are ugly as sin combined with a big ego that makes them refuse to accept most people won't touch them because of said flaws
Basically they're /r9k/ infused with SJW garbage
To be honest I hate it when muggers steal your money.
At least "she" is starting to realize what a worthless piece of shit it is.
We are supposed to learn about how wrong we are about the mental state of transsexuals from this obviously disturbed and disturbing creature?
Maybe a transsexual character that didn't confirm every negative stereotype might do the trick?
I swear I try my best to accept that most trannies are normal people but it's like nailings something with your face.
What kind of autistic fuck keeps a desktop in their bathroom??
Why would you try to accept something that is obviously false?
Imagine hating yourself this much
They really aren't though.
Tranny-ism will fucking end civilization if we don't stop it.
i'm sure .000003% of the human population is going to cause the end of civilization.
you fucking idiot
what is this and where can i find more of it
I'm laughing like a madman at that
Try 5% of kids
And yeah, it really will end civilization if we can't say what a woman is.
>...and that's why the violence towards trans people, especially tpoc, is structural
I think they should start putting outlined penis and outlined vaginas on Restrooms so they cannot really refute that.
Fuck your Stupid ass gender. Your Biological Sex is what?
I think it's a passive form of self harm to read these sicko's cartoons
>implying a doctor would want some disgusting mental case
They have to deal with that shit every day I'm sure they don't want to have to come home to it.
>doesn't know the MY KEYS ARE MY SWORD comic
Your new is showinf
Why would they say they were sorry?
They'd beat the shit out of it.
Fukn savved
replace tranny with shit and is the same
>trying to write a novel in a comic
Learn your medium.
And there are still people who think weed isn't degenerate.
The worst part is that they always draw trans people as being really like attractive and normal looking
It leads these fuckers into thinking that that's how they'll turn out, and then they wonder why there's so much trans regret
this one wouldn't be terrible if it removed panels 4 and 5
I don't get that one at all? More than normal with these, that is.
>dress like a stereotypical girl
>get mistaken for a stereotypical girl
>don't take it as a compliment, despite it being the only thing you dedicate your entire existence to achieving
It is a mental illness, I suppose, but then again I'm not making $2500/mo off of a patreon to draw this assinine bullshit.
He's shitting you plonker
>when I loudly publically identify as an unfussy slut, people are hesitant about entering into relationships with me
Also, there's no fucking way the author of that monstrosity gets laid a lot by anything other than random hookups with gay men twice his age and weight, so that last panel is yet another tranny comic non-sequitor.
I am as fascinated by these sorts of comic as I am with outsider art from the likes of Bedlam. The world view is so warped and poorly rendered, yet the attempt at communicating the madness so committed the artifacts they produce are compelling.
but where is it wrong?
... and if you understood the initiative has nothing to do with trannies and is in fact aimed at preventing rape by men pretending to be trannies, you might be a little less high and mighty, eh?
Also, nice religious prejudice there, sir. What does her religion have to do with wanting you to sign a petition that limits rapists?
>where is it wrong
It's wrong at "incites"
the people who actually used violent intimidation to shut down a non-violent entertainment event are violating the law and going unpunished
which is still dumb because they're trying to repeal a law because people could break it, which is true of every law ever
This particular one never ceases to amuse me
you're saying he doesn't incite harassment when he clearly does?
Fuck me, with ads and commissioned drawings he probably makes more than this just on that one lousy comic, and it's possible that isn't his only form of income.
There was a time when almost everyone who wanted to make a living had to work and contribute to their society.
it's like you don't know what words mean
What the fuck?
So now they want to invent trans-feminism? As if you chopped your cock off to become a fat unlovable cat "lady" on purpose?
Mind you, I suppose CWC immediately adopted SJW hard feminism when he put on a bra, so maybe it's just literally autism?
Who schlongs whom?
Makes zero sense.
It's a window into the mentally ill narcissists who hate themselves and their lives so much they have to invent a universe in which they're always right and the world is always wrong. It's fascinating and sad familia
explain where it is wrong tho?
The law as stands permits men to be challenged when they enter women's restrooms. No other activity need occur "excuse me sir, you appear to be lost" and crime prevented.
When Toronto Uni insigated this sort of nonsense they caught three guys with webcams in the first month and quietly canned the scheme.
It's not the trannies who are targetted. It's the nutjobs taking advantage of the virtue signalling to indulge their criminal sexual jollies.
Somehow this simple explaination eludes the university graduate journalists working at the newsdesks of corporate media comapnies.
I'm going to direct you straight to the blog on that one kiddo
Did you honestly expect me to read that shit?
Trapophiles are as far from being faggots, as biological females are.
Trapophiles do not hate females -- subjugating them out of historical patriarchal insecurity; degrading them for their personal pleasure; ignoring and perpetuating the Grand-Canyon-sized male-female gender schism; qualifying their troglodytic behaviour through infantile "muh manhood" memes -- no. Trapophiles are simply cognisant of the fact that females--through no fault of their own--have not evolved to couple with males beyond the procreative dynamic -- see: 60° commonality of erect penis / cervical tract.
• Trapophiles have more GENUINE female FRIENDS than trapophobes (compare: lushes forced to play Cry of Dumbfs and then date-raped once the Rohypnol kicks in)
•Trapophiles are not misogynistic
•Trapophiles have nothing against faggots; much less waste their lives obsessing over faggot shit
•Trapophiles understand that SEX (compare: gender) is not dictated solely by genitalia -- see: "brain sex"
•Trapophobes are consumed by ire for everything but zelous adherence to the puritan protocols of Zion--that have been shofar'd into their empty crania over millennia, and echoed throughout since
•Trapophobes have no idea of what females want, feel or even are (besides bipedal, slimy hole), nor do they care
•Trapophobes hate on faggots like they were all baby-raped by them like they were by their fathers
•Trapophobes are too obtuse to see the distinction between those EVOLVED to desire a female-male mind-body hybrid (i.e., best of both worlds), and those who are attracted to the SAME GENDER cœtera, et cœtera, et cœtera.
>trapophiles not faggots
>trapophobes are self-hating closet faggots
It'll be interesting to see if the patreon money keeps coming in under this new anti-paedo climate in the states. Stephie's self-insert is ambiguously aged to type the least. "It's not paedo if it's trans" is a thankfully dead meme, for now.
Yeah I fucking bet.
trapophiles are not gay,they are porn addicts and also lifeless losers
I'm male and I pee sitting down. Just more comfortable.
Not in public bathrooms though.
But there are male bees.
I don't understand this comic and I don't know why I should try.
>Trapophiles understand that SEX (compare: gender) is not dictated solely by genitalia
Good point, I learned this when I fucked my girlfriend last night, we only held hands but it counts as a lay.
it's hilarious as fuck to hear people refer to the wachowskis as sisters with a completely straight face.
>decrying traps
>while every other meme used derives from the seminal films made by traps
I've met half a dozen trannies irl. None of them thought they were women, though. Not real women. This is a very modern mass media distraction.
Story of Sup Forums's life.