What's happening in the Hillary timeline right now?
Nuclear winter
Russia just nuked new york
Venezuela just became potato
business as usual. ISIS probably be a bit more active.
hillary was using scare tactics about russia; once elected it would have been swept under the rug and we'd have 4 more years of nothing
>The 2nd Amendment would soon be rendered largely impotent in roughly a year or so.
>regime change in Syria finally carried out, Libya 2.0
Turks are crawling amongst the ruins and rubble of civilization.
you can check it, it so sad
Work camps. So many work camps
Civil war
Jesus Christ this is cringe worthy.
The Third Great War. Really terrible shit no one will be able to live there much longer and wind up here for us to deal with unfortunately.
It's probably similar to the shit that's happening the the real-life South Korean timeline, pic related.
Have you ever wondered, "What is feminism's end-game?"
Look no further...
If you wondered why South Korean President Park Geun-hye was impeached last night, this is a big part of it.
It's fucking insane.
We truly dodged the bullet by defeating Shillary, but we're not out of the woods yet.
Feminism is a genuine threat to Civilized Society.
Drumpf and his collaborators being lined up for the firing squad
>oh please madam president i can't take all this losing
My sides
One week from now in the Hillary timeline a country-wide martial law will be declared, conspiritards will collectively cream their pants and be depressed at the same time.
The cause was something about terrorism or a threat of terrorism but I forgot if it was foreign or domestic and if it was nuclear or not.
holy fuck that's beyond cringe. What sad and delusional sacks of shit have enough time and want-to to maintain this fucking deluded view of alternate-reality?
It got better when i realized each one has an actual article when you click on it. They aren't just headlines.
Kek. Fucking terrible
Should spread this to hernies
holy shit dude..
They will become as crazy as the Norks if they continue. Or even more. Holy shit